Westboro Baptist Protests Are The Cause For The Rise In Patriot Riders
YORK COUNTY As Westboro Baptist Church protesters gain more attention across the country, membership numbers for the Patriot Guard riders equally rise. Patriot guards are volunteers that stand for honor and protect service men and women's funerals from unwanted guests. Westboro Baptist Church protesters are those guests, that now, more Patriot Guards are prepared to face. A Harrisburg firefighter said once he saw the protests on TV, he signed up to become a guard. "I think they`re disgusting, I think they`re cowards and they hide behind the First Amendment," said Patriot Guard Steve Vasser.
A funeral director with Heffner Funeral Homes in York said he has witnessed many intrusions by the protesting group and honors the Patriot Guards for their will to protect the military families.
He said he doesn't understand the meaning behind their protests.
"Just don't get what they are trying to accomplish; why they are trying to do it other than get some attention, they're 15 minutes of fame," said Funeral Home Director John Katora.
The number of patriot guards rose by 1800, in just the last two days.
There are over 22,000 Patriot Guard members across America.