For over 15 years part of the party and celebrations held at the Suck Bang Blow have been BadAssed Harley Burnouts on the property and enjoyed by patrons and participants in a sport-like, cultural fashion. According to police reports there are very few complaints by neighbors during these events. County Officials claim ”the noise and smoke from the burnouts at the bar’s rallies constitute a public nuisance”. Suck Bang Blow ”believes that providing these expressive performances to the public is a beneficial social activity which enhances individuals’ conscious ability to assimilate.” B.A.D. BELIEVES THAT TO BE AN EXCELLENT ARGUMENT that could very well shape how biker cultural activities are viewed…Lets face it, there are plenty of flashy, noisy, wild cultural events all over the US by dozens of cultures – WHY JUST CENTER ON RESTRICTING ONE SINGLE CULTURE? – Which is B.A.D.’s premise…
B.A.D. reps throughout the US have been notified by Exec. Director of B.A.D., Hank McGrath, to extend their assistance to the biker bar by providing media resources, advice, networking assistance and so on to strengthen the case prior to it being heard next spring….AND WE WILL KEEP YOU POSTED! Feel free to send a note of support right there from their website at: SUCK BANG BLOW