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Sunday, April 1, 2012

U.S. Government to Enforce Mandatory Gyroscopic Stabilizers on All Production Motorcycles
U.S. Government to Enforce Mandatory Gyroscopic Stabilizers on All Production Motorcycles

By Basem Wasef, Guide April 1, 2012

They've attempted bans on everything from excessive horsepower to distracting chrome finishes, but the U.S. Government's safety crusade is far from finished. Next on the agenda? A bill from the Department of Transportation that enforces the installation of so-called gyroscopic stabilizers to all production motorcycles.
"I've said it before and I'll say it again," said DOT spokesperson Melvin P. Meyers in a statement, "Motorcycles are inherently unstable machines responsible for too many casualties. We tried enforcing trike training and that didn't work," he added, "so our next battle for safety will be on the technological front." The government solution involves installing a standardized piece of equipment called a "gyroscopic stabilizer," which embeds a small module with internal components that spin at up to 30,000 rpm. The package, which costs approximately $149 per unit and piggybacks onto the engine near the bike's center of gravity, draws power from the electrical system and has a calming effect on the motorcycle's kinetic dynamics, making it harder to fall over at speed.
However, unintended side effects have also encouraged wanton hooliganism. "I put one on my Gixxer," says stunter Jason Flipsalot, "and man, I could hold wheelies forever!" Other anecdotal reports indicate enhanced confidence during extreme lean angles, the elimination of steering wobble during hard acceleration, and a pleasant saddle hum that makes male motorcyclists reluctant to dismount, and females begging for rides.
When confronted with news about the grassroots movement to install control units that enable gravity-defying positions to be held, Meyers simply said, "We've already caught wind of those claims, and will be announcing another solution shortly.*"