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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Judiciary Chair to Obama: Your Illegal Alien Uncle Should NOT Get Off


by John Hill
Stand With Arizona
In reponse to reports that Barack Obama’s illegal alien drunk driving “Uncle Omar” was released from ICE custody in Massachussetts on Thursday, U.S. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-TX) slammed Obama’s “backdoor amnesty” policies as being responsible for releasing his uncle and other criminals like him.
It appears there is a double standard — one for President Obama’s family and  one for everyone else….Last year, President Obama’s illegal immigrant aunt was granted asylum and now his  illegal immigrant uncle has been released from ICE custody, even though he was  arrested by authorities for drunk driving.”
Uncle Omar was arrested for DUI on August 20th – two days after Obama issued his decree halting deportation and providing work permits for 300,000 illegal aliens. Omar, who goes by the name Onyango Obama, had been a fugitive from the law since 1992, when he received a “final order of removal” from an immigration judge. But after less than two weeks in custody, Onyango was mysteriously released – with NO explanation given by ICE.
White House Spokesmouth Jay Carney said Onyango would not receive any special treatment. But Smith points out that Obama’s own uncle is already benefitting from the backdoor amnesty that he himself put into place just days earlier:
“President Obama’s uncle is a test case for why this new policy is a threat to  the American people,” Smith said. “President Obama’s backdoor amnesty allows drunk-driving illegal immigrants  like his uncle to remain in the U.S. His immigration policies are a risk to  both public safety and American lives. Why should citizens and legal  immigrants be threatened by drunk driving illegal immigrants when the  administration can deport them?”
Amen to that. But what to DO about it?
Chairman Smith has introduced the HALT Act (H.R. 2497 PDF) which would bill would strip prosecutorial discretion away from DHS and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Call your Representative NOW and demand that they co-sponsor or support this critical legislation. And if they will not, tell them you will consider them in full support of Obama’s amnesty and jobs program for illegal aliens, and vote accordingly in 2012.