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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

AUSTRAILIA - CMC investigates bikie link in fatal shooting

One of Brisbane's most recent public slayings has been linked to the Bandidos outlaw motorcycle gxxg.
Police suspect two men associated with the Bandidos know more about the murder of Jei (Jack) Lee at the Warrigal Square Shopping Centre at Eight Miles Plains on April 12, according to documents filed in the Supreme Court and obtained by Seven News Brisbane.
Lei was shot dead in an execution style hit in the carpark of the crowded shopping centre.
The documents allege police came across information relating to the murder via intelligence gathered during Operation Kilo Minerva, which was proving alleged criminal activity by the Brisbane Centro chapter of the Bandidos outlaw motorcycle gxxg.
They outline how a witness, named as Bosko Cuic, allegedly refused to answer questions put to him during a closed Crime and Misconduct Commission hearing on June 7, 2012.
The closed hearings, also known as star chamber hearings, give the CMC the power to compel witnesses to answer their questions or risk jail for contempt.
Investigators were questioning Cuic over the alleged involvement of a Bandidos member and his associate in the murder of Mr Lee.
The documents, seen by, include a transcript of the interview between Cuic and investigators.
In it, Cuic refused to answer questions.

Cuic: “You know what mate, I refuse to answer any questions here, all right, that's it, there's your answer all right. That's it.”
CMC investigator: “I need to explain some more things to you then."
Cuic: “Explain away mate it's all good.”
CMC investigator: “As I said in my introductory remarks it is a – there are legal consequences for witnesses who choose not to answer questions here.”
Cuic: “It's all right man.”
CMC investigator: “Well I'm just going to let you know what they are because so [sic] that you can make an informed decision.”
Cuic: “That's my informed decision mate, you don't have to sir, you don't have to go any further I – I refuse to answer any questions here, that's it.”
Cuic was reminded of his obligation to answer questions or face legal consequences to which he answered:
“Whatever man, I haven't done nothing wrong, that's it, I refuse to answer any questions -.”
Investigator: Well, that is why you'll be going to jail because you're refusing to answer questions.”
Cuic: “That's what I said – I'm waiting, I don't care send me, I don't give a –“
Investigators posed a different question to Cuic, asking him about his knowledge about the alleged involvement of the two suspects, which he also refused to answer.
Cuic: “I refuse to answer any question that this court is asking me,” the transcript reports.
Investigator: “If I gave you an adjournment for half an hour or 15 minutes to collect your thoughts, have a coffee –.”
Cuic: “Nah.”
Investigator: “That's not going to make you see sense?”
Cuic: “Nnnnuh.”
Cuic was held in contempt. Investigations are continuing.