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High court: Police need warrant to search cell phones - CNN -
Jun 25, 2014 - Supreme Court: Police need warrant to search cell phones. By Bill Mears, CNN ....Cevallos: Cell phone ruling keeps cops out of your business ...

Was Sandra Bland traffic stop legal and fair? - CNN -
Jul 23, 2015 - Danny Cevallos is a CNN legal analyst and a criminal defense attorney ... video of the traffic stop of motorist Sandra Bland, who later died in a jail cell. .... Being ordered out of your car by an armed state trooper on the side of a busy ..... "The Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled that the police may not prolong ...

Cops Can't Search Cell Phones Without a Warrant, Supreme Court ...
Jun 25, 2014 - The court responded that cops can easily prevent evidence from being remotely destroyed by turning the phone off or removing its battery, or putting it into a Faraday cage that blocks ... "The term 'cell phone' is itself misleading shorthand," the ruling reads. ... WIRED's biggest stories delivered to your inbox.
Missing: cevallos

Justices split on cops' right to search cell phones | MSNBC
Apr 29, 2014 - “Most people now do carry their lives on cell phones, and that will only grow every single ... Some of the justices' efforts to show off their tech skills were not ... will rule that cops need warrants to scroll through information on your cell phone. “Could you have a rule that the police are entitled to search those ...
Missing: cevallos keeps

Supreme Court to Take Up Privacy of Cell Phone Tracking - NBC News
Jun 5, 2017 - Police can use that information to develop a map of of a person's ... Related: CaliforniaPolice Now Need a Warrant Before Searching Your Cellphone ... A federal appeals court upheld the conviction, ruling that cell phone users have ... And the phone company keeps the records anyway for billing purposes.
Missing: cevallos

The Court's decision on cell phone searches: 3 things cops need to ...
Jun 25, 2014 - The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that with the exception of some emergency ... putout an immediate legal bulletin notifying officers of the decision and offering a brief ... Add your own thoughts in the comments area below. ... 19 states that have upheld police cell phone searches (and 6 that haven't) ...
Missing: cevallos

Where Police Can & Can't Snoop Through Your Phone [Interactive Map]
Jul 31, 2013 - Red states are those where your phone can be searched when you're arrested. ... Clicking on the map will take you to a court decision that helped ... When a person is arrested with a cellphoneon him, law enforcement officers will likely ... the robbery, a photo of a handgun next to a fanned-outstack of cash ...