CA GOP Saves Eminent Domain!
MARCH 30, 2011
California Republicans love to talk about limiting government, fighting bureaucracy and keeping taxes low, but on Thursday they proved that this is nothing more than a rhetorical device. Given the opportunity to rein in the size and power of government in a tangible way, Assembly Republicans – with one sole exception – punted. They rallied to save some of the most abusive and wastrel government agencies around.
As the California GOP begins its convention in Sacramento today, party members ought to at least understand where its Assembly members stand – on the side of big government, higher taxes and uncontrolled debt and against property rights, individualism and freedom. As the party blathers about luring minority and working-class voters, let it be clear that the GOP sided with the developers and government planners who want to drive minorities and working-class people off of their property. The Democrats are right: The GOP is the party of big business and privilege.
As part of the governor’s budget package, the Assembly voted on SB77, which would have ended the state’s redevelopment agencies. But only longtime redevelopment foe, Chris Norby of Fullerton, sided with taxpayers and property owners. The rest of the Assembly Republicans voted “no” or didn’t vote at all. Had even one of the Republicans joined Norby, the bill would have passed with a two-thirds majority. There may still be time, but the GOP is too busy celebrating that it stopped Brown on this one issue. They put partisanship above their own ideology. They stopped Brown in one of the few areas where Brown was right.
Redevelopment was started in 1945 as a means to upgrade decrepit urban areas, but in the ensuing years the state’s now-nearly 400 active redevelopment agencies have become horrific abusers of eminent domain. They routinely take private property from homeowners and small business owners and give it to developers on the cheap. Redevelopment has become a “tool” by which government agencies grab more tax revenues. They subsidize big-box stores and auto malls — it’s about luring sales taxes, not about upgrading blighted areas. Government officials don’t care whose rights they erode in the process of gaining more money for government.
Gov. Jerry Brown has targeted the agencies because they divert 12 percent of the state’s property taxes from traditional public services (schools, police, parks and firefighting) to corporate welfare. He figures the state can save about $1.7 billion annually as he seeks to close a gaping $26.6 billion budget hole. This should have been a no-brainer with any Republican with a brain. They proved themselves to be the party of numbskulls.
Redevelopment is about everything Republicans claim to loath: bureaucracy, debt, abuses of property rights, big government, excessive land-use rules, subsidized housing and fiscal irresponsibility. In California cities, redevelopment bureaucrats rule the roost and they leave a path of destruction wherever they go. They bully people and impose enormous burdens on taxpayers. The diversion of tax dollars to welfare queens mandates higher taxes, but the GOP sided with the redevelopment industry. They sided with agencies that run up hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer-backed indebtedness. They sided with government-directed stimulus programs, albeit local ones rather than federal ones.
Some, like Martin Garrick and Nathan Fletcher, sided with redevelopment because of their eagerness to get a taxpayer-subsidized stadium deal in San Diego. Others, such as Bob Huff, have always been closely allied with the City of Industry and other powerful redevelopment players. Most Republicans offered lame excuses. For instance, they argued that if redevelopment agencies were shut down, something new and equally bad would take its place. That’s an absurd argument. They might as well oppose tax cuts by arguing that the government will find other ways to raise the revenue.
The truth is California Republicans do not believe in limited government. They do not stand up for property owners. They are the party of corporate welfare. They oppose higher taxes, but that’s the only guiding principle of the party these days. And even that is suspect. Many Assembly Republicans, such as the pro-union members of the “no more cuts” caucus (Jim Silva, Brian Nestande and Paul Cook), vote in a way that virtually mandates higher taxes at some point. Then they get on their high horse and sign those bogus tax-fighting pledges. And you wonder why the GOP is fading away in this state?
If the GOP could not provide more than one vote to end redevelopment, then we know that their claims about pension reform and spending caps are bogus too. They will never provide the margin of victory on these matters, either. When push comes to shove, they will be bought off again and will offer similar excuses for why they really support reform but just couldn’t vote for it this time. Yet Republicans wonder why they have been relegated to irrelevancy, the laughingstocks of the California political world. Sure, they usually are better than Democrats, but they offer no cohesive and believable alternative to the Party of Unions.
Certainly, Republicans continue to hold firm against the governor’s proposed tax-extension vote, but I’m guessing we’ll get that vote eventually. For instance, the state’s unprincipled business community, led by the Democrat-friendly California Chamber of Commerce, is promising to support those Republicans who go soft on taxes. The Chamber just wants business-as-usual, and is perfectly happy if legislators tax the rest of us more – as long as its members’ special privileges are protected. That’s no way to build a broader movement.
The Chamber loves redevelopment also and redevelopment is a core issue. Anyone who supports it cannot claim to be a conservative, not if the term conservative has any meaning. It is the epitome of bad public policy, in that it gives governmental powers to the most powerful and politically well-connected players at the expense of the average citizen.
Ironically, the Democrats claimed to love redevelopment, but voted to end the agencies as a way to save money. Republicans often criticized the redevelopment process, but then rallied the troops to save it. Some Assembly Republicans even embraced a fiscally outrageous plan floated by the City of Industry to extend the life of redevelopment agencies and float more debt. Industry lobbyists were reportedly seen basking in their victory around the Capitol.
So Assembly Republicans are clear: They love Obama-style stimulus programs and corporate welfare. They trust planners and bureaucrats rather than the free market. They support higher taxes and more debt. And they believe that the government should be free to use eminent domain to take property from private owners and give that property to powerful private interests.
Let’s at least dispense with all the rhetoric. The party that saved eminent domain is no friend of the California taxpayer.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Australia - Heavy escort: Rebels ride into capital
Police stopped almost 100 bikies on the Federal Highway near Collector at the weekend in a massive random drug, alcohol and compliance check.
The members of the Rebels Motorcycle Club streamed into the ACT on Saturday as part of a memorial ride for Richard ''Rebel Rick'' Roberts, who was shot dead in Chisholm two years ago.
Rebels national president Alex Vella was among the 98 riders who rode to Canberra from the Rebels' Leppington clubhouse in Sydney under heavy police NSW police conduct a mass vehicle stop for members of the Rebels Motorcycle Club as they ride near Collector.
The memorial ride, which has become an annual undertaking of the club, commemorates Mr Roberts, a senior Rebels member who was shot dead with a shotgun at close range by Russell Field, of Chisholm. The ACT Supreme Court found Field not guilty of murder earlier this month.
The Rebels were ''road managed'' by officers from NSW's specialist anti-bikie unit Strike Force Raptor for the duration of the ride.
At the checkpoint, police issued 20 traffic infringement notices, 10 defect notices, one infringement notice for offensive language, and arrested one rider who failed a drug test.
Police also identified a suspended rider, and issued 20 notices for excessive noise.
The ride coincided with a Tattoo and Bike show put on by Canberra's southside Rebels on Saturday.
NSW Police gangs squad commander Detective Superintendent Arthur Katsogiannis said club members had been mostly cooperative during the operation.
''Apart from the one person who gave a few expletives ... the whole group was very cooperative.''
Strike Force Raptor, which was set up in 2009 to target outlaw motorcycle gangs, celebrated its second-year anniversary on Sunday.
The Strike Force has been at the forefront of police efforts to quell Sydney's bikie wars, laying a total of 2904 charges, responding to 6416 incidents, and executing 151 search warrants over two years.
The intensity of the strike force's efforts, combined with the tough anti-bikie legislation introduced in NSW in 2009, created speculation that gangs like the Bandidos and the Comancheros could shift some operations to the ACT.
But Superintendent Katsogiannis said there was no evidence of that occurring.
''There's certainly no evidence that I'm aware of that indicates that some of these groups are moving towards Canberra,'' he said.
A personal search of one bikie during the check.''The chapters and clubhouses are still there in the areas they were always in prior to Raptor,'' he said.
The members of the Rebels Motorcycle Club streamed into the ACT on Saturday as part of a memorial ride for Richard ''Rebel Rick'' Roberts, who was shot dead in Chisholm two years ago.
Rebels national president Alex Vella was among the 98 riders who rode to Canberra from the Rebels' Leppington clubhouse in Sydney under heavy police NSW police conduct a mass vehicle stop for members of the Rebels Motorcycle Club as they ride near Collector.
The memorial ride, which has become an annual undertaking of the club, commemorates Mr Roberts, a senior Rebels member who was shot dead with a shotgun at close range by Russell Field, of Chisholm. The ACT Supreme Court found Field not guilty of murder earlier this month.
The Rebels were ''road managed'' by officers from NSW's specialist anti-bikie unit Strike Force Raptor for the duration of the ride.
At the checkpoint, police issued 20 traffic infringement notices, 10 defect notices, one infringement notice for offensive language, and arrested one rider who failed a drug test.
Police also identified a suspended rider, and issued 20 notices for excessive noise.
The ride coincided with a Tattoo and Bike show put on by Canberra's southside Rebels on Saturday.
NSW Police gangs squad commander Detective Superintendent Arthur Katsogiannis said club members had been mostly cooperative during the operation.
''Apart from the one person who gave a few expletives ... the whole group was very cooperative.''
Strike Force Raptor, which was set up in 2009 to target outlaw motorcycle gangs, celebrated its second-year anniversary on Sunday.
The Strike Force has been at the forefront of police efforts to quell Sydney's bikie wars, laying a total of 2904 charges, responding to 6416 incidents, and executing 151 search warrants over two years.
The intensity of the strike force's efforts, combined with the tough anti-bikie legislation introduced in NSW in 2009, created speculation that gangs like the Bandidos and the Comancheros could shift some operations to the ACT.
But Superintendent Katsogiannis said there was no evidence of that occurring.
''There's certainly no evidence that I'm aware of that indicates that some of these groups are moving towards Canberra,'' he said.
A personal search of one bikie during the check.''The chapters and clubhouses are still there in the areas they were always in prior to Raptor,'' he said.
Rebels line up for the police check |
Australia - Charges dropped over bikies fight
Charges have been dropped against seven members of a motorcycle gang accused of assaulting and robbing a former office bearer of the Gypsy Jokers.
Adelaide police arrested the men during raids at various properties in April 2009.
At the time, police said the men were also members of the Gypsy Jokers.
Six also were allegedly involved in an altercation at a house at Blair Athol in August 2008, in which shots were fired.
Prosecutors tendered no evidence against the men in Adelaide Magistrates Court.
An eighth member of the group had all-but-one charge against him dropped.
He will reappear in court next month.
Charges have been dropped against seven members of a motorcycle gang accused of assaulting and robbing a former office bearer of the Gypsy Jokers.
Adelaide police arrested the men during raids at various properties in April 2009.
At the time, police said the men were also members of the Gypsy Jokers.
Six also were allegedly involved in an altercation at a house at Blair Athol in August 2008, in which shots were fired.
Prosecutors tendered no evidence against the men in Adelaide Magistrates Court.
An eighth member of the group had all-but-one charge against him dropped.
He will reappear in court next month.
Canada - MONTREAL - 19 Angels still on the lam
Eric Thibault
Nineteen Hells Angels members and associates remain on the lam nearly two years after they escaped the biggest biker bust in Canadian history.
The names and faces of the wanted men have been posted on the websites of the RCMP and Interpol, the international crime-fighting agency that’s active in 188 countries.
Police insist they’re still hot on the trail of those who so far have gotten away with murder, drug trafficking and gangsterism.
“These files are as hot as they were at the start of the operation,” Quebec provincial police Sgt. Richard Gagne told QMI Agency. “There is still work to do to find these men.”
Project Sharqc involved 1,200 police officers and led to the arrests of 137 bikers and associates in April 2009. Defendants will be prosecuted in groups of eight or nine in a series of mega-trials scheduled to begin next month.
The last biker to be arrested was Normand (Casper) Ouimet, who was picked up outside his Montreal dentist’s office last fall and now faces 22 counts of murder.
Interpol has files on the 17 Hells members and two associates who are still at large. The fugitives have also been flagged with a “red notice” designation that would allow foreign police forces to arrest and detain them pending extradition to Canada.
Last year Mexican police used Red Notice markers to arrest Hells members Yannick Gauthier and Martin Robert while the pair were living under false names.
Eric Thibault
Nineteen Hells Angels members and associates remain on the lam nearly two years after they escaped the biggest biker bust in Canadian history.
The names and faces of the wanted men have been posted on the websites of the RCMP and Interpol, the international crime-fighting agency that’s active in 188 countries.
Police insist they’re still hot on the trail of those who so far have gotten away with murder, drug trafficking and gangsterism.
“These files are as hot as they were at the start of the operation,” Quebec provincial police Sgt. Richard Gagne told QMI Agency. “There is still work to do to find these men.”
Project Sharqc involved 1,200 police officers and led to the arrests of 137 bikers and associates in April 2009. Defendants will be prosecuted in groups of eight or nine in a series of mega-trials scheduled to begin next month.
The last biker to be arrested was Normand (Casper) Ouimet, who was picked up outside his Montreal dentist’s office last fall and now faces 22 counts of murder.
Interpol has files on the 17 Hells members and two associates who are still at large. The fugitives have also been flagged with a “red notice” designation that would allow foreign police forces to arrest and detain them pending extradition to Canada.
Last year Mexican police used Red Notice markers to arrest Hells members Yannick Gauthier and Martin Robert while the pair were living under false names.
California - Mongols rapist asks for new lawyer; sentencing delayed
Convicted rapist Michael Reyes asked to change attorneys during a Friday court appearance, further delaying his sentencing.
It is the fourth time Reyes' sentencing has been delayed.
Reyes, a known member of the Mongols Motorcycle Club, was found guilty of 27 felony counts in connection with continuous sexual assault on a minor from 2002 to 2008. Reyes, 56, was the Mongols' local chapter president before his arrest in March 2010.
The sexual assault occurred over a six-year span in Los Banos, Morgan Hill and Hollister. Charges included sexual penetration with a foreign object, lewd or lascivious acts, and rape by force.
Reyes gave visiting Judge Alan Hedegard a memo before the hearing asking to change attorneys.
When asked how much time he needed, Reyes said a "couple of months if possible."
Hedegard said that was too much time and gave Reyes 13 days to find new legal counsel.
"Regrettably, I have to give him time to find a new attorney," Hedegard said.
Reyes is expected to appear before the court on April 7 with a new attorney. He will not be sentenced on that date, but a date will be set if new attorney is hired, Hedegard said.
Convicted rapist Michael Reyes asked to change attorneys during a Friday court appearance, further delaying his sentencing.
It is the fourth time Reyes' sentencing has been delayed.
Reyes, a known member of the Mongols Motorcycle Club, was found guilty of 27 felony counts in connection with continuous sexual assault on a minor from 2002 to 2008. Reyes, 56, was the Mongols' local chapter president before his arrest in March 2010.
The sexual assault occurred over a six-year span in Los Banos, Morgan Hill and Hollister. Charges included sexual penetration with a foreign object, lewd or lascivious acts, and rape by force.
Reyes gave visiting Judge Alan Hedegard a memo before the hearing asking to change attorneys.
When asked how much time he needed, Reyes said a "couple of months if possible."
Hedegard said that was too much time and gave Reyes 13 days to find new legal counsel.
"Regrettably, I have to give him time to find a new attorney," Hedegard said.
Reyes is expected to appear before the court on April 7 with a new attorney. He will not be sentenced on that date, but a date will be set if new attorney is hired, Hedegard said.
Virginia - Law Lets Bikes Run Red Lights
-2 Law Lets Bikes Run RedLights ( Video)
House Bill 1981 will let motorcyclists, moped riders and bicyclists pass through red lights, as long as there is no oncoming traffic, after waiting 120 seconds or two cycles of the light. The law will take effect July 1. March 27, 2011
RICHMOND – If you ride a motorcycle or bicycle, you probably know the frustration of getting stuck at a red light that just won’t change – because the sensors under the street can’t detect your two-wheeler. Two-wheel vehicles will be allowed to run those red lights, under certain situations, under a bill signed into law Thursday by Gov. Bob McDonnell. House Bill 1981 will let motorcyclists, moped riders and bicyclists pass through red lights, as long as there is no oncoming traffic, after waiting 120 seconds or two cycles of the light. The law will take effect July 1. Champe Burnley, president of the Virginia Bicycling Federation, said riders of two-wheel vehicles often end up trapped at red lights, with no safe, legal option about what to do, because motorcycles and bikes aren’t heavy enough or don’t have enough metal to trip the sensor. “Most of the traffic signals today have a wire in the road – so it’s an induction loop. And frequently there’s just not enough metallic mass for the induction loop to pick up a cycle that goes over there,” Burnley said. “If you’re on a bike and you get to a stoplight – and I stop for stoplights religiously – it puts me into a difficult position. Because if the light doesn’t change, I’ve either got to wait for a car to come up behind me to trip the stoplight, or I’ve got to break the law – and I don’t like to do that.” Delegate Thomas “Tag” Greason, who sponsored HB 1981, said the legislation will make things much safer for riders. “The bill is designed to increase the safety for those riders who ride motorcycles, mopeds or bicycles,” Greason said. “When they approach and are stranded at an intersection, and the weight of their vehicle is not great enough to trigger the light, and so they’re stranded at a red light, and they really don’t have any legal options available to them under today’s code.” Greason, a Republican from Potomac Falls, said some people raised questions about who would be at fault if a motorcycle runs a red light and causes an accident. But those questions have been addressed in the bill, he said. “Imagine that the red light is a stop sign: If the motorcyclist pulls out into oncoming traffic and causes an accident, he would have the same liability if he was at a red light or if he was at a stop sign,” Greason said. Under his measure, motorcycles and bicycles must come to a complete stop at a red light and wait for 120 seconds or two cycles of the light. “Then they proceed with caution, as if they were at a stop sign, and they must maintain all the liability, and give way to oncoming traffic, from either direction,” Greason said. “So there is no transfer of liability.” Delegate Bill Janis, R-Glen Allen, introduced a similar measure – HB 1991. His proposal was folded into Greason’s bill. HB 1981 passed the House on a 75-24 vote in January. The Senate then unanimously approved the bill – with an amendment emphasizing that bicyclists and motorcyclists who proceed through a red light must yield to oncoming traffic. The House then voted 87-11 in favor of the amended bill. ###
-2 Law Lets Bikes Run RedLights ( Video)
House Bill 1981 will let motorcyclists, moped riders and bicyclists pass through red lights, as long as there is no oncoming traffic, after waiting 120 seconds or two cycles of the light. The law will take effect July 1. March 27, 2011
RICHMOND – If you ride a motorcycle or bicycle, you probably know the frustration of getting stuck at a red light that just won’t change – because the sensors under the street can’t detect your two-wheeler. Two-wheel vehicles will be allowed to run those red lights, under certain situations, under a bill signed into law Thursday by Gov. Bob McDonnell. House Bill 1981 will let motorcyclists, moped riders and bicyclists pass through red lights, as long as there is no oncoming traffic, after waiting 120 seconds or two cycles of the light. The law will take effect July 1. Champe Burnley, president of the Virginia Bicycling Federation, said riders of two-wheel vehicles often end up trapped at red lights, with no safe, legal option about what to do, because motorcycles and bikes aren’t heavy enough or don’t have enough metal to trip the sensor. “Most of the traffic signals today have a wire in the road – so it’s an induction loop. And frequently there’s just not enough metallic mass for the induction loop to pick up a cycle that goes over there,” Burnley said. “If you’re on a bike and you get to a stoplight – and I stop for stoplights religiously – it puts me into a difficult position. Because if the light doesn’t change, I’ve either got to wait for a car to come up behind me to trip the stoplight, or I’ve got to break the law – and I don’t like to do that.” Delegate Thomas “Tag” Greason, who sponsored HB 1981, said the legislation will make things much safer for riders. “The bill is designed to increase the safety for those riders who ride motorcycles, mopeds or bicycles,” Greason said. “When they approach and are stranded at an intersection, and the weight of their vehicle is not great enough to trigger the light, and so they’re stranded at a red light, and they really don’t have any legal options available to them under today’s code.” Greason, a Republican from Potomac Falls, said some people raised questions about who would be at fault if a motorcycle runs a red light and causes an accident. But those questions have been addressed in the bill, he said. “Imagine that the red light is a stop sign: If the motorcyclist pulls out into oncoming traffic and causes an accident, he would have the same liability if he was at a red light or if he was at a stop sign,” Greason said. Under his measure, motorcycles and bicycles must come to a complete stop at a red light and wait for 120 seconds or two cycles of the light. “Then they proceed with caution, as if they were at a stop sign, and they must maintain all the liability, and give way to oncoming traffic, from either direction,” Greason said. “So there is no transfer of liability.” Delegate Bill Janis, R-Glen Allen, introduced a similar measure – HB 1991. His proposal was folded into Greason’s bill. HB 1981 passed the House on a 75-24 vote in January. The Senate then unanimously approved the bill – with an amendment emphasizing that bicyclists and motorcyclists who proceed through a red light must yield to oncoming traffic. The House then voted 87-11 in favor of the amended bill. ###
5th Annual PFC Brian Moquin Memorial Ride-Benefit
May 7, 2011 Worcester, Massachusetts 5th Annual PFC Brian Moquin Memorial Ride-Benefit The event starts at Kas Bar Sports Bar, 234 SW Cut Off in Worcester. Registration starts at 9:30 am and the ride leaves at 11:00 am. The fee is $15.00. The ride ends with live music . The proceeds will benefit Project New Hope of Massachusetts & the PFC Brian Moquin Scholarship. For more information click here to send e-mail, or go to
May 7, 2011 Worcester, Massachusetts 5th Annual PFC Brian Moquin Memorial Ride-Benefit The event starts at Kas Bar Sports Bar, 234 SW Cut Off in Worcester. Registration starts at 9:30 am and the ride leaves at 11:00 am. The fee is $15.00. The ride ends with live music . The proceeds will benefit Project New Hope of Massachusetts & the PFC Brian Moquin Scholarship. For more information click here to send e-mail, or go to
Our CoC U.S. Defenders has been charged with getting the word out to all MC's in the seven CoC's here in CA. MMA of CA is also in support providing we are able to attract critical mass for the rally (2000+ bikers and supporters). Rallies in recent years have had low attendance which, from a PR perspective, was a negative and actually hurts our lobbying efforts. This year, we are attempting to combine forces with all MRO's as well as organizations/civil rights causes that the biker community has supported this year, like Mommy Tsunami to make a big statement.
Contents of Abate's 2011 Freedom Rally flier....
Sacramento - May 23, 2011
South Capitol Steps 11 am to 1:00 pm
Invited Guest Speakers
Once again we will be gathering to bring attention to FREEDOM of Choice for Motorcycle Riders and to
promote Motorcycle Awareness to other drivers to share the road with motorcycles.
It is also a great time to see your elected legislators in Sacramento to tell them in person about your views on
legislation that is proposed or just to say “hi” and hope they can support your views. Please call them beforehand
and make an appointment. You can find their contact information at this web site -
While there, be sure to sign their guest book and leave a business card with their staff.
As we have done in the past, there will be “Sponsored” free motorcycle parking on the North side of N Street
between 10th & 14th Streets. Parking will be reserved from 8 am to 6:00 pm. If you would like to sponsor a parking
meter, ($25.00/meter) please contact the ABATE State Office either by email or call 760/956-1669.
DO NOT RAP your PIPES on arrival or leaving the Capitol! Believe us, YOU will not be promoting a
good image with how loud your pipes can be, in fact, it just makes them want to push even harder to quiet your
motorcycle or get rid of them altogether!
Everyone is invited to attend. All motorcyclists are urged to attend. This is our chance to be seen. The weather
should be even better at this time of the month in Sacramento, too!!
We look forward to having a HUGE crowd in attendance this year; you just can’t make a big impression with
only a handful of people in attendance. Attending the rally does a few things –
1) It gives support to the Legislators who are in support of our issues and trying to help us gain back our
Freedom of Choice;
2) It implies to your Legislator that Freedom of Choice is important in that you took the time and extra effort
to go to Sacramento to meet with them and their Sacramento staff, not just in their district office;
3) It shows support for our paid Lobbyist, in that he is not representing some imaginary group of invisible
4) It shows the other Legislators that WE are concerned about OUR Freedom of Choice.
There are rooms available at the La Quinta Inn, 200 Jibboom Street, Sacramento 95814. Call 916/448-8100 to
make your reservation and mention ABATE for the SPECIAL room rate. This special room rate will be held until
April 30th, so make your reservation before that date.
Contents of Abate's 2011 Freedom Rally flier....
Sacramento - May 23, 2011
South Capitol Steps 11 am to 1:00 pm
Invited Guest Speakers
Once again we will be gathering to bring attention to FREEDOM of Choice for Motorcycle Riders and to
promote Motorcycle Awareness to other drivers to share the road with motorcycles.
It is also a great time to see your elected legislators in Sacramento to tell them in person about your views on
legislation that is proposed or just to say “hi” and hope they can support your views. Please call them beforehand
and make an appointment. You can find their contact information at this web site -
While there, be sure to sign their guest book and leave a business card with their staff.
As we have done in the past, there will be “Sponsored” free motorcycle parking on the North side of N Street
between 10th & 14th Streets. Parking will be reserved from 8 am to 6:00 pm. If you would like to sponsor a parking
meter, ($25.00/meter) please contact the ABATE State Office either by email or call 760/956-1669.
DO NOT RAP your PIPES on arrival or leaving the Capitol! Believe us, YOU will not be promoting a
good image with how loud your pipes can be, in fact, it just makes them want to push even harder to quiet your
motorcycle or get rid of them altogether!
Everyone is invited to attend. All motorcyclists are urged to attend. This is our chance to be seen. The weather
should be even better at this time of the month in Sacramento, too!!
We look forward to having a HUGE crowd in attendance this year; you just can’t make a big impression with
only a handful of people in attendance. Attending the rally does a few things –
1) It gives support to the Legislators who are in support of our issues and trying to help us gain back our
Freedom of Choice;
2) It implies to your Legislator that Freedom of Choice is important in that you took the time and extra effort
to go to Sacramento to meet with them and their Sacramento staff, not just in their district office;
3) It shows support for our paid Lobbyist, in that he is not representing some imaginary group of invisible
4) It shows the other Legislators that WE are concerned about OUR Freedom of Choice.
There are rooms available at the La Quinta Inn, 200 Jibboom Street, Sacramento 95814. Call 916/448-8100 to
make your reservation and mention ABATE for the SPECIAL room rate. This special room rate will be held until
April 30th, so make your reservation before that date.
Astralia - Alleged high-ranking bikie charged
A HIGH-RANKING bikie gang member and an associate have been charged with intimidating a member of the public in western Sydney, police say.
The pair are alleged to have threatened a man in Glenmore Park on Saturday afternoon.
The man, a local resident, approached them after seeing them leaning against a van.
Detectives attached to the State Crime Command's Strike Force Raptor arrested a 28-year-old at a Glenmore Park home this morning.
He is alleged to be a senior figure within the Penrith chapter of the Nomads gang and was charged with intimidation and breaching bail conditions.
A 29-year-old man alleged to be an associate of the Nomads attended Penrith police station and was charged with intimidation.
A HIGH-RANKING bikie gang member and an associate have been charged with intimidating a member of the public in western Sydney, police say.
The pair are alleged to have threatened a man in Glenmore Park on Saturday afternoon.
The man, a local resident, approached them after seeing them leaning against a van.
Detectives attached to the State Crime Command's Strike Force Raptor arrested a 28-year-old at a Glenmore Park home this morning.
He is alleged to be a senior figure within the Penrith chapter of the Nomads gang and was charged with intimidation and breaching bail conditions.
A 29-year-old man alleged to be an associate of the Nomads attended Penrith police station and was charged with intimidation.
To: All City Mayors, and All Motorcycle and Scooter Riders, Ride to Work
To: All City Mayors, and All Motorcycle and Scooter Riders
From: Ride to Work
Subject: Cities supporting 2011 Motorcycle and Scooter Annual ‘Ride To Work Day’
This year, the 20th annual Motorcycle and Scooter Ride to Work Day is Monday, June 20th. Over a million commuters participate and demonstrate the positive benefits of riding for transportation, which include: reduced traffic and parking congestion, decreased commute times, and lessened fuel consumption.
Many City administrations support this popular event by proclamation, and some also do so by providing motorcycle and scooter parking at municipal ramps and metered spaces at no charge during this day. Your city can join with hundreds of others, and motorcycle and scooter groups, and other organizations already supporting Ride to Work Day.
Reasons to encourage motorcycle and scooter commuting include:
Motorcycles and scooters share parking spaces, providing more parking for everyone else.
Motorcycles and scooters consume fewer resources than most other mobility options.
Motorcycles and scooters reduce traffic congestion and save travel time.
Riders seek both government and employer support for these benefits. Proclamations of support, and providing motorcycle and scooter parking at no charge on Ride to Work Day, are great ways to encourage a beneficial (and enjoyable) form of transportation
Supporter Information:
Here is a template for a letter to city Mayors, requesting an official proclamation of support for Ride to Work Day.
Here is a template for a support proclamation that any city can use to support riding.
Here is a list of all 2006 - 2009 supporting cities, and .pdf files of each city’s proclamation.
If your city officially supports Ride to Work Day by proclamation, contact local media, and also send us a copy of the Proclamation so we can post it on our website.
Contact Ride to Work Day, a 501 c4 nonprofit organization, at:
POB 1072, Proctor, Minnesota, 55810 USA
218 722 9806
Christine Holt
Andy Goldfine
Mission Statement:
Advocating and supporting the use of motorcycles and scooters for transportation, and providing information about everyday riding to the public.
Some Affiliated Countries:
Canada, Germany, Philippines, England, France, Israel, Turkey, Ecuador, and many others.
Sample issues of 'The Daily Rider' newsletter are available for download at:
A brief history of Ride to Work Day is available for viewing at:
Fact Sheet:
A transportation motorcycling fact sheet is available at:
Photos and Artwork:
Motorcycle and scooter commuting photos, ads, posters, banners, photos, illustrations and other artwork is available at:
You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website.
Our mailing address is:
Ride To Work
P.O. Box 1072
Proctor, MN 55810-1072
From: Ride to Work
Subject: Cities supporting 2011 Motorcycle and Scooter Annual ‘Ride To Work Day’
This year, the 20th annual Motorcycle and Scooter Ride to Work Day is Monday, June 20th. Over a million commuters participate and demonstrate the positive benefits of riding for transportation, which include: reduced traffic and parking congestion, decreased commute times, and lessened fuel consumption.
Many City administrations support this popular event by proclamation, and some also do so by providing motorcycle and scooter parking at municipal ramps and metered spaces at no charge during this day. Your city can join with hundreds of others, and motorcycle and scooter groups, and other organizations already supporting Ride to Work Day.
Reasons to encourage motorcycle and scooter commuting include:
Motorcycles and scooters share parking spaces, providing more parking for everyone else.
Motorcycles and scooters consume fewer resources than most other mobility options.
Motorcycles and scooters reduce traffic congestion and save travel time.
Riders seek both government and employer support for these benefits. Proclamations of support, and providing motorcycle and scooter parking at no charge on Ride to Work Day, are great ways to encourage a beneficial (and enjoyable) form of transportation
Supporter Information:
Here is a template for a letter to city Mayors, requesting an official proclamation of support for Ride to Work Day.
Here is a template for a support proclamation that any city can use to support riding.
Here is a list of all 2006 - 2009 supporting cities, and .pdf files of each city’s proclamation.
If your city officially supports Ride to Work Day by proclamation, contact local media, and also send us a copy of the Proclamation so we can post it on our website.
Contact Ride to Work Day, a 501 c4 nonprofit organization, at:
POB 1072, Proctor, Minnesota, 55810 USA
218 722 9806
Christine Holt
Andy Goldfine
Mission Statement:
Advocating and supporting the use of motorcycles and scooters for transportation, and providing information about everyday riding to the public.
Some Affiliated Countries:
Canada, Germany, Philippines, England, France, Israel, Turkey, Ecuador, and many others.
Sample issues of 'The Daily Rider' newsletter are available for download at:
A brief history of Ride to Work Day is available for viewing at:
Fact Sheet:
A transportation motorcycling fact sheet is available at:
Photos and Artwork:
Motorcycle and scooter commuting photos, ads, posters, banners, photos, illustrations and other artwork is available at:
You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website.
Our mailing address is:
Ride To Work
P.O. Box 1072
Proctor, MN 55810-1072
Australia - Rock Machine defector beaten over his club tattoo: police
The man had allegedly tried to leave the Rock Machine and set
about having a tattoo removed, which is the calling card of gang membership.
Aja Styles
A bikie gang member was set upon and bashed by his own club after attempting defection by removing a tattoo, police believe.
The member of the Rock Machine was followed by a group of men to his Hammond Park home, shortly after being released from police custody at the weekend following a series of raids on members' homes.
Police were called to the southern suburbs home after St John Ambulance attended the property at 4pm yesterday.
The man was taken to hospital suffering facial injuries but refused to co-operate with police over the matter.
It is understood the assault was by other members of his gang and not by rival gang, the Rebels.
The man had allegedly tried to leave the Rock Machine and set about having a tattoo removed, which is the calling card of gang membership.
Organised and serious crime squad officers are investigating the incident.
Last week Assistant Commissioner, Nick Anticich, said police feared a drug turf war between rival bikie gangs, the Rebels and the Rock Machine, may escalate into a "cataclysmic event".
It followed police raids on 17 properties and resulted in the seizure of heavy calibre guns, unlicensed firearms and ammunition.
On Thursday, a 30-year-old Rock Machine member was charged with attempted murder, wilfully destroying evidence and possessing an unlicensed firearm.
The man, whose name has been suppressed for his own safety, is accused of shooting 41-year-old Rebels leader Nick Martin, who was wounded in the arm outside his Balcatta home.
- with AAP
Group pays the price for motorcycle noise drama in New Hampshire
Group pays the price for motorcycle noise drama in New Hampshire Saturday, 26 March 2011
Written by Digits
Attempting to take away the rights of a motorcycle enthusiast is all fun and games until somebody has to pay for it, or so it seems.
That is the lesson being learned by a group in New Hampshire who have pursued legal actions over how much noise should come from a motorcycle exhaust systems, EPA and state decibel levels, all relating to a local law passed in May 2010 in the town of North Hampton.
In the latest blow to so called ‘noise advocates’ the group NH CALM (N. H. Citizens Against Loud Motorcycles) have been ordered to pay the legal fees of a local motorcycle dealership fighting a law passed in the New Hampshire town of North Hampton. The law has been unenforced and legal action to enact it has been abandoned by local officials.
The law, aimed solely at motorcycles, was passed by a vote of 512-274 on May 11th 2010 which all requires all motorcycles to have permanent stickers on post-1982 motorcycle exhausts indicating they meet EPA noise standards. The EPA standards are 80 Decibels while the state enforced noise level is 106 decibels. The law carries fines of between $200 and $500 for the first offense with each subsequent violation punishable by a fine of $500 to $1,000. The offending motorcycle doesn’t even need to be running to receive a ticket with the law including those that are parked as well as being operated.
Ironically, some of the largest motorcycle dealerships in New Hampshire are located in the town of North Hampton; Seacoast Harley-Davidson, Great Bay Triumph, Ducati and Vespa, and MAX BMW and combined they employ approximately 100 people.
In response to the law, Seacoast Harley Davidson filed a suit requesting a restraining order preventing North Hampton from enforcing the motorcycle noise ordinance, declaring that state law trumps the local ordinance in terms of motorcycle noise.
"The ordinance has the effect of making the majority of Seacoast's (Harley dealership) entire used motorcycle inventory illegal," according to the suit, which further notes that after-market exhaust pipes, which are popular among Harley owners, do not have EPA stickers.
The suit also sought legal fees, and that has become the tangible result of NH CALM’s challenge.
Defending the suit was abandoned by North Hampton officials after its legal experts consider doing so too costly and local law enforcement noting the law wasn’t enforceable and circumvented state law.
The legal opinion has come back and not only has the action to enforce the law essentially been dismissed from federal legal opinions, but the efforts will cost the group NH Calm.
The case was escalated up to the federal court and pushed back down to Superior Court after a judge observed ‘NH CALM's claim for federal-question jurisdiction appears to be exceptionally weak’. Federal Judge Landya McCafferty ordered the motorcycle noise opponents pay Seacoast Harley’s legal fees.
The dealership’s attorney submitted his fees of 27 hours of work at an hourly rate of $325 totaling $8,807 in costs for a federal case that effectively never went to trial.
"It's an excessive amount of money to file a motion to remand," NH CALM's attorney Bob Shaines told the local newspaper Seacoast Online. Shaines is objecting to the bill claiming case law for similar legal actions would not only prove his point, but reduce the bill substantially.
As for the eventual outcome regarding the legislation in question, law officials in North Hampton and neighboring towns have warned against such laws noting they go against state established standards and would result in a burden on police resources.
Rye Police Chief Kevin Walsh told the Portsmouth Herald if the members of NH CALM want the allowed decibels lowered, "they need to go to the state Legislature."
While this is an option to the group it should be highlighted that they took that road already, sort of.
Failed legislation introduced in the New Hampshire State government last year would have required the state’s riders to follow the EPA’s 80 decibel guideline (with the appropriate sticker) was introduced and sponsored by North Hampton State Representative, Judith Day. Day’s husband Larry Miller is coincidentally a member of NH CALM.
Mrs. Day has since joined NH CALM.
Interestingly, if the standard of the frustrated legislation was enforced more broadly, a range of residents could find themselves the next target of laws against noise pollution. According to comparative charts of decibel ratings, lawnmowers, subway trains, train whistles and even the sound of city traffic when sitting in a car all exceed the standard set by the legislation.
Even a telephone dial tone is rated at 80 decibels, the level set for the questionable legislation.
Group pays the price for motorcycle noise drama in New Hampshire Saturday, 26 March 2011
Written by Digits
Attempting to take away the rights of a motorcycle enthusiast is all fun and games until somebody has to pay for it, or so it seems.
That is the lesson being learned by a group in New Hampshire who have pursued legal actions over how much noise should come from a motorcycle exhaust systems, EPA and state decibel levels, all relating to a local law passed in May 2010 in the town of North Hampton.
In the latest blow to so called ‘noise advocates’ the group NH CALM (N. H. Citizens Against Loud Motorcycles) have been ordered to pay the legal fees of a local motorcycle dealership fighting a law passed in the New Hampshire town of North Hampton. The law has been unenforced and legal action to enact it has been abandoned by local officials.
The law, aimed solely at motorcycles, was passed by a vote of 512-274 on May 11th 2010 which all requires all motorcycles to have permanent stickers on post-1982 motorcycle exhausts indicating they meet EPA noise standards. The EPA standards are 80 Decibels while the state enforced noise level is 106 decibels. The law carries fines of between $200 and $500 for the first offense with each subsequent violation punishable by a fine of $500 to $1,000. The offending motorcycle doesn’t even need to be running to receive a ticket with the law including those that are parked as well as being operated.
Ironically, some of the largest motorcycle dealerships in New Hampshire are located in the town of North Hampton; Seacoast Harley-Davidson, Great Bay Triumph, Ducati and Vespa, and MAX BMW and combined they employ approximately 100 people.
In response to the law, Seacoast Harley Davidson filed a suit requesting a restraining order preventing North Hampton from enforcing the motorcycle noise ordinance, declaring that state law trumps the local ordinance in terms of motorcycle noise.
"The ordinance has the effect of making the majority of Seacoast's (Harley dealership) entire used motorcycle inventory illegal," according to the suit, which further notes that after-market exhaust pipes, which are popular among Harley owners, do not have EPA stickers.
The suit also sought legal fees, and that has become the tangible result of NH CALM’s challenge.
Defending the suit was abandoned by North Hampton officials after its legal experts consider doing so too costly and local law enforcement noting the law wasn’t enforceable and circumvented state law.
The legal opinion has come back and not only has the action to enforce the law essentially been dismissed from federal legal opinions, but the efforts will cost the group NH Calm.
The case was escalated up to the federal court and pushed back down to Superior Court after a judge observed ‘NH CALM's claim for federal-question jurisdiction appears to be exceptionally weak’. Federal Judge Landya McCafferty ordered the motorcycle noise opponents pay Seacoast Harley’s legal fees.
The dealership’s attorney submitted his fees of 27 hours of work at an hourly rate of $325 totaling $8,807 in costs for a federal case that effectively never went to trial.
"It's an excessive amount of money to file a motion to remand," NH CALM's attorney Bob Shaines told the local newspaper Seacoast Online. Shaines is objecting to the bill claiming case law for similar legal actions would not only prove his point, but reduce the bill substantially.
As for the eventual outcome regarding the legislation in question, law officials in North Hampton and neighboring towns have warned against such laws noting they go against state established standards and would result in a burden on police resources.
Rye Police Chief Kevin Walsh told the Portsmouth Herald if the members of NH CALM want the allowed decibels lowered, "they need to go to the state Legislature."
While this is an option to the group it should be highlighted that they took that road already, sort of.
Failed legislation introduced in the New Hampshire State government last year would have required the state’s riders to follow the EPA’s 80 decibel guideline (with the appropriate sticker) was introduced and sponsored by North Hampton State Representative, Judith Day. Day’s husband Larry Miller is coincidentally a member of NH CALM.
Mrs. Day has since joined NH CALM.
Interestingly, if the standard of the frustrated legislation was enforced more broadly, a range of residents could find themselves the next target of laws against noise pollution. According to comparative charts of decibel ratings, lawnmowers, subway trains, train whistles and even the sound of city traffic when sitting in a car all exceed the standard set by the legislation.
Even a telephone dial tone is rated at 80 decibels, the level set for the questionable legislation.
Attika7, Check out, OUR FRIENDS OF THE SHOW

Dear Screwdriver & Bill
Bikers of America, Talk Radio
I would like for you to take a look at our epk. Our recent tours were Rockstar Energy Drink Uproar Fest and a European Tour. We are currently booking a National 48 state tour which leaves the end of April. We will be playing Sturgis and many other one off''s. We recently picked up Affliction Clothing as an endorsement and are the 3rd band under Ozzy & Sevendust.
Please review our epk and give us some feedback whether negative or positive.
Thank you for your time.
RJ Valdez
Arjay Management
Cell: (714) 404-3119
One journalist put it this way when describing ATTIKA7, "If the bands Rob Zombie and Black Sabbath were to have a spawn it would be the mighty ATTIKA7".
Attika7 is a four piece band, Rusty (guitar), Jay Rexx (vocals), Tony Campos (bass), and Dan Mark (drums).
The sound is a heavy drop tuned rock/metal blend of heavy yet melodic riffs and hooky leads with a taste of blues influence in them, reminiscent of Tony Iomi of Black Sabbath fame. Jays vocals are in the realm of Phil of Pantera or Sully of Godsmack. The vocals are heavy but not the death metal cookie monster grind. Attika7's fan base is broad appealing to teens as well as oldsters. Even some that don't normally listen to heavier music can appreciate the tight performance and decipherable lyrics.
Suburban Noize Records distributes their EP. It is available on I Tunes. Their 12 track album is slated to be released in 2011.
Attika7 has played and toured with some great names in metal and rock. Their sound crosses genre boundaries and isn't pigeon holed into rock or metal alone. Live, they are powerful and the songs are performed note for note as precise as the recordings. Check em out, you won't be disappointed.
Screwdriver & Bill
Dear Screwdriver & Bill
Bikers of America, Talk Radio
I would like for you to take a look at our epk. Our recent tours were Rockstar Energy Drink Uproar Fest and a European Tour. We are currently booking a National 48 state tour which leaves the end of April. We will be playing Sturgis and many other one off''s. We recently picked up Affliction Clothing as an endorsement and are the 3rd band under Ozzy & Sevendust.
Please review our epk and give us some feedback whether negative or positive.
Thank you for your time.
RJ Valdez
Arjay Management
Cell: (714) 404-3119
One journalist put it this way when describing ATTIKA7, "If the bands Rob Zombie and Black Sabbath were to have a spawn it would be the mighty ATTIKA7".
Attika7 is a four piece band, Rusty (guitar), Jay Rexx (vocals), Tony Campos (bass), and Dan Mark (drums).
The sound is a heavy drop tuned rock/metal blend of heavy yet melodic riffs and hooky leads with a taste of blues influence in them, reminiscent of Tony Iomi of Black Sabbath fame. Jays vocals are in the realm of Phil of Pantera or Sully of Godsmack. The vocals are heavy but not the death metal cookie monster grind. Attika7's fan base is broad appealing to teens as well as oldsters. Even some that don't normally listen to heavier music can appreciate the tight performance and decipherable lyrics.
Suburban Noize Records distributes their EP. It is available on I Tunes. Their 12 track album is slated to be released in 2011.
Attika7 has played and toured with some great names in metal and rock. Their sound crosses genre boundaries and isn't pigeon holed into rock or metal alone. Live, they are powerful and the songs are performed note for note as precise as the recordings. Check em out, you won't be disappointed.
Screwdriver & Bill
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Australia - ‘Notorious’ OMCG firearms seized – Strike Force Raptor
Strike Force Raptor officers have seized firearms, including an SKS assault rifle, believed to be linked to the ‘Notorious’ outlaw motorcycle gang.
Following extensive investigations into ‘Notorious’, officers raided a storage unit in Packard Avenue, Castle Hill, about 3.45pm yesterday.
There they found the assault rifle, as well as a loaded sawn-off shotgun, a loaded .22 calibre rifle and about 1000 rounds of ammunition.
Detectives believe at least one of the firearms has been used in shooting offences and each of the weapons will now undergo ballistic testing.
Inquiries are ongoing.
Strike Force Raptor was established by the State Crime Command’s Gangs Squad two years ago and is a proactive and high-impact operation targeting outlaw motorcycle gangs and their alleged associated criminal enterprises.
Strike Force Raptor officers have seized firearms, including an SKS assault rifle, believed to be linked to the ‘Notorious’ outlaw motorcycle gang.
Following extensive investigations into ‘Notorious’, officers raided a storage unit in Packard Avenue, Castle Hill, about 3.45pm yesterday.
There they found the assault rifle, as well as a loaded sawn-off shotgun, a loaded .22 calibre rifle and about 1000 rounds of ammunition.
Detectives believe at least one of the firearms has been used in shooting offences and each of the weapons will now undergo ballistic testing.
Inquiries are ongoing.
Strike Force Raptor was established by the State Crime Command’s Gangs Squad two years ago and is a proactive and high-impact operation targeting outlaw motorcycle gangs and their alleged associated criminal enterprises.
Australia - Bikie 'shot while eating KFC' at Rebels Outlaw gathering
Tony Keim
A GOLD Coast chapter member of the Rebels Outlaw Motorcycle Club was shot in the leg and then assaulted at a get-together he believed was to elect new club officials, a jury has been told.
The Brisbane District Court jury was today told Shane Michael Oulds, 38, shot Mark Allan Ashworth with a massive black gun as he sat eating a meal of KFC chicken at bar of the Rebels' Nerang premises, on the Gold Coast, on October 9, 2007.
Prosecutor Michael Lehane, in his opening, said Mr Oulds threatened to shoot Mr Ashworth again - telling him: "The next one is going in your head.''
He said another club member, Jamie Ciardi, 35, urged Mr Oulds to put another one, meaning a shot, into Mr Ashworth, while a third member, Ahmet Dogan, 41, later dropped him to the hospital for treatment and stole his ute.
Mr Oulds this morning pleaded not guilty to one count each of assault causing Mr Ashworth grievous bodily harm with intent and bodily harm.
Mr Lehan said after being shot Mr Ashworth saw Mr Oulds holding a "black gun'' that "looked massive to him'' and that when he tried to stand his "leg snapped from under him'' .
He said as Mr Dogan pinned Mr Ashworth to the ground and punched him in the head, Mr Oulds appeared to wave the gun about as "if trying to get a clear shot'' at Mr Ashworth.
Mr Lehane said Mr Ashworth, after being taken to hospital, initially lied to police about the circumstances surrounding the shooting.
He said Mr Ashworth originally told police he was injured during a random shooting as he was leaving work.
The jury was told while Mr Ashworth was in hospital members of the gang allegedly involved in the attack tried to have him sign a statement claiming he had shot himself.
The trial before Judge Hugh Botting continues.
Tony Keim
A GOLD Coast chapter member of the Rebels Outlaw Motorcycle Club was shot in the leg and then assaulted at a get-together he believed was to elect new club officials, a jury has been told.
The Brisbane District Court jury was today told Shane Michael Oulds, 38, shot Mark Allan Ashworth with a massive black gun as he sat eating a meal of KFC chicken at bar of the Rebels' Nerang premises, on the Gold Coast, on October 9, 2007.
Prosecutor Michael Lehane, in his opening, said Mr Oulds threatened to shoot Mr Ashworth again - telling him: "The next one is going in your head.''
He said another club member, Jamie Ciardi, 35, urged Mr Oulds to put another one, meaning a shot, into Mr Ashworth, while a third member, Ahmet Dogan, 41, later dropped him to the hospital for treatment and stole his ute.
Mr Oulds this morning pleaded not guilty to one count each of assault causing Mr Ashworth grievous bodily harm with intent and bodily harm.
Mr Lehan said after being shot Mr Ashworth saw Mr Oulds holding a "black gun'' that "looked massive to him'' and that when he tried to stand his "leg snapped from under him'' .
He said as Mr Dogan pinned Mr Ashworth to the ground and punched him in the head, Mr Oulds appeared to wave the gun about as "if trying to get a clear shot'' at Mr Ashworth.
Mr Lehane said Mr Ashworth, after being taken to hospital, initially lied to police about the circumstances surrounding the shooting.
He said Mr Ashworth originally told police he was injured during a random shooting as he was leaving work.
The jury was told while Mr Ashworth was in hospital members of the gang allegedly involved in the attack tried to have him sign a statement claiming he had shot himself.
The trial before Judge Hugh Botting continues.
Murrieta, CA - VIDEOS: Pass Assemblyman Tells Vietnam Vets They Are Not Forgotten
Guy McCarthy
Several hundred veterans of the Vietnam War and active military personnel turned out Sunday for "Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day" at March Field Air Museum. Assemblyman Paul Cook, R-Yucca Valley, addressed the crowd.

Vietnam Veterans from Murrieta, Menifee, Temecula and other Riverside County communities gathered Sunday at March Field Air Museum for the 2nd annual "Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day," organized in part by Pass area assemblyman and retired Marine Paul Cook.
"I hope this continues, and I hope the folks here at March want to do this every year," said Cook, R-Yucca Valley, whose 65th Assembly District includes Banning, Beaumont and Cherry Valley.
Members of the Vietnam Legacy Vets Motorcycle Club arrived on Harley-Davidsons and other motorbikes.
Bob Ingersoll, 65, of Murrieta, said he heard about the event through Cook's office.
"We'll be burying one of our brothers, John Barnes, 64, of Sun City, in the next few days," Ingersoll said, standing with other members of his club outside the air museum hangar. "He died just last week. We have members from all over Riverside County. Elsinore, Temecula, the Pass. We're here to show support for our brothers."
Ingersoll said he served two tours in Vietnam, in 1965 and 1966.
"I don't talk about it much," Ingersoll said when asked about his time in Vietnam. "I still see a psych - a psychologist - two times a week to deal with it."
Ingersoll paused and said, "I'd like to say that today, because of everything that's happened in the world, I think people appreciate Vietnam vets for what they sacrificed and what they did, versus what it was like when when we came home in '65, '66 . . . we're appreciated a lot more. People come up and thank us for our service, and that means an awful lot to us."
Elias Ochoa Jr., 63, of Chino Hills, opened the gathering with remembrances from more than 40 years ago.
"I served in U.S. Navy Special Warfare, Vietnam 1967, Tet Offensive 1968, Tet Offensive 1969, Tet Offensive Cambodia 1970, and back to the 'world' 1971.
"We consisted of SEAL teams, river squadrons, river divisions, and Sea Wolf helicopter squadron. River Patrol Flotilla Five, Task Force 116, Mekong Delta.
"We wore flak jackets, black berets, bandanas, tiger green flat hats, and steel .45s. We took our malaria medication and got shots constantly but we lived with a disease nobody could diagnose. We spent our nights shivering in cots or shivering in assault boats filled with knee-high water, or just laying still on cold, wet ground, our eyes imagining Viet Cong behind every bamboo blade.
"Or we slept in hotel beds in Saigon, barracks, or in cramped ships berthed along the rivers of Vietnam.
"We feared we would die or we feared we would kill. We simply feared, and often we still do. We hate the war, but sometimes we feel it was the best thing that ever happened to us. We blame Uncle Sam or Uncle Ho and often wonder if Agent Orange got us.
"Mostly, and this we believe with all our hearts. We wish we had not been so alone. We went in with friends whom we saw get blown up in front of us. Most of us were jerked up out of the 'world,' shaved, beat, barked at, insulted, humiliated with racism, and called baby killers.
"We went, put in our time and were ungraciously plucked out of the war and placed back in the real world with no welcome home. The time has come to welcome home our Vietnam veterans."
Ochoa was with his 22-year-old son, Elias Ochoa III, U.S. Army, and Kirby, his assistance dog for post-traumatic stress disorder.
Cook, 68, served in the Marine Corps for 26 years and in Vietnam, 1967 and 1968. He said he spent time near the demilitarized zone near the Laotian border and Qunag Tri. He said he was an infantry platoon commander and he was wounded twice in combat.
"You know I'm not from that Kumbaya era," Cook told the veterans. "But these days I'm learning to hug people. How do you like that? It's okay to show some emotion."
Residents of the San Gorgonio Pass are among the most passionate about remembering the sacrifices of the Vietnam generation, Cook said. Cook said he recently recognized Beaumont resident Anita Worthen as "Woman of the Year" for the 65th District for her efforts working with veterans, including her roles with the Pass Area Veterans Workshop and the Veterans of Foreign Wars Desert Edge, Ladies Auxiliary.
Outside the air museum hangar, Oscar Rauda, 34, of Temecula and Camp Pendleton, was helping keep an eye on the Vietnam Legacy Vets bikes. He said he is an active-duty Marine with recent tours in Afghanistan and Iraq, and he said he rides with Vietnam veterans because he feels indebted to their service and sacrifice.
"To carry the legacy that the Vietnam vets did for us, they set the foundation, the stuff they didn't have, now we're getting the recognition and respect," Rauda said. "Now the country is more appreciative of the military, and it's because of them. He did his part in history and I want to pass it on."
Rauda gestured to John Peterson, 64, of Menifee, a patch-holder in the Vietnam Legacy Vets. He said he served in the Army in 1966 and 1967 in the Mekong Delta.
"These younger folks from Desert Storm and going forward, they changed the public's attitude," Peterson said. "Before that, we were lower than whale shit."
More than 58,000 Americans died in the Vietnam War, with most of the fatalities occurring between 1965 and 1975.
Guy McCarthy
Several hundred veterans of the Vietnam War and active military personnel turned out Sunday for "Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day" at March Field Air Museum. Assemblyman Paul Cook, R-Yucca Valley, addressed the crowd.
Vietnam Veterans from Murrieta, Menifee, Temecula and other Riverside County communities gathered Sunday at March Field Air Museum for the 2nd annual "Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day," organized in part by Pass area assemblyman and retired Marine Paul Cook.
"I hope this continues, and I hope the folks here at March want to do this every year," said Cook, R-Yucca Valley, whose 65th Assembly District includes Banning, Beaumont and Cherry Valley.
Members of the Vietnam Legacy Vets Motorcycle Club arrived on Harley-Davidsons and other motorbikes.
Bob Ingersoll, 65, of Murrieta, said he heard about the event through Cook's office.
"We'll be burying one of our brothers, John Barnes, 64, of Sun City, in the next few days," Ingersoll said, standing with other members of his club outside the air museum hangar. "He died just last week. We have members from all over Riverside County. Elsinore, Temecula, the Pass. We're here to show support for our brothers."
Ingersoll said he served two tours in Vietnam, in 1965 and 1966.
"I don't talk about it much," Ingersoll said when asked about his time in Vietnam. "I still see a psych - a psychologist - two times a week to deal with it."
Ingersoll paused and said, "I'd like to say that today, because of everything that's happened in the world, I think people appreciate Vietnam vets for what they sacrificed and what they did, versus what it was like when when we came home in '65, '66 . . . we're appreciated a lot more. People come up and thank us for our service, and that means an awful lot to us."
Elias Ochoa Jr., 63, of Chino Hills, opened the gathering with remembrances from more than 40 years ago.
"I served in U.S. Navy Special Warfare, Vietnam 1967, Tet Offensive 1968, Tet Offensive 1969, Tet Offensive Cambodia 1970, and back to the 'world' 1971.
"We consisted of SEAL teams, river squadrons, river divisions, and Sea Wolf helicopter squadron. River Patrol Flotilla Five, Task Force 116, Mekong Delta.
"We wore flak jackets, black berets, bandanas, tiger green flat hats, and steel .45s. We took our malaria medication and got shots constantly but we lived with a disease nobody could diagnose. We spent our nights shivering in cots or shivering in assault boats filled with knee-high water, or just laying still on cold, wet ground, our eyes imagining Viet Cong behind every bamboo blade.
"Or we slept in hotel beds in Saigon, barracks, or in cramped ships berthed along the rivers of Vietnam.
"We feared we would die or we feared we would kill. We simply feared, and often we still do. We hate the war, but sometimes we feel it was the best thing that ever happened to us. We blame Uncle Sam or Uncle Ho and often wonder if Agent Orange got us.
"Mostly, and this we believe with all our hearts. We wish we had not been so alone. We went in with friends whom we saw get blown up in front of us. Most of us were jerked up out of the 'world,' shaved, beat, barked at, insulted, humiliated with racism, and called baby killers.
"We went, put in our time and were ungraciously plucked out of the war and placed back in the real world with no welcome home. The time has come to welcome home our Vietnam veterans."
Ochoa was with his 22-year-old son, Elias Ochoa III, U.S. Army, and Kirby, his assistance dog for post-traumatic stress disorder.
Cook, 68, served in the Marine Corps for 26 years and in Vietnam, 1967 and 1968. He said he spent time near the demilitarized zone near the Laotian border and Qunag Tri. He said he was an infantry platoon commander and he was wounded twice in combat.
"You know I'm not from that Kumbaya era," Cook told the veterans. "But these days I'm learning to hug people. How do you like that? It's okay to show some emotion."
Residents of the San Gorgonio Pass are among the most passionate about remembering the sacrifices of the Vietnam generation, Cook said. Cook said he recently recognized Beaumont resident Anita Worthen as "Woman of the Year" for the 65th District for her efforts working with veterans, including her roles with the Pass Area Veterans Workshop and the Veterans of Foreign Wars Desert Edge, Ladies Auxiliary.
Outside the air museum hangar, Oscar Rauda, 34, of Temecula and Camp Pendleton, was helping keep an eye on the Vietnam Legacy Vets bikes. He said he is an active-duty Marine with recent tours in Afghanistan and Iraq, and he said he rides with Vietnam veterans because he feels indebted to their service and sacrifice.
"To carry the legacy that the Vietnam vets did for us, they set the foundation, the stuff they didn't have, now we're getting the recognition and respect," Rauda said. "Now the country is more appreciative of the military, and it's because of them. He did his part in history and I want to pass it on."
Rauda gestured to John Peterson, 64, of Menifee, a patch-holder in the Vietnam Legacy Vets. He said he served in the Army in 1966 and 1967 in the Mekong Delta.
"These younger folks from Desert Storm and going forward, they changed the public's attitude," Peterson said. "Before that, we were lower than whale shit."
More than 58,000 Americans died in the Vietnam War, with most of the fatalities occurring between 1965 and 1975.
Arizona - Arizona border agents, weapons and oil
Brenda Norrell

US Deadly Games: Arizona border agents, weapons and oil.
By Brenda Norrell
Photo: National Guard on Tohono O'odham land building border vehicle barrier. The border wall and National Guard's presence on O'odham land were opposed by traditional O'odham and the O'odham Voice Against the Wall. The construction unearthed the remains of O'odham ancestors in violation of federal law. Photo Brenda Norrell.
The deadly games of the United States are being exposed. Wikileaks reveals the Arizona National Guard in oil-rich Asia and the Center for Public Integrity exposes the ATF's flow of weapons to drug cartels across the US/Mexico border.
The US says it is taking the lead in exploiting Kazakhstan's rich oil reserves, according to a diplomatic cable released by Wikileaks. The US even has the Arizona National Guard over there keeping them safe by way of Centcom. Arizona got a chunk of money to keep things safe and tidy for ExxonMobil, Chevron, and ConocoPhillips in Kazakhstan.
Meanwhile, the Center for Public Integrity exposes the fact that ATF allowed weapons to cross the border into Mexico. Two of those weapons were found at the murder scene of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, near Nogales, Arizona.
The ATF now admits that it allowed thousands of weapons across the border in a sting operation, "Fast and Furious," targeting narco traffickers.
A whistleblower told the Center for Public Integrity that some ATF agents opposed the operation because they knew what would happen when AK 47s were in the hands of drug runners.
“The decision -- part of a Phoenix-based operation code named 'Fast and Furious'-- was met by strong objections from some front-line agents who feared they were allowing weapons like AK-47s to ‘walk’ into the hands of drug lords and gun runners, internal agency memos show,” according to the Center’s article by John Solomon and David Heath and Gordon Witkin.
Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley of the Senate Judiciary Committee is pressing for answers as to why weapons were allowed to pass through the border and why those weapons were found at the scene of Border Agent Brian Terry’s murder, north of Nogales, Arizona, on Dec. 14, 2010.
Sen. Grassley also questions a weapons smuggling operation that involved the mayor of Columbus, New Mexico.
In his March 24 statement, the senator asked Customs and Border Protection for information about reportedly stopping Blas Gutierrez and Miguel Carrillo near the Mexican border.
“The two were recently indicted as part of a gun trafficking operation involving the mayor of Columbus, New Mexico. Additionally, Grassley is asking about allegations that Customs and Border Protection stopped Jaime Avila, who was recently indicted as the straw purchaser of weapons found at the scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry’s murder. In both instances, Border Patrol agents allegedly found the gun runners to be in possession of multiple weapons, but let the suspects proceed for unknown reasons.”
On March 16, Sen. Grassley wrote, “CBP officials allegedly stopped Jaime Avila near the border in the spring or summer of 2010. He allegedly had the two WASR-10 rifles in his possession that were later found at the scene of Agent Brian Terry’s murder, along with over thirty additional weapons.”
The exposure that the US allows weapons to cross the border into Mexico, follows sting operations exposing the role of US soldiers in drug running at the border.
The FBI halted a sting operation, Operation Lively Green, in 2006, because so many US soldiers in the Army, Marines and Airforce, wanted to smuggle cocaine from the border at Nogales to Phoenix. The nearly 100 people arrested included high school military recruiters in Tucson, a Nogales police officer and a prison guard. A similar sting operation found US soldiers stationed in Oklahoma ready and willing to smuggle cocaine from the US/Mexico border.
Back in Kazakhstan, the US continues its paternal and corporate role.
US Ambassador Richard Hoagland wrote this cable in February of 2010 that is marked "secret."
"U.S. and Kazakhstani strategic interests are largely aligned on the development of Kazakhstan's vast energy resources. Both sides agree that U.S. and other Western companies must continue playing a lead role in Kazakhstan's energy exploration and production projects, and that diversification of transport routes will bolster Kazakhstan's sovereignty and enable it to capture the maximum benefits of its energy and wealth."
"Kazakhstan produced 88 million tons of oil in 2009 (approximately 1.5 million barrels per day), and is expected to become one of the world's top ten crude exporters soon after 2015. While the country also has significant gas reserves (1.5 trillion cubic meters is a low-end estimate), current gas exports are very limited for now, in part because gas is being reinjected to maximize crude output. U.S. companies (ExxonMobil, Chevron, and ConocoPhillips) have significant ownership stakes in Kazakhstan's three major hydrocarbon projects, including Kashagan, the world's largest oil field discovery since Alaska's North Slope," the cable states.
Arizona received $200,000 in funds for participation in the Kazakhstan border and security training partnership.
"This included exchange visits in Arizona and Kazakhstan of firefighting and 911 operations," the cable states.
Read more:
Center for Public Integrity: ATF allowed weapons allowed into Mexico:
Updated: 3/22/2011
Tucson Citizen: Brian Terry's murder:
Senator Charles Grassley presses for answers:
Wikileaks: Arizona National Guard in Kazakhstan:
Brenda Norrell
US Deadly Games: Arizona border agents, weapons and oil.
By Brenda Norrell
Photo: National Guard on Tohono O'odham land building border vehicle barrier. The border wall and National Guard's presence on O'odham land were opposed by traditional O'odham and the O'odham Voice Against the Wall. The construction unearthed the remains of O'odham ancestors in violation of federal law. Photo Brenda Norrell.
The deadly games of the United States are being exposed. Wikileaks reveals the Arizona National Guard in oil-rich Asia and the Center for Public Integrity exposes the ATF's flow of weapons to drug cartels across the US/Mexico border.
The US says it is taking the lead in exploiting Kazakhstan's rich oil reserves, according to a diplomatic cable released by Wikileaks. The US even has the Arizona National Guard over there keeping them safe by way of Centcom. Arizona got a chunk of money to keep things safe and tidy for ExxonMobil, Chevron, and ConocoPhillips in Kazakhstan.
Meanwhile, the Center for Public Integrity exposes the fact that ATF allowed weapons to cross the border into Mexico. Two of those weapons were found at the murder scene of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, near Nogales, Arizona.
The ATF now admits that it allowed thousands of weapons across the border in a sting operation, "Fast and Furious," targeting narco traffickers.
A whistleblower told the Center for Public Integrity that some ATF agents opposed the operation because they knew what would happen when AK 47s were in the hands of drug runners.
“The decision -- part of a Phoenix-based operation code named 'Fast and Furious'-- was met by strong objections from some front-line agents who feared they were allowing weapons like AK-47s to ‘walk’ into the hands of drug lords and gun runners, internal agency memos show,” according to the Center’s article by John Solomon and David Heath and Gordon Witkin.
Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley of the Senate Judiciary Committee is pressing for answers as to why weapons were allowed to pass through the border and why those weapons were found at the scene of Border Agent Brian Terry’s murder, north of Nogales, Arizona, on Dec. 14, 2010.
Sen. Grassley also questions a weapons smuggling operation that involved the mayor of Columbus, New Mexico.
In his March 24 statement, the senator asked Customs and Border Protection for information about reportedly stopping Blas Gutierrez and Miguel Carrillo near the Mexican border.
“The two were recently indicted as part of a gun trafficking operation involving the mayor of Columbus, New Mexico. Additionally, Grassley is asking about allegations that Customs and Border Protection stopped Jaime Avila, who was recently indicted as the straw purchaser of weapons found at the scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry’s murder. In both instances, Border Patrol agents allegedly found the gun runners to be in possession of multiple weapons, but let the suspects proceed for unknown reasons.”
On March 16, Sen. Grassley wrote, “CBP officials allegedly stopped Jaime Avila near the border in the spring or summer of 2010. He allegedly had the two WASR-10 rifles in his possession that were later found at the scene of Agent Brian Terry’s murder, along with over thirty additional weapons.”
The exposure that the US allows weapons to cross the border into Mexico, follows sting operations exposing the role of US soldiers in drug running at the border.
The FBI halted a sting operation, Operation Lively Green, in 2006, because so many US soldiers in the Army, Marines and Airforce, wanted to smuggle cocaine from the border at Nogales to Phoenix. The nearly 100 people arrested included high school military recruiters in Tucson, a Nogales police officer and a prison guard. A similar sting operation found US soldiers stationed in Oklahoma ready and willing to smuggle cocaine from the US/Mexico border.
Back in Kazakhstan, the US continues its paternal and corporate role.
US Ambassador Richard Hoagland wrote this cable in February of 2010 that is marked "secret."
"U.S. and Kazakhstani strategic interests are largely aligned on the development of Kazakhstan's vast energy resources. Both sides agree that U.S. and other Western companies must continue playing a lead role in Kazakhstan's energy exploration and production projects, and that diversification of transport routes will bolster Kazakhstan's sovereignty and enable it to capture the maximum benefits of its energy and wealth."
"Kazakhstan produced 88 million tons of oil in 2009 (approximately 1.5 million barrels per day), and is expected to become one of the world's top ten crude exporters soon after 2015. While the country also has significant gas reserves (1.5 trillion cubic meters is a low-end estimate), current gas exports are very limited for now, in part because gas is being reinjected to maximize crude output. U.S. companies (ExxonMobil, Chevron, and ConocoPhillips) have significant ownership stakes in Kazakhstan's three major hydrocarbon projects, including Kashagan, the world's largest oil field discovery since Alaska's North Slope," the cable states.
Arizona received $200,000 in funds for participation in the Kazakhstan border and security training partnership.
"This included exchange visits in Arizona and Kazakhstan of firefighting and 911 operations," the cable states.
Read more:
Center for Public Integrity: ATF allowed weapons allowed into Mexico:
Updated: 3/22/2011
Tucson Citizen: Brian Terry's murder:
Senator Charles Grassley presses for answers:
Wikileaks: Arizona National Guard in Kazakhstan:
Denmark - Trial against 16 Hells Angels opens today
Hells Angels MC
Former gang member expected to provide key testimony for prosecution.. Fuckin RAT BASTARD.
The state's key witness says Hells Angel Brian Sandberg was responsible for odering the attacks during the 2009 gang conflict...
One of the nation’s biggest trials involving gang crime will get underway today when 16 people linked to the Hells Angels appear before a judge in Glostrup on charges of attempted murder, assault and weapons possession.
The 16, all members of Hells Angels or the affiliated gang HA 81, will reportedly plead innocent. The charges against them include six attempted murders taking place between April and October 2009 during an open conflict between the Hells Angels and immigrant gangs.
Much of the prosecution’s case will be built on the testimony of a 25-year-old former Hells Angel, who has explained that the attempted murders as well as a brutal beating of a rival gang member using a bat were ordered by senior gang member Brian Sandberg, one of the men standing trial.
The witness has already been sentenced to 12 years behind bars for his role in the crimes and police say his confessions have put his life at risk.
According to prosecutor Charlotte Alsing Juhl, the prosecution will also draw on the testimony of eyewitnesses and experts, as well as forensic evidence.
The trial is expected to continue through September.
Maryland: Wearing illegal helmets will have consequences
Wearing illegal headgear may come at price for motorcycle riders Novelty helmets don’t meet safety standards Elaine Blaisdell Cumberland Times-News
CUMBERLAND — With the onset of warm weather, more and more motorcycles are going to be on the road. Many motorcyclists using novelty or beanie helmets may not know they are in violation of a nationwide Department of Transportation law that requires helmets to meet Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 218.
Helmet manufacturers are responsible for certifying that motorcycle helmets are compliant with the standard, according to a State Highway Administration motorcycle safety fact sheet.
Helmets that meet the standard must have a sticker on the outside back of the helmet with the letters “DOT,” according to a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration pamphlet on identifying unsafe motorcycle helmets. Some novelty helmet sellers provide DOT stickers separately for motorcyclists to place on non-complying helmets. In this case, the DOT sticker is invalid and does not certify compliance.
“Stores can sell what they want,” said Buel Young, a Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration spokesman.
Cumberland Police haven’t seen any problems with non-compliant helmets recently, said Sgt. Anthony Rumgay.
Rumgay said novelty helmets are a new fad. “We haven’t handled any (motorcycle) accidents where an operator wasn’t wearing a DOT-certified helmet,” he said. “So far, all helmets have been the proper helmets. That’s not to say that it won’t happen.”
Motorcyclists without certification will be stopped and fined $110 for not wearing required headgear protection, according to Rumgay.
May is Motorcycle Awareness Month.
“During this month we try and create awareness. With warm weather, more and more motorcyclists appear on roads,” said Young. “Motorcycle safety awareness is a two-way street. Motorists need to be more attentive when driving to help keep motorcyclists safe. Motorcyclists need to make themselves more visible, check their speed and follow the rules of the roadway. The ultimate goal is to save lives by reducing crashes to keep motorcyclists safe in Maryland.”
A proper DOT-certified helmet can help to minimize head injuries and prevent death due to head trauma, according to the SHA’s motorcycle safety fact sheet.
“When compared to certified motorcycle helmets, novelty helmets perform significantly worse in terms of their ability to absorb impact energy during a motorcycle crash,” says a traffic safety administration report.
DOT-certified helmets can be determined by their weight, generally three pounds; thickness of the inner liner, usually 1 inch thick; and the quality of the chin strap and rivets.
Manufacturer labels that include the manufacturer’s name, model, size, month and year of manufacture, construction materials and owner’s information are also required under safety standards.
In addition, helmets that carry Snell or American National Standards Institute labels inside are good indicators that the helmet meets the national safety standards.
“To date, we have never seen a novelty helmet that has a phony DOT sticker in addition to a phony Snell or ANSI label” said the pamphlet.
Allegany College of Maryland offers a basic rider course for motorcyclists that discusses how to select the proper riding gear.
Riders who pass the class receive a Maryland Motorcycle Safety Program Completion Card and are eligible to apply for a motorcycle license through the MVA.
Wearing illegal headgear may come at price for motorcycle riders Novelty helmets don’t meet safety standards Elaine Blaisdell Cumberland Times-News
CUMBERLAND — With the onset of warm weather, more and more motorcycles are going to be on the road. Many motorcyclists using novelty or beanie helmets may not know they are in violation of a nationwide Department of Transportation law that requires helmets to meet Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 218.
Helmet manufacturers are responsible for certifying that motorcycle helmets are compliant with the standard, according to a State Highway Administration motorcycle safety fact sheet.
Helmets that meet the standard must have a sticker on the outside back of the helmet with the letters “DOT,” according to a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration pamphlet on identifying unsafe motorcycle helmets. Some novelty helmet sellers provide DOT stickers separately for motorcyclists to place on non-complying helmets. In this case, the DOT sticker is invalid and does not certify compliance.
“Stores can sell what they want,” said Buel Young, a Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration spokesman.
Cumberland Police haven’t seen any problems with non-compliant helmets recently, said Sgt. Anthony Rumgay.
Rumgay said novelty helmets are a new fad. “We haven’t handled any (motorcycle) accidents where an operator wasn’t wearing a DOT-certified helmet,” he said. “So far, all helmets have been the proper helmets. That’s not to say that it won’t happen.”
Motorcyclists without certification will be stopped and fined $110 for not wearing required headgear protection, according to Rumgay.
May is Motorcycle Awareness Month.
“During this month we try and create awareness. With warm weather, more and more motorcyclists appear on roads,” said Young. “Motorcycle safety awareness is a two-way street. Motorists need to be more attentive when driving to help keep motorcyclists safe. Motorcyclists need to make themselves more visible, check their speed and follow the rules of the roadway. The ultimate goal is to save lives by reducing crashes to keep motorcyclists safe in Maryland.”
A proper DOT-certified helmet can help to minimize head injuries and prevent death due to head trauma, according to the SHA’s motorcycle safety fact sheet.
“When compared to certified motorcycle helmets, novelty helmets perform significantly worse in terms of their ability to absorb impact energy during a motorcycle crash,” says a traffic safety administration report.
DOT-certified helmets can be determined by their weight, generally three pounds; thickness of the inner liner, usually 1 inch thick; and the quality of the chin strap and rivets.
Manufacturer labels that include the manufacturer’s name, model, size, month and year of manufacture, construction materials and owner’s information are also required under safety standards.
In addition, helmets that carry Snell or American National Standards Institute labels inside are good indicators that the helmet meets the national safety standards.
“To date, we have never seen a novelty helmet that has a phony DOT sticker in addition to a phony Snell or ANSI label” said the pamphlet.
Allegany College of Maryland offers a basic rider course for motorcyclists that discusses how to select the proper riding gear.
Riders who pass the class receive a Maryland Motorcycle Safety Program Completion Card and are eligible to apply for a motorcycle license through the MVA.
Texas - Bikers' battle: Motorcycle club revs up pledges against road rage..
Bikers' battle: Motorcycle club revs up pledges against road rage
By Chris Beattie,
Bikers Against Road Rage, a nonprofit organization started by the Dirty Bastards Motorcycle Club (DBMC), held its first fundraiser Saturday, March 18, at Hank's Texas Grill in McKinney.
The group, "Bikers Rocking and Revving Against Road Rage," put on the event to raise money for McKinney residents Loren and Lacey Santos, whose parents died last September because of an accident caused by road rage.
"It's not about us at all," said Scrape, DBMC member and event organizer. "It's about the girls and helping them do the things they should be able to do."
The local club hosted the fundraiser only months after it founded the organization. The girls' father, Ernie Santos, was a member of the club. He and his wife, Elisa, died after crashing their motorcycles on U.S. 75 in Richardson, when the owners of two vehicles in front of them had taken their bar fight onto the road.
Plano resident Sterling Mitchell and Dallas resident Michael Pyburn engaged in an altercation inside the Verandah Grill and Lounge in Richardson on Sept. 17th, 2010. The disturbance continued into the parking lot and then onto U.S. 75. At about 2 a.m., Mitchell suddenly stopped his white Mitsubishi pickup truck in the left-center lane, directly in front of Pyburn's black Lexus. To miss the truck, Pyburn swerved to the right and made fatal contact with a motorcycle ridden by Ernie and Elisa. Ernie's fellow DBMC members quickly heard about the wreck.
"That night, we all had calls coming in at two and three in the morning," said Mongo, DBMC member. "We were there for each other right away."
Lisa died at the scene, and Ernie died in the hospital two days later after several unsuccessful surgeries. Shortly after, Scrape, Mongo and the rest of the club started Bikers Against Road Rage (BARR).
"It's what we're supposed to do," Mongo said. "Ernie's not here, and we're his brothers."
Loren, 13, and Lacey, 5, now live with their aunt and uncle and were at the event held in their honor. Scrape and Mongo, who both asked to be referred to by their club names, helped organize the fundraiser, which according to Scrape was certainly "rocking."
He said between 700 and 1,000 people were there throughout the day, many of them parking four or five lots over and walking almost a half-mile just to get there.
The bands that played for free at the event included Wade Reeves, Rock Theory, Voodoo Blue, Delta Rage and The Maylee Thomas Band. The Christian Motorcycle Association (CMA) also participated in the event and teamed with Harley Davidson of Dallas to sponsor the event.
"We've had so much support for the foundation since we started it," Scrape said. "This weekend, all the support we had from the sponsors was just unbelievable."
The club raised money through door cover charges, biker games and raffles. The event, which lasted from 2 p.m. until early Sunday morning, allowed Hank's to set a single-day sales record.
Scrape and Mongo said they hoped the fundraiser would help outsiders understand that not all motorcycle clubs are law-breaking outlaws.
"Most people have a real bad misconception about us because of our name," Mongo said. "We're anything but what they think, and we come from all walks of life."
Three men started the DBMC in 2007 because they simply wanted to ride together. They each were in a different stage in life and had a mutual passion for riding motorcycles. Other clubs they tried to join would only accept one or two, but not all three of them, so they started their own. Scrape said because they weren't accepted, the three were "like bastard children," an idea that gave the club its name.
T1he DBMC is only considered an outlaw group by definition: The American Motorcycle Association (AMA) says that any club that wears patches and doesn't belong to the AMA is an outlaw club. Scrape and Mongo emphasized that their club is not a "one-percenter," a club that participates in illegal activity.
The DBMC members have a bond that allows them to always be there for each other, and in recent months, there for each other's family. Last weekend's turnout gave the club reason to believe its fight against road rage is just beginning.
"We hope it grows into something as big as Mothers Against Drunk Driving," Mongo said. "We just want to be in a position to help families who are in the same predicament as the Santos on that night."
Bikers' battle: Motorcycle club revs up pledges against road rage
By Chris Beattie,
Bikers Against Road Rage, a nonprofit organization started by the Dirty Bastards Motorcycle Club (DBMC), held its first fundraiser Saturday, March 18, at Hank's Texas Grill in McKinney.
The group, "Bikers Rocking and Revving Against Road Rage," put on the event to raise money for McKinney residents Loren and Lacey Santos, whose parents died last September because of an accident caused by road rage.
"It's not about us at all," said Scrape, DBMC member and event organizer. "It's about the girls and helping them do the things they should be able to do."
The local club hosted the fundraiser only months after it founded the organization. The girls' father, Ernie Santos, was a member of the club. He and his wife, Elisa, died after crashing their motorcycles on U.S. 75 in Richardson, when the owners of two vehicles in front of them had taken their bar fight onto the road.
Plano resident Sterling Mitchell and Dallas resident Michael Pyburn engaged in an altercation inside the Verandah Grill and Lounge in Richardson on Sept. 17th, 2010. The disturbance continued into the parking lot and then onto U.S. 75. At about 2 a.m., Mitchell suddenly stopped his white Mitsubishi pickup truck in the left-center lane, directly in front of Pyburn's black Lexus. To miss the truck, Pyburn swerved to the right and made fatal contact with a motorcycle ridden by Ernie and Elisa. Ernie's fellow DBMC members quickly heard about the wreck.
"That night, we all had calls coming in at two and three in the morning," said Mongo, DBMC member. "We were there for each other right away."
Lisa died at the scene, and Ernie died in the hospital two days later after several unsuccessful surgeries. Shortly after, Scrape, Mongo and the rest of the club started Bikers Against Road Rage (BARR).
"It's what we're supposed to do," Mongo said. "Ernie's not here, and we're his brothers."
Loren, 13, and Lacey, 5, now live with their aunt and uncle and were at the event held in their honor. Scrape and Mongo, who both asked to be referred to by their club names, helped organize the fundraiser, which according to Scrape was certainly "rocking."
He said between 700 and 1,000 people were there throughout the day, many of them parking four or five lots over and walking almost a half-mile just to get there.
The bands that played for free at the event included Wade Reeves, Rock Theory, Voodoo Blue, Delta Rage and The Maylee Thomas Band. The Christian Motorcycle Association (CMA) also participated in the event and teamed with Harley Davidson of Dallas to sponsor the event.
"We've had so much support for the foundation since we started it," Scrape said. "This weekend, all the support we had from the sponsors was just unbelievable."
The club raised money through door cover charges, biker games and raffles. The event, which lasted from 2 p.m. until early Sunday morning, allowed Hank's to set a single-day sales record.
Scrape and Mongo said they hoped the fundraiser would help outsiders understand that not all motorcycle clubs are law-breaking outlaws.
"Most people have a real bad misconception about us because of our name," Mongo said. "We're anything but what they think, and we come from all walks of life."
Three men started the DBMC in 2007 because they simply wanted to ride together. They each were in a different stage in life and had a mutual passion for riding motorcycles. Other clubs they tried to join would only accept one or two, but not all three of them, so they started their own. Scrape said because they weren't accepted, the three were "like bastard children," an idea that gave the club its name.
T1he DBMC is only considered an outlaw group by definition: The American Motorcycle Association (AMA) says that any club that wears patches and doesn't belong to the AMA is an outlaw club. Scrape and Mongo emphasized that their club is not a "one-percenter," a club that participates in illegal activity.
The DBMC members have a bond that allows them to always be there for each other, and in recent months, there for each other's family. Last weekend's turnout gave the club reason to believe its fight against road rage is just beginning.
"We hope it grows into something as big as Mothers Against Drunk Driving," Mongo said. "We just want to be in a position to help families who are in the same predicament as the Santos on that night."
New street report from San Diego
A friend of mine who lives near San Diego bought a Quig patch and cut the BOLT logo off it and sewed it to his baseball cap. He paid someone to stitch DOT to the back of the cap. This evening, he reports this to me:
I was running an errand on my bike this afternoon, but did not bring a helmet out of the house, so was wearing my BOLT / DOT baseball hat. SDPD did a u-turn and followed me for 4 blocks, but did not follow me when I went into an alley.
I know we have had a huge effect on PDs everywhere.
A friend of mine who lives near San Diego bought a Quig patch and cut the BOLT logo off it and sewed it to his baseball cap. He paid someone to stitch DOT to the back of the cap. This evening, he reports this to me:
I was running an errand on my bike this afternoon, but did not bring a helmet out of the house, so was wearing my BOLT / DOT baseball hat. SDPD did a u-turn and followed me for 4 blocks, but did not follow me when I went into an alley.
I know we have had a huge effect on PDs everywhere.
We're trying to enact a similar law here in MA!
House Bill 1981 will let motorcyclists, moped riders and bicyclists pass through red lights, as long as there is no oncoming traffic, after waiting 120 seconds or two cycles of the light. The law will take effect July 1. March 27, 2011
RICHMOND – If you ride a motorcycle or bicycle, you probably know the frustration of getting stuck at a red light that just won’t change – because the sensors under the street can’t detect your two-wheeler. Two-wheel vehicles will be allowed to run those red lights, under certain situations, under a bill signed into law Thursday by Gov. Bob McDonnell. House Bill 1981 will let motorcyclists, moped riders and bicyclists pass through red lights, as long as there is no oncoming traffic, after waiting 120 seconds or two cycles of the light. The law will take effect July 1. Champe Burnley, president of the Virginia Bicycling Federation, said riders of two-wheel vehicles often end up trapped at red lights, with no safe, legal option about what to do, because motorcycles and bikes aren’t heavy enough or don’t have enough metal to trip the sensor. “Most of the traffic signals today have a wire in the road – so it’s an induction loop. And frequently there’s just not enough metallic mass for the induction loop to pick up a cycle that goes over there,” Burnley said. “If you’re on a bike and you get to a stoplight – and I stop for stoplights religiously – it puts me into a difficult position. Because if the light doesn’t change, I’ve either got to wait for a car to come up behind me to trip the stoplight, or I’ve got to break the law – and I don’t like to do that.” Delegate Thomas “Tag” Greason, who sponsored HB 1981, said the legislation will make things much safer for riders. “The bill is designed to increase the safety for those riders who ride motorcycles, mopeds or bicycles,” Greason said. “When they approach and are stranded at an intersection, and the weight of their vehicle is not great enough to trigger the light, and so they’re stranded at a red light, and they really don’t have any legal options available to them under today’s code.” Greason, a Republican from Potomac Falls, said some people raised questions about who would be at fault if a motorcycle runs a red light and causes an accident. But those questions have been addressed in the bill, he said. “Imagine that the red light is a stop sign: If the motorcyclist pulls out into oncoming traffic and causes an accident, he would have the same liability if he was at a red light or if he was at a stop sign,” Greason said. Under his measure, motorcycles and bicycles must come to a complete stop at a red light and wait for 120 seconds or two cycles of the light. “Then they proceed with caution, as if they were at a stop sign, and they must maintain all the liability, and give way to oncoming traffic, from either direction,” Greason said. “So there is no transfer of liability.” Delegate Bill Janis, R-Glen Allen, introduced a similar measure – HB 1991. His proposal was folded into Greason’s bill. HB 1981 passed the House on a 75-24 vote in January. The Senate then unanimously approved the bill – with an amendment emphasizing that bicyclists and motorcyclists who proceed through a red light must yield to oncoming traffic. The House then voted 87-11 in favor of the amended bill. ###
House Bill 1981 will let motorcyclists, moped riders and bicyclists pass through red lights, as long as there is no oncoming traffic, after waiting 120 seconds or two cycles of the light. The law will take effect July 1. March 27, 2011
RICHMOND – If you ride a motorcycle or bicycle, you probably know the frustration of getting stuck at a red light that just won’t change – because the sensors under the street can’t detect your two-wheeler. Two-wheel vehicles will be allowed to run those red lights, under certain situations, under a bill signed into law Thursday by Gov. Bob McDonnell. House Bill 1981 will let motorcyclists, moped riders and bicyclists pass through red lights, as long as there is no oncoming traffic, after waiting 120 seconds or two cycles of the light. The law will take effect July 1. Champe Burnley, president of the Virginia Bicycling Federation, said riders of two-wheel vehicles often end up trapped at red lights, with no safe, legal option about what to do, because motorcycles and bikes aren’t heavy enough or don’t have enough metal to trip the sensor. “Most of the traffic signals today have a wire in the road – so it’s an induction loop. And frequently there’s just not enough metallic mass for the induction loop to pick up a cycle that goes over there,” Burnley said. “If you’re on a bike and you get to a stoplight – and I stop for stoplights religiously – it puts me into a difficult position. Because if the light doesn’t change, I’ve either got to wait for a car to come up behind me to trip the stoplight, or I’ve got to break the law – and I don’t like to do that.” Delegate Thomas “Tag” Greason, who sponsored HB 1981, said the legislation will make things much safer for riders. “The bill is designed to increase the safety for those riders who ride motorcycles, mopeds or bicycles,” Greason said. “When they approach and are stranded at an intersection, and the weight of their vehicle is not great enough to trigger the light, and so they’re stranded at a red light, and they really don’t have any legal options available to them under today’s code.” Greason, a Republican from Potomac Falls, said some people raised questions about who would be at fault if a motorcycle runs a red light and causes an accident. But those questions have been addressed in the bill, he said. “Imagine that the red light is a stop sign: If the motorcyclist pulls out into oncoming traffic and causes an accident, he would have the same liability if he was at a red light or if he was at a stop sign,” Greason said. Under his measure, motorcycles and bicycles must come to a complete stop at a red light and wait for 120 seconds or two cycles of the light. “Then they proceed with caution, as if they were at a stop sign, and they must maintain all the liability, and give way to oncoming traffic, from either direction,” Greason said. “So there is no transfer of liability.” Delegate Bill Janis, R-Glen Allen, introduced a similar measure – HB 1991. His proposal was folded into Greason’s bill. HB 1981 passed the House on a 75-24 vote in January. The Senate then unanimously approved the bill – with an amendment emphasizing that bicyclists and motorcyclists who proceed through a red light must yield to oncoming traffic. The House then voted 87-11 in favor of the amended bill. ###
Australia - Police target Rebels memorial ride – Collector
Police have issued numerous traffic infringement and defect notices after targeting an Outlaw Motorcycle Gang group ride in the state’s south at the weekend.
Officers from Strike Force Raptor conducted a mass vehicle stop of ‘Rebels’ members on Saturday afternoon at Collector as they travelled from Sydney to the ACT for a memorial ride.
Officers from South West Metropolitan Region Highway Patrol, Southern Region Highway Patrol, the Public Order and Riot Squad, the Dog Unit and ACT Police also assisted.
All ninety-five riders and three drivers were breath tested, with police also conducting a number of drug tests and motorcycle compliance checks.
Officers issued 20 traffic infringement notices, 10 defect notices and one criminal infringement notice for offensive language.
They also identified a suspended driver and one rider returned a positive result to a drug test.
Twenty Department of Environment and Climate Control notices were issued for excessive noise.
Police have issued numerous traffic infringement and defect notices after targeting an Outlaw Motorcycle Gang group ride in the state’s south at the weekend.
Officers from Strike Force Raptor conducted a mass vehicle stop of ‘Rebels’ members on Saturday afternoon at Collector as they travelled from Sydney to the ACT for a memorial ride.
Officers from South West Metropolitan Region Highway Patrol, Southern Region Highway Patrol, the Public Order and Riot Squad, the Dog Unit and ACT Police also assisted.
All ninety-five riders and three drivers were breath tested, with police also conducting a number of drug tests and motorcycle compliance checks.
Officers issued 20 traffic infringement notices, 10 defect notices and one criminal infringement notice for offensive language.
They also identified a suspended driver and one rider returned a positive result to a drug test.
Twenty Department of Environment and Climate Control notices were issued for excessive noise.
Group pays the price for motorcycle noise drama in New Hampshire
Attempting to take away the rights of a motorcycle enthusiast is all fun and games until somebody has to pay for it, or so it seems.
That is the lesson being learned by a group in New Hampshire who have pursued legal actions over how much noise should come from a motorcycle exhaust systems, EPA and state decibel levels, all relating to a local law passed in May 2010 in the town of North Hampton.
In the latest blow to so called ‘noise advocates’ the group NH CALM (N. H. Citizens Against Loud Motorcycles) have been ordered to pay the legal fees of a local motorcycle dealership fighting a law passed in the New Hampshire town of North Hampton. The law has been unenforced and legal action to enact it has been abandoned by local officials.
The law, aimed solely at motorcycles, was passed by a vote of 512-274 on May 11th 2010 which all requires all motorcycles to have permanent stickers on post-1982 motorcycle exhausts indicating they meet EPA noise standards. The EPA standards are 80 Decibels while the state enforced noise level is 106 decibels. The law carries fines of between $200 and $500 for the first offense with each subsequent violation punishable by a fine of $500 to $1,000. The offending motorcycle doesn’t even need to be running to receive a ticket with the law including those that are parked as well as being operated.
Ironically, some of the largest motorcycle dealerships in New Hampshire are located in the town of North Hampton; Seacoast Harley-Davidson, Great Bay Triumph, Ducati and Vespa, and MAX BMW and combined they employ approximately 100 people.
In response to the law, Seacoast Harley Davidson filed a suit requesting a restraining order preventing North Hampton from enforcing the motorcycle noise ordinance, declaring that state law trumps the local ordinance in terms of motorcycle noise.
"The ordinance has the effect of making the majority of Seacoast's (Harley dealership) entire used motorcycle inventory illegal," according to the suit, which further notes that after-market exhaust pipes, which are popular among Harley owners, do not have EPA stickers.
The suit also sought legal fees, and that has become the tangible result of NH CALM’s challenge.
Defending the suit was abandoned by North Hampton officials after its legal experts consider doing so too costly and local law enforcement noting the law wasn’t enforceable and circumvented state law.The legal opinion has come back and not only has the action to enforce the law essentially been dismissed from federal legal opinions, but the efforts will cost the group NH Calm.
The case was escalated up to the federal court and pushed back down to Superior Court after a judge observed ‘NH CALM's claim for federal-question jurisdiction appears to be exceptionally weak’. Federal Judge Landya McCafferty ordered the motorcycle noise opponents pay Seacoast Harley’s legal fees.
The dealership’s attorney submitted his fees of 27 hours of work at an hourly rate of $325 totaling $8,807 in costs for a federal case that effectively never went to trial.
"It's an excessive amount of money to file a motion to remand," NH CALM's attorney Bob Shaines told the local newspaper Seacoast Online. Shaines is objecting to the bill claiming case law for similar legal actions would not only prove his point, but reduce the bill substantially.
As for the eventual outcome regarding the legislation in question, law officials in North Hampton and neighboring towns have warned against such laws noting they go against state established standards and would result in a burden on police resources.
Rye Police Chief Kevin Walsh told the Portsmouth Herald if the members of NH CALM want the allowed decibels lowered, "they need to go to the state Legislature."
While this is an option to the group it should be highlighted that they took that road already, sort of.
Failed legislation introduced in the New Hampshire State government last year would have required the state’s riders to follow the EPA’s 80 decibel guideline (with the appropriate sticker) was introduced and sponsored by North Hampton State Representative, Judith Day. Day’s husband Larry Miller is coincidentally a member of NH CALM.
Mrs. Day has since joined NH CALM.
Interestingly, if the standard of the frustrated legislation was enforced more broadly, a range of residents could find themselves the next target of laws against noise pollution. According to comparative charts of decibel ratings, lawnmowers, subway trains, train whistles and even the sound of city traffic when sitting in a car all exceed the standard set by the legislation.
Even a telephone dial tone is rated at 80 decibels, the level set for the questionable legislation.
TENNESSEE: Second Harvest of Middle TN. & Feeding America
Feeding America
& Bikini Beach Biker Bar
Are Very Excited to Announce!
The 2nd annual Biker benefit for
Second Harvest of Middle TN. & Feeding America
To be held Saturday, May 7th 2011
At Bikini Beach Biker Bar
1297 Antioch Pike
Nashville, TN 37211
Beginning at 12:00 noon & goes till it’s over!
The event will feature a 200 mile round trip motorcycle ride from
Bikini Beach Bar to Dale Hollow Lake & back to Bikini Beach where the main festivities will be happening all day. Start time for ride TBA.
This years music headliner!
Taking the Stage around 6 PM
Check out the Band at
For the folks who’ve never been, Bikini Beach Bar is without a doubt the best Biker Bar in all of Nashville - Mid. TN. the entire Southeast region!
There’s plenty of motorcycle parking, great indoor/outdoor atmosphere & the owners/staff are all awesome! Bikini Beach has provided Bikers with a great music venue and riding destination for over 14 years!
Other events of the day will include:
A food drive for 2nd Harvest of Mid. TN.
(please bring only non perishable items)
A grand prize drawing & second prize drawing for the Bikers who sign up & take the “Ride” Grand prize eligibility for Bikers who ride the round trip with additional prize eligible for Bikers who ride in oneway from
Dale Hollow Lake. Oneway or round trip, the fee is $20.00 per bike with all proceeds going to 2nd Harvest/Feeding America. Bikers will leave out from Bikini Beach led by the bar owner Barry & stop at a predetermined destination at Dale Hollow Lake where Bikers who wish to ride oneway will join the group. Start time TBA.
Raffle tickets will be sold all day for a variety of great prizes with all proceeds going to charity.
A celebrity cooking challenge during the afternoon!
A variety of great food will be available for purchase
There will be a lot of vendors on hand selling swag
Live Music from “Baker”
Very Special Performance By:
Music Legend “Razzy Bailey”
Additional music guest TBA.
Last year the flood in Nashville did not stop us!
The event will go on “Rain or Shine”
Feeding America
& Bikini Beach Biker Bar
Are Very Excited to Announce!
The 2nd annual Biker benefit for
Second Harvest of Middle TN. & Feeding America
To be held Saturday, May 7th 2011
At Bikini Beach Biker Bar
1297 Antioch Pike
Nashville, TN 37211
Beginning at 12:00 noon & goes till it’s over!
The event will feature a 200 mile round trip motorcycle ride from
Bikini Beach Bar to Dale Hollow Lake & back to Bikini Beach where the main festivities will be happening all day. Start time for ride TBA.
This years music headliner!
Taking the Stage around 6 PM
Check out the Band at
For the folks who’ve never been, Bikini Beach Bar is without a doubt the best Biker Bar in all of Nashville - Mid. TN. the entire Southeast region!
There’s plenty of motorcycle parking, great indoor/outdoor atmosphere & the owners/staff are all awesome! Bikini Beach has provided Bikers with a great music venue and riding destination for over 14 years!
Other events of the day will include:
A food drive for 2nd Harvest of Mid. TN.
(please bring only non perishable items)
A grand prize drawing & second prize drawing for the Bikers who sign up & take the “Ride” Grand prize eligibility for Bikers who ride the round trip with additional prize eligible for Bikers who ride in oneway from
Dale Hollow Lake. Oneway or round trip, the fee is $20.00 per bike with all proceeds going to 2nd Harvest/Feeding America. Bikers will leave out from Bikini Beach led by the bar owner Barry & stop at a predetermined destination at Dale Hollow Lake where Bikers who wish to ride oneway will join the group. Start time TBA.
Raffle tickets will be sold all day for a variety of great prizes with all proceeds going to charity.
A celebrity cooking challenge during the afternoon!
A variety of great food will be available for purchase
There will be a lot of vendors on hand selling swag
Live Music from “Baker”
Very Special Performance By:
Music Legend “Razzy Bailey”
Additional music guest TBA.
Last year the flood in Nashville did not stop us!
The event will go on “Rain or Shine”
BOLT of MA press release, Massachusetts Motorcyclists’ Collaborate with New York
DATE: March 24, 2011
CONTACT: Paul Cote
(978) 504-9715
Massachusetts Motorcyclists’ Collaborate with New York
Motorcycling Activists to Halt Arbitrary Motorcycle Roadblocks
(Boston, MA) The Massachusetts Chapter of Biker of Lesser Tolerance (B.O.L.T.) has begun collaborating with the New York Freedom Riders, and their counsel, representing several riders in a lawsuit filed in the US Federal Court, in efforts to extinguish state and municipal "roadblocks" or so-called "safety checkpoints" requiring only motorcyclists to submit to an arbitrary inspection of their bikes.
While there has been rare experience with such activity in Massachusetts, this practice has been quite active in New York State since 2008, at locations where organized Motorcycling Rallies are held. Said roadblocks occur on New York Highway Exits that riders use to get to the scheduled Rallies.
In their insidious nature, the "roadblocks" for motorcycles-only are falsely entitled "Motorcycle Safety Checkpoints" by Government sponsored agencies. However, most motorcyclists’ see this as nothing more that opportunities for harassment of fellow motorcycle riders.
Furthermore, motorcyclists see these tactics as a revenue enhancement procedure during difficult economic times with the citations they can write motorcyclists based upon police officers’ arbitrary assumptions and not in the name of "safety."
Following this action that New York has been performing, the Federal Government under the auspices of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (N.H.T.S.A.), offered financial incentives to individual states to perform Motorcycle-Only "Checkpoints."
Last season, the State of Georgia received a $70,000 grant to pay for motorcycle-only "checkpoints" to be operated during the recent annual Daytona Florida Bike Week, giving Georgia multiple opportunities to stop multitudes of motorcycle riders on their way to this mammoth 70 year-old Rally.
"This is pure Fascism, plain and simple," stated Massachusetts B.O.L.T. Director Bill Gannon. "Police Departments are stopping and harassing motorcyclists without probable cause, proper authority, statute or ordinance that specifically authorizes such fascist tactics once again by a tyrannical action targeting a single subculture of our society.”
"Police officers are not trained mechanics and most do not have the competency to check a motorcycle’s engineering for safety purposes. That is why we go to actual mechanic’s annually to have our motorcycles inspected and the inspection sticker displayed on our vehicles should be enough evidence to allow us to travel unimpeded," Gannon continued.
Massachusetts B.O.L.T. Legislative Director Paul Cote` said, “It reminds me of the "Checkpoint Charlie" stops separating East and West Germany before the Berlin Wall was torn down.”
Massachusetts B.O.L.T. is also planning a lobbying effort on behalf of US House Resolution 904 authored by Wisconsin Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner, which would prohibit NHTSA from providing grants for Motorcycle-Only "roadblocks."
"In these difficult economic times with the myriad of difficulties facing citizens of this country, such as 25% of all Massachusetts drivers being on the road after revocation of insurance, I would think that the Government would have much higher priorities to use this revenue on rather than wasted spending just to harass motorcycle riders," stated B.O.L.T. Secretary Betsy Lister. "
Massachusetts B.O.L.T. is an elite collective of motorcycling activists opposing discrimination against motorcyclists. Known, primarily, for opposition to government-mandated motorcycle helmet laws, B.O.L.T. will lawfully fight discrimination on all fronts, including legislative buildings, courtrooms, and the streets. Membership is limited to proven motorcycling activists chosen as a result of their exemplary actions. More information on Massachusetts B.O.L.T. activities can be viewed on
web site.
DATE: March 24, 2011
CONTACT: Paul Cote
(978) 504-9715
Massachusetts Motorcyclists’ Collaborate with New York
Motorcycling Activists to Halt Arbitrary Motorcycle Roadblocks
(Boston, MA) The Massachusetts Chapter of Biker of Lesser Tolerance (B.O.L.T.) has begun collaborating with the New York Freedom Riders, and their counsel, representing several riders in a lawsuit filed in the US Federal Court, in efforts to extinguish state and municipal "roadblocks" or so-called "safety checkpoints" requiring only motorcyclists to submit to an arbitrary inspection of their bikes.
While there has been rare experience with such activity in Massachusetts, this practice has been quite active in New York State since 2008, at locations where organized Motorcycling Rallies are held. Said roadblocks occur on New York Highway Exits that riders use to get to the scheduled Rallies.
In their insidious nature, the "roadblocks" for motorcycles-only are falsely entitled "Motorcycle Safety Checkpoints" by Government sponsored agencies. However, most motorcyclists’ see this as nothing more that opportunities for harassment of fellow motorcycle riders.
Furthermore, motorcyclists see these tactics as a revenue enhancement procedure during difficult economic times with the citations they can write motorcyclists based upon police officers’ arbitrary assumptions and not in the name of "safety."
Following this action that New York has been performing, the Federal Government under the auspices of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (N.H.T.S.A.), offered financial incentives to individual states to perform Motorcycle-Only "Checkpoints."
Last season, the State of Georgia received a $70,000 grant to pay for motorcycle-only "checkpoints" to be operated during the recent annual Daytona Florida Bike Week, giving Georgia multiple opportunities to stop multitudes of motorcycle riders on their way to this mammoth 70 year-old Rally.
"This is pure Fascism, plain and simple," stated Massachusetts B.O.L.T. Director Bill Gannon. "Police Departments are stopping and harassing motorcyclists without probable cause, proper authority, statute or ordinance that specifically authorizes such fascist tactics once again by a tyrannical action targeting a single subculture of our society.”
"Police officers are not trained mechanics and most do not have the competency to check a motorcycle’s engineering for safety purposes. That is why we go to actual mechanic’s annually to have our motorcycles inspected and the inspection sticker displayed on our vehicles should be enough evidence to allow us to travel unimpeded," Gannon continued.
Massachusetts B.O.L.T. Legislative Director Paul Cote` said, “It reminds me of the "Checkpoint Charlie" stops separating East and West Germany before the Berlin Wall was torn down.”
Massachusetts B.O.L.T. is also planning a lobbying effort on behalf of US House Resolution 904 authored by Wisconsin Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner, which would prohibit NHTSA from providing grants for Motorcycle-Only "roadblocks."
"In these difficult economic times with the myriad of difficulties facing citizens of this country, such as 25% of all Massachusetts drivers being on the road after revocation of insurance, I would think that the Government would have much higher priorities to use this revenue on rather than wasted spending just to harass motorcycle riders," stated B.O.L.T. Secretary Betsy Lister. "
Massachusetts B.O.L.T. is an elite collective of motorcycling activists opposing discrimination against motorcyclists. Known, primarily, for opposition to government-mandated motorcycle helmet laws, B.O.L.T. will lawfully fight discrimination on all fronts, including legislative buildings, courtrooms, and the streets. Membership is limited to proven motorcycling activists chosen as a result of their exemplary actions. More information on Massachusetts B.O.L.T. activities can be viewed on
web site.
San Diego,Ca - Local 6 "E-MAIL BLAST" APRIL 2011
Sent by
John Del Santo
APRIL 2011
SUNDAY APRIL 3rd ABATE Local 6 Holds their regular monthly meeting in Kate Sessions Park in Pacific Beach , San Diego , at NOON. Do you know what’s new in the motorcycle world ? C’mon down !
also Sunday APRIL, / 9 / 2011, RIDE, STRIVE AND ROLL,
CAL-DIEGO PVA Poker run to benefit Paralyzed Vets transportation Program.
Starts at Sweetwater Harley 9 - 10 AM
***** SPAGHETTI DINNER Will be held at American Legion Post 460, 7815 Armour St, Kearny Mesa, San Diego. SERVING FROM 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM (or until we run out of food) Stop in after your Saturday ride….or take your Family out to dinner. Sauce is home-made by a Famous Italian Cook. Everyone is welcome here……C’mon Down !
9 – 10 AM SWEETWATER HARLEY PVA Fundraiser for disabled vets transportation program.
SUNDAY APRIL 10 ABATE LOCAL 11 (North County) holds their monthly meeting in Valley Stream at Connie’s overlooking Lake Wohlford. 11 AM.
APRIL 15, 16, 17 The Yuma Prison Run, Yuma AZ.
SATURDAY MAY 7th Fundraiser for S.D. County Veterans. Rough Riders. Chula Vista Vets Home.
(no further info)
MAY 6 / 7 / 8 / 2011
Shady Grove Kampground, Stoddard Wells Rd , Victorville , CA .
SUNDAY May 22 Quarterly PAC/PRESIDENTS/BOARD meeting. Sacramento .
MONDAY MAY 23 FREEDOM & MOTORCYCLE AWARENESS RALLY.STATE CAPITOL South Capitol Steps 11 am to 1:00 PM. Visit your legislators.
SUNDAY JUNE 5 "RIP'S BAD RIDE" Bikers Against Diabetes. more info later.
SUNDAY JUNE 26 Annual Reservoir Run Sweetwater Harley.
Meanwhile, ABATE’s AB 695 authored by Assemblyman Chris Norby, to
repeal California ’s mandatory motorcycle helmet law, is set for its first hearing in the Assembly Transportation Committee on April 25, at 1:30 pm in Room 4202.
Our other bill, AB 1047, to Stop
authored by the Vice Chairman of the Assembly Transportation Committee, Kevin Jefferies, is set to be heard in April, also in the Assembly Transportation Committee.
Our bill will prohibit the CA Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) from issuing grants
to law enforcement agencies to stage,
and also require the OTS to conduct audits of the safety checkpoint grants
to insure that law enforcement is complying! This will be a major victory
for motorcycle riders, who are being singled out for profiling.
We will need letters and emails on this bill as well!
Stay tuned and look for our action alerts for what you can do to stop this,
disgraceful discrimination against bikers!
SUNDAY APRIL 3rd ABATE Local 6 Holds their regular monthly meeting in Kate Sessions Park in Pacific Beach , San Diego , at NOON. Do you know what’s new in the motorcycle world ? C’mon down !
If it is seriously raining on the Sunday of the Local 6 regular meeting… and you are already out and about…. The meeting will be held AT 12 NOON at the Arizona Café , 1925 Bacon St . in Ocean Beach just this side of Newport Av. They serve a good breakfast on weekends.
Sent by
John Del Santo
APRIL 2011
SUNDAY APRIL 3rd ABATE Local 6 Holds their regular monthly meeting in Kate Sessions Park in Pacific Beach , San Diego , at NOON. Do you know what’s new in the motorcycle world ? C’mon down !
also Sunday APRIL, / 9 / 2011, RIDE, STRIVE AND ROLL,
CAL-DIEGO PVA Poker run to benefit Paralyzed Vets transportation Program.
Starts at Sweetwater Harley 9 - 10 AM
***** SPAGHETTI DINNER Will be held at American Legion Post 460, 7815 Armour St, Kearny Mesa, San Diego. SERVING FROM 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM (or until we run out of food) Stop in after your Saturday ride….or take your Family out to dinner. Sauce is home-made by a Famous Italian Cook. Everyone is welcome here……C’mon Down !
9 – 10 AM SWEETWATER HARLEY PVA Fundraiser for disabled vets transportation program.
SUNDAY APRIL 10 ABATE LOCAL 11 (North County) holds their monthly meeting in Valley Stream at Connie’s overlooking Lake Wohlford. 11 AM.
APRIL 15, 16, 17 The Yuma Prison Run, Yuma AZ.
SATURDAY MAY 7th Fundraiser for S.D. County Veterans. Rough Riders. Chula Vista Vets Home.
(no further info)
MAY 6 / 7 / 8 / 2011
Shady Grove Kampground, Stoddard Wells Rd , Victorville , CA .
SUNDAY May 22 Quarterly PAC/PRESIDENTS/BOARD meeting. Sacramento .
MONDAY MAY 23 FREEDOM & MOTORCYCLE AWARENESS RALLY.STATE CAPITOL South Capitol Steps 11 am to 1:00 PM. Visit your legislators.
SUNDAY JUNE 5 "RIP'S BAD RIDE" Bikers Against Diabetes. more info later.
SUNDAY JUNE 26 Annual Reservoir Run Sweetwater Harley.
Meanwhile, ABATE’s AB 695 authored by Assemblyman Chris Norby, to
repeal California ’s mandatory motorcycle helmet law, is set for its first hearing in the Assembly Transportation Committee on April 25, at 1:30 pm in Room 4202.
Our other bill, AB 1047, to Stop
authored by the Vice Chairman of the Assembly Transportation Committee, Kevin Jefferies, is set to be heard in April, also in the Assembly Transportation Committee.
Our bill will prohibit the CA Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) from issuing grants
to law enforcement agencies to stage,
and also require the OTS to conduct audits of the safety checkpoint grants
to insure that law enforcement is complying! This will be a major victory
for motorcycle riders, who are being singled out for profiling.
We will need letters and emails on this bill as well!
Stay tuned and look for our action alerts for what you can do to stop this,
disgraceful discrimination against bikers!
SUNDAY APRIL 3rd ABATE Local 6 Holds their regular monthly meeting in Kate Sessions Park in Pacific Beach , San Diego , at NOON. Do you know what’s new in the motorcycle world ? C’mon down !
If it is seriously raining on the Sunday of the Local 6 regular meeting… and you are already out and about…. The meeting will be held AT 12 NOON at the Arizona Café , 1925 Bacon St . in Ocean Beach just this side of Newport Av. They serve a good breakfast on weekends.
Proud to say this is one of our new Congressmen! Col West.
Subject: Col West
Proud to say this is one of our new Congressmen!
Only two blacks were newly elected to congress this cycle, and both are Republican. Col West is from southern Florida, a bastion of the Democratic Party…. He won in a walk.
It is worth the viewing. This new Congressman was an extremely popular commander in Iraq . He was forced to retire because during an intense combat action a few of his men were captured. At the same time his men had captured one of the guys who were with the Iraqis who captured his men.
Knowing that time was crucial and his interrogators were not getting anywhere with the prisoner COL West took matters into his own hands. He burst into the room and demanded thru an interpreter that the prisoner tell him where his men were being taken. The prisoner refused so COL West took out his pistol and placed it into the prisoner's crotch and fired. Then the COL told the prisoner that the next shot would not miss. So the prisoner said he would show where the American service members were being taken. The Americans were rescued.
Someone filed a report on incorrect handling of prisoners. COL West was forced to retire. COL West was just elected in November 2010 to Congress from Florida . During the elections he was part of a panel on how to handle or how to relate to Muslims. You will see his answer here.
Here is one of the new congressmen from Florida explaining very definitively in just over a minute the truth about Islam. Please watch and if you agree; please forward it to your friends, if you disagree, please hit the "delete" button.
Proud to say this is one of our new Congressmen!
Only two blacks were newly elected to congress this cycle, and both are Republican. Col West is from southern Florida, a bastion of the Democratic Party…. He won in a walk.
It is worth the viewing. This new Congressman was an extremely popular commander in Iraq . He was forced to retire because during an intense combat action a few of his men were captured. At the same time his men had captured one of the guys who were with the Iraqis who captured his men.
Knowing that time was crucial and his interrogators were not getting anywhere with the prisoner COL West took matters into his own hands. He burst into the room and demanded thru an interpreter that the prisoner tell him where his men were being taken. The prisoner refused so COL West took out his pistol and placed it into the prisoner's crotch and fired. Then the COL told the prisoner that the next shot would not miss. So the prisoner said he would show where the American service members were being taken. The Americans were rescued.
Someone filed a report on incorrect handling of prisoners. COL West was forced to retire. COL West was just elected in November 2010 to Congress from Florida . During the elections he was part of a panel on how to handle or how to relate to Muslims. You will see his answer here.
Here is one of the new congressmen from Florida explaining very definitively in just over a minute the truth about Islam. Please watch and if you agree; please forward it to your friends, if you disagree, please hit the "delete" button.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Breaking News - Man arrested in Carlsbad homicide of Devin Allen
CARLSBAD — A suspect was arrested Tuesday in connection with the stabbing death Friday night of an Oceanside man.
Juan Rocha, 20, was taken into custody at a Greyhound Bus Line station in Indianapolis about 2:30 a.m., Carlsbad police Sgt. Mickey Williams said.
He is being held on $5 million bail on first-degree murder and gang allegation charges in the death of 27-year-old Devin Allen.
He died at 11:32 p.m. Friday after being stabbed in the stomach. His father, Michael Allen, said the attack was unprovoked. His son was to celebrate his 28th birthday on April 1.
The father said the last time he talked to his son he told him that he loved him and that he would see him at his birthday barbecue.
On Friday night, Devin Allen and two friends had just left Hensley’s Flying Elephant Pub & Grill on Tamarack Avenue and were walking on Harding Street and Carol Place, just around the corner from the bar, when two men approached them.
One of the approaching men asked for a cigarette and then asked where Allen’s group where they were from, Michael Allen said.
Devin Allen replied that he was from Oceanside. His father said that led one of the men to take out a knife and attack his son.
Michael Allen, who lives in Orange County and works in Carlsbad, described his son as one of the most “mild, calm, peaceful people you could ever meet,” with an “insatiable love for life.”
A single father of a 6-year-old daughter, Devin Allen worked in construction as a painter and a tiler, his father said. He loved the Padres and the Chargers and had played baseball and semi-pro football.
Allen said he doesn’t think the attackers can ever understand the magnitude of what they have done. “This is a pain you never want to experience,” Michael Allen said.
He said he has received an outpouring of support, including from people he doesn’t even know.
A fundraising dinner to benefit Devin Allen’s daughter will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Grubby’s Diner in Oceanside, and a benefit concert will be from 2:30 to 8 p.m. Saturday at the Pier View Pub in Oceanside.
Rocha, who is believed to be a gang member, is being held in Marion County Jail where he is awaiting extradition.
Williams said it would take days to weeks for him to be returned to Carlsbad.
He said investigators are still looking for anyone who was with Rocha that night or who might have helped him after the attack.
Anyone with information is asked to call Carlsbad police at (760) 931-2197.
CARLSBAD — A suspect was arrested Tuesday in connection with the stabbing death Friday night of an Oceanside man.
Juan Rocha, 20, was taken into custody at a Greyhound Bus Line station in Indianapolis about 2:30 a.m., Carlsbad police Sgt. Mickey Williams said.
He is being held on $5 million bail on first-degree murder and gang allegation charges in the death of 27-year-old Devin Allen.
He died at 11:32 p.m. Friday after being stabbed in the stomach. His father, Michael Allen, said the attack was unprovoked. His son was to celebrate his 28th birthday on April 1.
The father said the last time he talked to his son he told him that he loved him and that he would see him at his birthday barbecue.
On Friday night, Devin Allen and two friends had just left Hensley’s Flying Elephant Pub & Grill on Tamarack Avenue and were walking on Harding Street and Carol Place, just around the corner from the bar, when two men approached them.
One of the approaching men asked for a cigarette and then asked where Allen’s group where they were from, Michael Allen said.
Devin Allen replied that he was from Oceanside. His father said that led one of the men to take out a knife and attack his son.
Michael Allen, who lives in Orange County and works in Carlsbad, described his son as one of the most “mild, calm, peaceful people you could ever meet,” with an “insatiable love for life.”
A single father of a 6-year-old daughter, Devin Allen worked in construction as a painter and a tiler, his father said. He loved the Padres and the Chargers and had played baseball and semi-pro football.
Allen said he doesn’t think the attackers can ever understand the magnitude of what they have done. “This is a pain you never want to experience,” Michael Allen said.
He said he has received an outpouring of support, including from people he doesn’t even know.
A fundraising dinner to benefit Devin Allen’s daughter will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Grubby’s Diner in Oceanside, and a benefit concert will be from 2:30 to 8 p.m. Saturday at the Pier View Pub in Oceanside.
Rocha, who is believed to be a gang member, is being held in Marion County Jail where he is awaiting extradition.
Williams said it would take days to weeks for him to be returned to Carlsbad.
He said investigators are still looking for anyone who was with Rocha that night or who might have helped him after the attack.
Anyone with information is asked to call Carlsbad police at (760) 931-2197.
Rest In Peace Kimmy Chapman
Rest In Peace Kimmy Chapman
Member Of Biker Community Killed; Friends Want Action
PHOENIX -- A fatal motorcycle accident over the weekend has sparked controversy in the biker community.
Kimmy Chapman, 55, died and her boyfriend, who was driving the bike, was seriously injured after police said a car failed to yield at an intersection and struck them.
Bikers around the Valley are joining in a familiar refrain: People in cars aren't looking out for motorcycles.
Ross Rutherford is a recreational rider and president of ABATE, a motorcycle education group in Arizona.
"Safety. Safety is one of our major things," Rutherford said.
Safety was also an issue for Chapman.
Chapman was well known in the biker community. She was an advocate who started "The Biker's Information Guide" on the Internet.
"It tore a hole in my heart. She was one of the great ones," Rutherford said.
Rutherford said Chapman's accident sounds all too familiar.
"Seventy- five percent of the accidents with motorcyclist are cars entering their right-of-way," he said.
It's such an issue a statute was introduced into Arizona law last year to give stiffer penalties to those found guilty of right-of-way crashes.
"I have never seen it happen yet," Rutherford said.
Punishment, Rutherford said might work, if it actually happened.
"Look what drunk driving laws did. I mean, if people think that something is gonna happen to them they're gonna think twice," he said.
But Rutherford said he knows bikers aren't perfect, either.
"I wish I could say that we didn't have idiots on two wheels, but we do. But the problem is, usually if it's one of our idiots, they just take themselves out," he said.
Steve Martos with the Phoenix Police Department said officials are still looking into what charges to file in Chapman's crash and that it's still under investigation.
Martos also said if there's criminal intent, or the crash breaks the law, police will always do their part to make sure the person responsible pays for the crime.
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Friends Remember Man Killed in Carlsbad
Devin Allen, seen here in a photo posted on a friend's Facebook wall, was a popular Oceanside resident...
By R. Stickney
A man stabbed near a Carlsbad pub was approached by two men and asked for a cigarette moments before the deadly attack.
Devin Allen, 27, of Oceanside, was leaving Hensley's Flying Elephant Pub & Grill on Tamarack Avenue around 10:40 p.m. Friday when he was approached by the men his friends said.
One asked Allen for a cigarette. Soon after, Allen was stabbed.
"It happened so fast," David Bernstein told our media partners the North County Times. "One minute we're laughing and taking pictures, the next second he's being flown to the hospital and then they are telling us he died."
Carlsbad police are investigating the attack that took place west of Interstate 5 near Harding Street and Carol Place.
The suspect fled the scene and the weapon used in the stabbing was not found, police said.
"Devin was the last person you would expect something like this to happen to," said longtime friend Joshua Donahue.
Allen grew up in Oceanside and his parents still live there. He loved to fish with his 6-year-old daughter and was a big supporter of local music, Donahue said.
In fact, he was at Hensley's that night to see his friend Donahue play with his band Oceanside SoundSystem.
When he left the bar with friends, that's when he was attacked.
"He was in the wrong place at the wrong time," Donahue said. "It could've happened to anyone and it happened to poor Devin."
Friends are planning a benefit Saturday, April 2 with proceeds to go to the Allen family. The location will be the Pier View Pub in Oceanside from 2:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. A lot of local bands are coming in to play throughout the benefit.
It's important to Donahue that he help support the family of the kid he said "broke the mold."
"He had that personality that you couldn’t be his enemy," Donahue said. "It was impossible to not like this guy."
Another memorial is planned for Wednesday, March 30 from 5 to 8 p.m. at Grubby's Diner on South Coast Highway.
Skate shop Grandeur O-side is planning on creating a very limited board in the memory of Allen, nicknamed "Devo" by friends.
"Big love to the whole family," the company posted on its Facebook page. "He was a great, genuine, real, just flat out good person."
Anyone with information relating to the crime is asked to call the Carlsbad Police Department at (760) 931-2197 or Crime Stoppers’ anonymous tip line at (888) 580-8477. Crime Stoppers can also be anonymously emailed or texted online.
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