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Sunday, June 24, 2012

TEXAS - Deputy's arrest of Dallas biker under review


As far as traffic stops go, biker Chris Moore says the reason a Dallas County deputy sheriff pulled him over was nowhere near routine. It wasn't for speeding. Moore said Deputy James Westbrook wanted his helmet camera. "[I was pulled over for] other people's activities," Moore said. "Primarily, I felt like, because I had the camera." The video from Moore's helmet camera seems to support the claims in this exchange recorded on Memorial Day weekend: MOORE: "Was I doing something wrong? What am I being pulled over for?" WESTBROOK: "The whole group of you guys." MOORE: "No. I was not, individually. How can you pull me over?" WESTBROOK: "The reason you're being pulled over is because I'm gonna take your camera, and we're gonna use it as evidence of... in the crimes that have been committed by other bikers." MOORE: "I have not committed any crimes and you cannot take my personal property from me, sir." WESTBROOK: "That's fine. Need to see your license and registration." But after a few minutes inside his squad car, Deputy Westbrook returns with what appears to be a new concern -- an obstructed license plate on Moore's bike. WESTBROOK: "You're under arrest for your license plate being obstructed. Place your hands..." MOORE: "Are you kidding me, dude?" WESTBROOK: "Place your hands behind your back." News 8 asked if the Dallas County Sheriff's Department was concerned about Westbrook's actions that day. "We are looking into the conduct," said department spokeswoman Carmen Castro. "There has been no official investigation brought forward, but we are looking to determine if his conduct was appropriate for the situation at hand." The department released dashcam video Wednesday as proof that a group of bikers posed a public safety threat. However, the video did not come from the deputy who made the arrest, and at this point, it does not prove that the biker who was arrested was in any way involved with that group.