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Monday, August 8, 2011

Proposed Law Would Allow Motorcycles to Run Red Lights

By Basem Wasef, Guide  
Motorcycle in Traffic

If you ride a motorcycle, there's a good chance you've pulled up to a red light that seems to go on forever... and ever... and ever; since some motorcycles aren't massive enough to trigger the magnetic detector buried below ground, those unfortunate riders find themselves waiting in vain.
Illinois Bill HB-2860 proposes an exception for motorcyclists who have been stuck at a red light for "a reasonable amount of time," encouraging them to look both ways for traffic before treating the red light like a stop sign, and going merrily on their way.
The proposed law isn't remotely revolutionary (this three year-old USA Today article cites several states which already adopt the practice), but it does bring the issue to the forefront, a good thing in the face of critics like Police Commander Julie Nash, who is mentioned in the Daily Herald as being "Not particularly enamored with the thought of something that could cause accidents or allow people to ignore red lights."