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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dear Philip,
Disabled Veterans
Feel Disaster's
Mountain Fire
Reach out to disaster-stricken heroes as you give $25, $50, $100 or more now!
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As people in Northern Colorado face the tragic wake of the High Park Fire, just think what an emergency like this means to veterans who came home from our armed forces sick and wounded.

And think of what you can do to help in an emergency like this, Philip!

Our hearts go out to everyone affected by the disaster in Northern Colorado. Just think of all of the displaced veterans who have already been through so much for our freedom.

In times of chaos and crisis, severe disabilities just make everything harder — much harder — for those who sacrificed the most to keep you and me safe and free.

These disaster-stricken veterans and their families need you and me right now.

That’s why the DAV is already on its way to Northern Colorado.

The DAV will search for our disabled veterans who need assistance now, providing immediate help with food, clothing and lodging to get through an extremely difficult time.

This is a time of terrible need for veterans and families who already suffer as a result of what they did for you and me, Philip.

Because we need to be ever present for America’s heroes at times like this, I ask you to be generous as you make a gift of $25 … $50 … $100 or more to the DAV Disaster Relief Fund now!

Saluting Freedom's Defenders!
Arthur H. Wilson, National Adjutant
Disabled American Veterans