I'll tell you where. We got tired of the cry baby attitude. The "can't say that because you might hurt someone's feelings talks". We got tired of the "3 hour safety briefs" every Friday as if we we born just the day before. We got tired of the "Candy Ass Leadership" who thought more about pleasing the Higher ups instead of Looking out for their Marines. We got tired of the dry chow hall food and the barracks that didn't have hot water. We got tired of the smoke pits and grass being the center of attention when we should have worried more about "Why does that Marine have a Mattress in his barracks that is 21 years old with piss stains on it"... You see, it doesn't stop there... We got tired of being told to "Keep it cool" when a Lance Corporal told a Sergeant to "mind his own business"... When that Lance Corporal should have been swallowing his fucking teeth. I'm sure Chesty Puller would agree. You see, if you want to fight and win wars, Stop worrying about what "Tattoo" is going to offend someone or Where it is placed. Having a tattoo doesn't mean you can't fight nor be professional. Want to fight and win wars, you will know your Marines and look out for their welfare. You will train them to be stone cold killers in the face of the enemy and to never back down from no man. If you want real mother fucking Marines, you'll tell them that they are the best and you'll show them by leading from the Front. "The primary goal of Marine Corps Leadership is, to instill in every Marine the fact that they are Warriors first, that is why the United States of America needs the Marine Corps, to FIGHT AND WIN WARS, everything else is secondary". That is straight from the Marine Corps Leadership Manual itself. YOU WANT MARINES WITH LEADERSHIP LIKE A COMBAT VETERAN??? Stop breeding fucking Men and Women who are bound by ball and chain and fear of NJP and start unleashing the Mother Fucking Beast again. Let the Leathernecks off the chain so that the name "Devil Dog" isn't just a nickname, it's a reminder of why NOBODY, I Mean NOBODY should Fuck with the Worlds Finest Fighting Machine. Get back to the basics of what it means to be fucking legit. But what do I know.