More problems for Police Women of Broward County,
the awful TLC reality show I previously wrote about here.
Crime victims have come forward recently, upset about their treatment by deputies connected to the show while a number of suspects have complained about what they say is pressure put on them to sign release forms…
The Broward County Public Defender’s Office is aware of at least three clients who have been offered or received money to sign release forms since filming for the new season began in January, Chief Assistant Public Defender Gordon Weekes Jr. said. One was paid $500 and another offered that same amount, Weekes said.
“They need to take any action necessary to prevent future arrestees from being further exploited,” Weekes said of Lamberti’s office. “They need to take some responsibility for the lack of supervision of these folks.”…
Some victims have also criticized the show, saying they have felt pressured by deputies and the show’s producers to allow the cameras to intrude on their lives.
One woman who reported a date rape to BSO in January said she was disturbed when Sheriff’s Office sex crimes Detective Julie Bower came with an all-male television crew and pushed for her to tell her story on camera. Bower is one of the original stars of the show…
“I started getting upset, crying,” said the Pompano Beach woman, 51, who has since moved to the Orlando area out of fear of running into the man she said drugged and raped her. “I’m reporting a date rape. I’m trying to get someone to listen to me and she’s trying to put me on TV.”…
[Broward County Sheriff Al] Lamberti said the show does have benefits.
“I wanted to show law enforcement in a human way,” Lamberti said. “It does illustrate that women can have a career in law enforcement.”
Here’s a screen cap of the show humanizing Det. Andrea Penoyer.
A man was once arrested by the sweet and sassy LEO depicted in the video and after being informed:
“Anything you say CAN and WILL be held against you!”
He had a brilliant two word reply:
“You’re tits”
(read this somewhere on the tubes recently…so don’t take credit, but offer it as a tribute to the author)
Helmut O' Hooligan , BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!
“I wanted to show law enforcement in a human way,” Lamberti said. “It does illustrate that women can have a career in law enforcement.”
Right. As long as they are as willing to tase passively resisting suspects and stomp on civil liberties (in the name of the drug war, of course) as their male counterparts. Bull shit!
Look, these shows are not about empowering female police officers. They present the viewer with a terrible version of what policing is about. Incidentally, the shows are (quite obviously) skewed toward “action,” so they do not show most of what occurs during a typical patrol officer’s shift. So of course they are insensitive to victims and suspects alike. Actually, they make the job look much more offensive (from a civil liberatarian’s view) than it typically is. I have been a police intern, a volunteer in a small P.D. and worked around police officers a lot, so I know this. And the camera/camera crews no doubt influence these officers to make things look more “exciting.”
These shows are disgraceful, and actually harmful to law enforcement and the public’s understanding of the police. I sent an e-mail to TLC when the first show started expressing my displeasure, and I would encourage other Agitator readers to do the same.
Cop vs Cop in PA caught on tape.