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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Seen This Guy?

rebel needs help please read
Seen This Guy? If anybody within 200 miles of Chicago has seen the guy in the lousy photo above please speak up.  Has he asked you to store cigarettes for him?  Has he attempted to purchase illegal drugs from you?  Has he bragged about his criminal background?  Have you had a conversation with him about “popping some fools?”  Did he first show up early in 2009?
His name is Steven J.  Veltus.  He is the black sheep of a family of accountants in Racine, Wisconsin.  He was arrested in November 1996 with two accomplices, fifteen pounds of marijuana and a gun.  He did his time in St. Croix.
In 2003 he picked up five criminal charges stemming from his possession of about an ounce of crack cocaine and a pound of marijuana.  Two days after he picked up the cocaine charges, in November 2003, he became a paid, professional Confidential Informant for the ATF.
He has some history with ATF Special Agent Darrin Kozlowski.
I have been attempting to have a conversation with this man, to hear his side of things, for about 27 months.  In that time I have been told he was in Montana and another source was certain he was in Florida.  I now suspect that he has been in Indiana.
If you are Steven J. Veltus, I would like to talk to you.  If you think you know Steven J. Veltus please tell him I would like to talk to him.
I know the picture stinks.  I didn’t take it.  Veltus has dirty blonde hair, is balding from the front, has an appealling smile and has been described as very likable.  He combs his hair straight back and because there is less of it than there once was he is fond of wearing do rags.  In a certain light, he looks like Bret Michaels.