If it's not right for me to violate your privacy then it doesn't suddenly become legitimate if I donned a badge.
This mosquito-sized surveillance platform is just one example of tech your tax dollars (assuming you're still paying taxes) are funding.
Much of the R&D for these devices (as well as "less-than lethal" weapons) is done in universities and "private" businesses via grants. If you are friends or fam with someone active in this area make the time to have a convo with them. Encourage them to think about the ramifications of their actions. Yes it's a paycheck, but what kind of world are they leaving for the next generation?
If a tyrant declares war and no one shows up there is no war. Similarly, if no one chooses to advance projects with such nefarious purposes those who claim the right to control you are left without the tools, setting the stage for the dissemination of better ideas - like the fact that you own yourself.