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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

CA - Mongols Make News

During and for at least two years after the administration of Ruben “Doc” Cavazos the Mongols Motorcycle Club was in the news, at least here, four or five times a week.
John Walsh of America’s Most Wanted was furious at the club. Police throughout the country were advised by high ranking government officials that they could just “rip the patch off a Mongol’s back” if they could catch one. Women, children and veteranos were forbidden to own tee shirts that said “Free the Mongols.” The same people were forbidden to wear tee-shirts that said “Free the M*****s.
Several government employees who appear to have been psychopaths won accolades for trapping Mongols like fish in a weir. Other psychopaths who worked for the government but were not actually government employees earned forgiveness of their sins, new identities and big piles of cash. Then, except for some leftovers from the Great Mongols Meltdown of Ought Eight – like Christopher Ablett’s trial and an ongoing civil forfeiture matter – the club stopped making headlines.
Let’s welcome them back now.

The Mongols Are Coming
Every summer newspapers warn locals about an imminent invasion by some motorcycle club. The Hells Angels can hardly stop by a bar in Minnesota without generating a week’s worth of headlines. A few years ago there was a newsprint shortage in Utah after a few hundred Bandidos went on vacation in Moab. Now the Mongols are riding to Boulder City, Nevada for their annual run and the Las Vegas Review-Journal ran and played a 1640 word feature story yesterday about this looming threat.
“Boulder City,” the article’s principal author Ben Frederickson wrote, “never has experienced what’s coming.”
“Needless to say,” the Boulder City Police Chief told the Review-Journal, “I’m not happy.”
Frederickson interviewed Tom Barker, a verified biker authority, for the article. Barker teaches a course called “Biker Gangs” at Eastern Kentucky University and is working on his second book about “outlaw motorcycle groups.”
Barker wants Boulder City to know,“ They are one of the most dangerous motorcycle gangs in the United States.” He thinks Nevada should be very afraid. “Would Boulder City feel comfortable having the Latin Kings have their meeting there?” the biker authority told the reporter. “These guys are equivalent in their criminal activities.”
The Aging Rebel was unable to solicit a response to Barker’s comments from the Eastern Kentucky chapter of the Mongols.
A local resident named Tina Cluver told the Vegas paper, “The only thing they can bring to this town is trouble. I’m convinced something bad is going to happen. I hope I’m wrong. I hope they prove me wrong.”

Doomsday Preppers
While in Boulder City the Mongols will be staying at the Boulder Inn and Suites in Boulder City. The first scouts of the Mongol horde will begin to arrive in Boulder City this Thursday.
The main body of the ravaging horde is expected to arrive Friday. Gang intelligence expects the Mongols to celebrate the rape of fair Boulder City with a party, with a band, Saturday night. The city should be sufficiently ruined and the Mongols salacious appetites satisfied by sometime on Sunday.
Boulder City police have already requested reinforcements from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, the North Las Vegas Police Department, the Henderson, Nevada Police Department, the FBI and most certainly the ATF.