There are, to paraphrase a common biker saying, two kinds of people: Those who have been arrested and those who will be.
The video below, published here at the urging of a reader, presents a brief primer on the pitfalls of talking to the police. It runs almost 50 minutes but if you have not yet been arrested it is worth that investment of your time.
The recording is of a presentation made to law students at the Regent University chapter of the Federalist Society in Virginia Beach, Virginia. March 14, 2008. The lecture was titled “In Praise of the Fifth Amendment: Why No Criminal Suspect Should Ever Talk to the Police.” If you have not already memorized the advice it contains you should probably watch the video and take notes.
The first speaker is Regent Law Professor James Duane. The second speaker is Suffolk County Virginia Commonwealth Attorney George W. Bruch. At the time of the recording Bruch was a detective for the Virginia Beach Police Department.