So we used to think, you know, if you put enough "truth" out there, sooner or later the Florida motorcycling public will wake up and start asking there legislators why they keep giving Master-ABATE of Florida tax payer dollars. But then we realized that Florida motorcyclists buying into Harley Davidsons, "Screw it Lets Ride" marketing campaign took it seriously and adopted the attitude, "Screw it we don't care who screws us". And we used to think that someday ABATE of FLorida would wake up from their cult juice induced stupor. But now.....now we kind of enjoy waiting around to see what will happen next. You could not intentionally write a better comedy.
So ABATE of Florida has finally replaced President and Lobbyist Doc Reichenbach with a new President, former Vice President and long time Doc do boy, "Doc Fish". However After relieving smurf Reichenbach from his non paying Presidents role, they kept him in his paying "Lobbyist Role". Helloooo..... Yo Fish, you fell for that???
We can only imagine that it is just a perverted scheme to remove the appearance of impropriety we have harped on for, oh just a few years, regarding a nonprofit organization receiving state money having the same person as President and Lobbyist which means on occasion he has to lobby against where the money is coming from, be that the state or the members??? Are you following this?
Well Ms. Banshee did some checking and look what she found on page 3 of the Governors veto list:
Now we are told that 2685 includes grant money allocated to ABATE of FLorida.
So, if true, there are some lobbyist monies well spent? Cause that money is toasted, gone, who gonna pay the docster now? But of course that is never the end of it. Check out the The Article above by the new Southeast Chapter of ABATE of FLorida's president posted in "Wheels of the Road, South Floridas Biker Bible", where he praises all the accomplishments of smurf Doc in his past tenure of spin Doctor extraordinaire.
So Motorcycle Hall of Famer from back in the Original Easyriders days, Biker Rogue writes the new SE ABATE chapter president Bars (and we cannot help but mention here the other acronym of ABATE, i.e. Always Bring Alcohol To Events) to ask him about the money, heres is response,
My report was written before Gov Scott used the line item veto to remove the allocation from the budget. ABATE will not receive any state money for motorcycle safety this year.
I don't have any information on how previous monies were spent.
HELLOOOO, another ABATE officer that has no clue about what is going on in the organization he holds an office in. Another ABATE officer praising, or maybe ass kissing, its all relative someone whom they have no clue the controversy around him. Yet this is the organization that the state has for a number of years now been giving YOUR money to???
So the next time you here an ABATE member pontificating about the state of motorcycle affairs in Florida, you may wish to ask, how do you know?
And God forbid they give an opinion on who should be the country's next president!