From Red
Hi Sarge,
Yeah, I saw this on the BOLT forum when it was first posted. It reminds me of when I was arrested for violating the helmet law many years ago. Nobody in California gets stopped anymore for an "illegal helmet" due to what a handful of educated riders with the fortitude to exercise our rights accomplished. Too bad we didn't have the full support of the motorcycling community or the helmet law would have been gone a decade ago . . . .
Thanks for forwarding. It is a good idea to spread the word. I think I will forward as well . . .
Subject: Fwd: When a Cop gives you an Unlawful Order...
Date: Sunday, March 13, 2011, 4:27 PM
Subject: When a Cop gives you an Unlawful Order...This video shows Washington State Trooper Pigott opening what turns into a huge can of worms. Thanks to James Wege for standing up for his Constitutional Rights rather than be bullied by law enforcement officers trampling all over the 4th Amendment. The officer in the video was sued by the rider. Wege has filed a civil lawsuit in Superior Court, not only against Trooper Pigott, but also his wife (marital community property), the state of Washington, and the Washington Highway Patrol. The civil complaint document is on file at the BOLT Library at:
BOLT of California
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first." Thomas Jefferson