Four members of the Hells Angels motorcycle gang are being sought by San Diego law enforcement on suspicion of taking part in the kidnapping and savage beating of another club member and a club associate in 2007 and 2010.
The four suspects are all heavily tattooed, including the DAGO tattoo indicating that they are part of the club's San Diego chapter, authorities said.
Five other members of the Hells Angels have already been arraigned and are set for trial in the beatings. The beatings, which took place in El Cajon, involved the theft of the victims' motorcycles, authorities said.
Law enforcement officials believe the four may be attempting to flee the country and link up with Hells Angels chapters in Mexico or elsewhere in Latin America.
Wanted are: David Dabbs, 41; Dustin Harroun, 30; Stephen Sanders, 42, and Troy Scholder, 30.