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Monday, September 19, 2011

POW memorial to be dedicated at Miramar

"Liberation" isn't the first word the mind seizes when considering former prisoners of war. But thanks to the dedication of the "The Liberation Moment," a 14,000-pound monument greeting visitors entering the Miramar National Cemetery, it might become the enduring one.
The 15-foot-tall bronze statue depicts an emaciated prisoner of war emerging from captivity. Bare to the waist, pants torn, his right arm shielding his eyes as if emerging from a long darkness, the unbowed figure is half-circled by unstrung barbed wire and broken fencing.
Seals of the nation's five armed services are embedded in the statue's base, which also holds a time capsule containing narratives provided by San Diego-area former prisoners of war.
Richard Becker, a Poway artist, sculpted the statue in clay using live models and had it cast in bronze. Becker spent parts of the past five years working on the piece, inspired by conversations with local POWs.
"There was a lot of discussion with the vets and the story they wanted to share and convey," said Becker, 52, who works for Hewlett-Packard in Rancho Bernardo.
"It kept coming back to liberation. They talk about that moment with such passion. That was the bright spot. That moment was more powerful then all the bad and horrible things they'd been through. I tried to convey a very complex moment."
There are a lot of POW sculptures that show the captivity, Becker added, "but this is the first that shows the first moment of freedom."
A statement on "The Liberation Moment" reads:
"This statue conveys the excitement, trepidation, exhilaration and the emotion of the Liberation Moment, as the emaciated soldier steps out of the darkness into the 'Sunshine of Freedom.' He portrays the hundreds of thousands who were bound in captivity by the infamy of foreign enemies. This is to stand as an eternal legacy for our community by reminding visitors of the sacrifice of veterans during America's efforts to keep alive the hopes and dreams of freedom for the oppressed around the world."
The primary model for the sculpture was Tommy Crosby of Chula Vista, the grandson of Tom Crosby, who was a prisoner of war during World War II. The elder Crosby plans to attend the ceremony.
Members of the American Ex-Prisoners of War, joined by Department of Veterans Affairs officials, area veterans and others, will dedicate this monument commemorating the sacrifices of all American prisoners of war during a ceremony at 10:30 a.m. Friday at a site next to the national cemetery's entrance.
San Diego Chapter 1 of the American Ex-Prisoners of War funded the monument, which was set in place Sept. 1.
"Visitors to the cemetery who see this monument will realize the sacrifice that American soldiers made to keep freedom alive around the world," said Ralph Kling, vice commander of San Diego Chapter 1. "They'll remember that the veterans buried here at Miramar gave their all, and we're fortunate to be able to recognize them."
Frank Burger, commander of San Diego Chapter 1, will present the monument to cemetery officials. Burger was a 25-year-old Army Air Force staff sergeant when captured by the Germans after bailing out of a B-24 bomber over Hungary in October 1944.
Burger, 93, spent eight months in POW camps until he was liberated, blind from malnutrition, in May 1945.
"There was a lot of talk about a new cemetery for San Diego, and I thought how nice it would be to honor all prisoners of war with a statue in the cemetery because I remember how I felt when I was liberated on May 1, 1945."
Steve Muro, VA undersecretary for memorial affairs, will be the keynote speaker at the dedication.
"American POWs from all wars have sacrificed in ways the rest of us can't even imagine," Muro said, "and this remarkable sculpture helps keep their stories and spirit alive. We are proud to partner with San Diego Chapter 1 of the American Ex-Prisoners of War and other patriots in placing this monument where it will educate and inspire present and future generations."
Guest speaker Anthony Principi, former VA secretary and now chairman of the Fort Rosecrans and Miramar National Cemetery Support Foundation, said, "The monument is a great tribute to all ex-POWs and will serve as a reminder that their fight for our freedom should always be cherished."

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