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Monday, July 9, 2012

The Global Gun Control Threat..

By Dick Morris

Dear Friend,
Click Here to sign the petition to stop the US from signing the Arms Trade Treaty!
On July 27th, the nations of the world are scheduled to meet in New York to sign a global Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). Disguised as a way to prevent the proliferation of small arms throughout the world, it is, in fact, a backdoor way to legislate gun control in the United States and effectively repeal our Second Amendment.
The ATT will set up a global body which will require all nations to regulate firearms so that they can prevent their exportation to other countries. Inevitably, this will require countries to inventory the guns in private hands and to register them. A gun ban is not far away.
The ATT, under the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution, would have the power of a constitutional amendment and would, effectively, repeal the Second Amendment guaranteeing us the right to bear arms. We must fight to stop the US from signing the treaty and, if we fail, block Senate ratification.
Please sign the petition and include your name and address so we can send it to your Congressman and Senators.
Click Here to sign the petition to stop the US from signing the Arms Trade Treaty!
Thanks very much,
Dick Morris

NOPE....the Supremacy clause cannot over rule the 2nd amendment......This is a straw man scare tactic...If you don't believe me then look up what it takes to ratify or change a constitutional amendment.........Has to pass both houses and Pres and ratified by 38 states.
Bart, you are right and wrong. First, it only takes the President and the senate to ratify a treaty (2/3 of senate approval). Actually, the senate doesn't ratify a treaty, they only give it a up or down vote and then it goes back to the president to ratify and sign. The house doesn't have anything to do with treaties and the states do not vote on this either. The supremacy clause tells us that anything in the U.S. constitution, or TREATIES that are ratified are considered to be supreme law of the land and therefore are above any state laws. So, yes this treaty, if ratified would become the law of the land. But, with that being said, any treaty first has to be reviewed to make sure it doesn't conflict with the current laws, and this treaty would do so and being that the democrats don't have 2/3 of the senate, it would be hard to pass this treaty, unless some repub's sold out. The real problem here is that we have a president that is interested in this nonsense.
Dick, thank you for making people aware of Obama's power grab via International Treaties. You tell it like it is and I appreciate it.