For those who have lost a friend or loved one in war, the pain is a bright hurt that glows each and every day. Yet on Memorial Day, we feel this pain as one nation.
As the memory of our fallen war heroes comes alive in your heart, I ask you to honor them by caring for those who have recently come home wounded.
In Solemn Remembrance of Their Sacrifice,
![DAV-AWilson (SIGNATURE)]()
Arthur H. Wilson, National Adjutant,
Disabled American Veterans
Super Trooper” Enlists as DAV’s Newest Volunteer
DAV and Veteran Win Battle for Benefits
![Marlene Crespo]() | | It was shared tenacity that helped the DAV and Air Force veteran Marlene Crespo win the military benefits she earned. Today, that teamwork continues as Marlene helps fellow veterans through the DAV: “I have the DAV’s National Service Office number on speed dial. Like the DAV, I go above and beyond in helping other veterans.” |
Secretary Pledges to Make Good on VA’s Promises
![General Shinseki]() | | The DAV applauds the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) Eric Shinseki for his continued commitment to our veterans. At the recent Disabled Veterans Winter Sports Clinic, General Shinseki outlined the VA’s key priorities and pledged to make good on promises to troops and veterans: “The nation honors and appreciates their service. It has not forgotten, and it will not forget.” |
DAV Supports Veterans History Project
![Veterans History]() | | World War II Navy veteran Peter Violante carries a unique piece of history in his memory: an account of landing on Normandy Beach two days after the invasion. Thanks to the DAV’s proud support of the Veterans History Project, stories like Peter’s are being preserved for future generations. |
Honor the Fallen, Care for the Wounded
![Arlington Cemetary]() | | On this Memorial Day, we mourn loss that can never be regained and debts that can never be repaid. Yet as we render a heartfelt salute to the fallen, their disabled brothers and sisters also stand in our midst.
Lead the charge to care for those who are living with the wounds of war as you make your Memorial Day gift of of $25 … $50 … $100 or more now. |
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Will You Remember
Their Sacrifice?
![2012 Memorial Day Video]() |
Memorial Day touches the pain of war’s deepest, most lasting wounds.
Honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice as you reach out to disabled veterans with your Memorial Day gift of $25, $50, $100 or more now.
OUR MISSION:Since its founding more than 90 years ago, Disabled American Veterans has been dedicated to a single purpose: Building Better Lives for America's Disabled Veterans and Their Families.
P.O. Box 14301 | Cincinnati, OH 45250-0301 |
Please thank a disabled veteran for their sacrifice and service!