Veterans Assisting Veterans is a group of Viet Nam Veterans who are trying to help the Afghanistan & Iraq War Veterans and their families. Understanding that many charities seek your assistance we have a concept that we are requesting from businesses. “Take a Vet to the Concert” is where businesses purchase concert tickets and give them to Veterans and their families to attend our concert. This will not only be a financial tax write off but, a great public relations move. Concert tickets would be purchased directly from the Lowell Memorial Auditorium, Lowell Ma. Your company could give them out or we can take them and bring them to one of the Veterans Hospitals, Soldiers Home, or local city and town Veterans Agents and give them out in your business name. All proceeds (excluding entertainment and the auditorium) will go to the charities.
We will not receive financial compensation for our work. Everyone on our committee will be purchasing their own tickets. The majority of the funds raised will go to the American War Widows, these women and their children need our help. See attached flyer and bio. Please see my contact information below.
Thank you,
Dennis Moschella
781-316-4486 (Cell)

Veterans Assisting Veterans
Veterans Assisting Veterans (VAV) is a group of veterans with a goal to help other veterans. Because of the two wars our ranks have swelled. Our goal is to have a concert and motorcycle run along with a veteran’s workshop. We, (VAV), do not receive compensation for our services. Currently, we are not a 501c3 charity but, we are in the process of applying for one. We have three veteran’s charities that we would like to do this event for.
This motorcycle Run will begin in Hanscom Air Force Base and end at the Lowell Memorial Auditorium, Lowell Mass. The concert will feature local entertainment. We intend to make this a two part event on Saturday, July 28, 2012. We will have veteran’s workshops and late afternoon, approximately 4pm, we will stage for the motorcycle ride to the concert
Because of our partnership with the Lowell Memorial Auditorium all tickets will be purchased through their box office. This will allow total accountability of all funds raised. The expenses for the Auditorium and entertainment will be paid from box office revenue.
As I stated previously, we do not receive compensation for our services. Below are the charities that the money will go to:
Iraq & Afghanistan War Widows (
American Veterans with Brain Injuries (
Massachusetts Fallen Heroes Memorial(
These are three very important charities, the widows lost husbands and children lost their fathers. Countless numbers suffer from brain injuries, changing their lives forever. There needs to be a memorial for our young warriors who gave their life for our country. This is the least we can do for the protectors of our freedom and our country.
Veterans Assisting Veterans (VAV) is seeking donations for our event. Where we are not a 501C3 charity, donations can be made out to one of the three charities of this event in care of VAV. The charities will get all the proceeds of your donations and their 501C3 can be used as a tax write off.
Donation Tiers
$5000.00 will include:
· 60 VIP tickets
· Special seating and a meet and greet, photographs with the entertainers
· First choice location for advertisement on t-shirt, banners with company logo, TV, radio and newspapers
· Meeting with the veteran’s families
· 30 event t-shirts
$2500.00 will include:
· 30 VIP tickets
· Special seating and a meet and greet, photographs with the entertainers
· Second choice location for advertisement on t-shirt, banners with company logo, TV, radio and newspapers.
· Meeting with the veteran’s families
· 15 event t-shirts
$1500.00 will include:
· 20 VIP tickets
· Special seating and a meet and greet, photographs with the entertainers
· Third choice location for advertisement on t-shirt, banners with company logo TV, radio and newspapers.
· Meeting with the veteran’s families.
$1000.00 will include:
· 15 VIP tickets
· Special seating and a meet and greet, photographs with the entertainers
· Fourth choice location for advertisement on t-shirt, banners with company logo TV, radio and newspapers.
· Meeting with the veteran’s families.
$500.00 will include:
· 8 VIP tickets
· Advertisement on t-shirt back with logo
$250.00 will include:
· Advertisement on T-shirt back