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Monday, September 20, 2010

Shocking Video Unearthed Democrats in their own words

And people wonder why we don't believe politicians.... check this out!

In the private sector and even most public sector positions, these people would have been FIRED for misappropriation of funds. Seems to me that they can do what ever they please and there's no repercussions. But WAIT!!! It's election time! Let's get on it people. Look at the video and you'll agree.
I would say that NONE of the Reps that covered up the Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac scams should retain the office that is supposed to be serving the nation. If you have friends in any of these States, send this video to them. We MUST remove the crudd from our Rep rolls in Alabama, California, Illinois, Massachusetts, Nevada (Harry Reid) and New York, so if you have contacts in those States, by all means let them know that the people that were involved in the cover up needs to be REMOVED from office this November.,,,Russ
Nancy Pelosi is a MUST to be removed.

Click here: YouTube - Shocking Video Unearthed Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that