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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Freedom Rally May 23 2011

Abate put this up and I feel we need to put it out to fight for our riding rights. Please forward this and support the rally

MMA-Ca Div 6
San Diego

Sacramento - May 23, 2011

South Capitol Steps 11 am to 1:00 pm

Invited Guest Speakers


Once again we will be gathering to bring attention to FREEDOM of Choice for Motorcycle Riders and to

promote Motorcycle Awareness to other drivers to share the road with motorcycles.

It is also a great time to see your elected legislators in Sacramento to tell them in person about your views on

legislation that is proposed or just to say “hi” and hope they can support your views. Please call them beforehand

and make an appointment. You can find their contact information at this web site -
While there, be sure to sign their guest book and leave a business card with their staff.

As we have done in the past, there will be “Sponsored” free motorcycle parking on the North side of N Street

between 10th & 14th Streets. Parking will be reserved from 8 am to 6:00 pm. If you would like to sponsor a parking

meter, ($25.00/meter) please contact the ABATE State Office either by email
 or call 760/956-1669.

DO NOT RAP your PIPES on arrival or leaving the Capitol! Believe us, YOU will not be promoting a

good image with how loud your pipes can be, in fact, it just makes them want to push even harder to quiet your motorcycle or get rid of them altogether!

Everyone is invited to attend. All motorcyclists are urged to attend. This is our chance to be seen. The weather

should be even better at this time of the month in Sacramento, too!!

We look forward to having a HUGE crowd in attendance this year; you just can’t make a big impression with

only a handful of people in attendance. Attending the rally does a few things –

1) It gives support to the Legislators who are in support of our issues and trying to help us gain back our

Freedom of Choice;

2) It implies to your Legislator that Freedom of Choice is important in that you took the time and extra effort

to go to Sacramento to meet with them and their Sacramento staff, not just in their district office;

3) It shows support for our paid Lobbyist, in that he is not representing some imaginary group of invisible


4) It shows the other Legislators that WE are concerned about OUR Freedom of Choice.

There are rooms available at the La Quinta Inn, 200 Jibboom Street, Sacramento 95814. Call 916/448-8100 to

make your reservation and mention ABATE for the SPECIAL room rate. This special room rate will be held until

April 30th, so make your reservation before that date.