MICHIGAN- update
HB4525: Vehicles; motorcycles; definitions of autocycle and motorcycle; modify. Amends secs. 25a & 31 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.25a & 257.31).
12/20/2018: House- Returned from Senate without amendments. Bill ordered enrolled.
12/20/2018: Senate- Placed on order of third reading. Rules suspended, placed on immediate passage. Passed- Vote: 38-0.
Bill text: http://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/2017-2018/billconcurred/House/pdf/2017-HCB-4525.pdf
TEXAS- new
SB273: Relating to the operation and movement of motorcycles on certain highways during periods of traffic congestion. [Lane sharing]
12/20/18: Filed
HB1058: Establishing permissible methods of parking a motorcycle.
Dec 14: Prefiled for introduction.
New York Freedom Rider
Freedom is not a spectator’s sport