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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Guilty Till Proven Innocent PT1,by Hank McGrath "What's Your Number?"

Written by McGhost
Contrary to common belief,the style of American Justice thrives on the authoritative approach of certain members of society being stereotyped and singled out to be considered automatically with the presumption of guilt rather than of innocence as is guaranteed every citizen through the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution.
Paramount in this systematic process of discrimination is the belief that certain members of society , like "lone wolves" and "bikers", are not protected by rights and are instead victims in a game of chase. Rights become points and based upon how you live will influence how many points you will lose. This "point system" which derived from the Feds and is used in their sentencing process actually considers your lifestyle (past & present) when deciding how many points you get which call for a longer sentence of imprisonment...The theory of this point system as a discipline used by authorities in profiling has great merit when you consider "3 strikes and youre out" sentencing within NYS courts.
So,through a govt. perspective, from the beginning at birth YOU ARE A NUMBER and throughout your life certain people of power will attach numbers to you like pinning the tail on a donkey. This number/point process is also used on machines and cattle...OTB and the stock exchange. Its real!
I, for instance, having no family and being raised by the government, started out as 0 (my ssi number had no bearing on me as an incarcerated child) - because I was too young, had no representation in society and was a bastard irish rogue! Now I managed to escape from time to time and as a result of that lifestyle I earned myself some notoriety, recognition and points! New numbers were given to me each time,too! And,of course,you are told nothing else matters but the number. You have no name, no coat of arms - just a number (the same applies for all citizens from a govt perspective). So,you would memorize it just like a citizen would their ssi number. You would even compare numbers with others imprisoned and experienced the seniority over others simply because your number was older than the "new jack" arriving in prison. Like one of mine was 75-B-1194. When I started seeing others with a number like 80B201 that told me I was already in 5 years(the first number is the year you were imprisoned. The letter is from what area you were processed and the last number is how many that year). On my first stint I met an old man,the last man in the state to have an X for a letter in the prison number - Thats death penalty! He died in prison. His number ran out. You will find behind every aspect of the system of government there will be a number/point system as prevalent as depicted in the 2007 Jim Carey movie called "23". Think out of the box for a second - Although everyone is issued a govt. number at birth, some members of society are considered for new numbers on a daily basis. These new numbers are like license plates for those chosen to make license plates and other products for private industries contracted with the Dept. of Corrections.
You may think it has something to do with the crime - notwithstanding those caught for serious offenses - a large portion of society is chosen for the game, the pursuit, the catch and release...based solely upon your classification in society. If you are a large group within society with potentially great energy and power and your existence threatens the control of government you will be labeled an opponent of that government and the game is on, as in the case of biker MC's. It does not matter if anyone does anything wrong in any given group or MC. The govt. will create laws which make you seem wrong in order to initiate their control over any group in society.
Draw the diagram in your head: Drug Stores on one side of the street,police on other,court and govt on other side and corporate figureheads. Also add govt indentured slaves like state workers, factory workers and small local govt workers - That's society! (Churches have lost their higher level in society). Drug stores can sell the drugs, drugs which kill, injure,maim thousands each year. Police can don a uniform over themselves while covering up criminal activity they themselves witness or may commit, courts keep the wheels turning for the second largest industry in NYS: PRISONS(govt jobs is the largest NYS industry);government will continue to protect the corporate figureheads interests and the citizen slave is compelled to work for survival under the foot of the system...where does that leave a free spirit, a patriot, a lone wolf, a biker or MC's and Groups? NoOne should be compelled to be like someone else in order to be accepted. That's how the govt initiates the numbers game. They depict themselves so far from the likes of certain people so they can demean, victimize and judge that segment of society. Until bikers become government officials and judges and as long as the govt is based upon plutocracy and elitism negative numbers will be issued against the bikers in an attempt to extricate them from society. That is called "American cultural genocide" - because the american biker is a part of an integral cultural fabric of America! Its actually as simple and yet complex as that. How many have been actually told "your number's up"? During hard economic times the govt will seek expansions in govt. and its industries. Trickle down govt instruction will activate the discriminatory point system and the authorities will begin harvesting stereotyped citizens for new numbers. That requires the passing of new laws which restrict lifestyles and freedom and those who rebel will be eligible for new numbers. A large portion of individuals arrested under this purge are not guilty as charged but guilty of a lesser degree. Nonetheless, they will cop-out by the thousands thereby fulfilling the needs of the govt. to cleanse and control society. Those who take their case to trial will succeed ONLY IF they are willing to lie more than the prosecutor and police WILL. Its true, the innocent are compelled by the system to lie in order to avoid being renumbered! That is because a jury is the prosecutors greatest enemy! The authorities do not protect our constitutional rights - We do!
Without our constitutional rights and a jury trial to challenge the acts and agressions of the govt. we would live under martial law in a police state. Remember the Principle: "In a court of law, whoever tells the best story wins. Innocence really has no bearing".