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Sunday, September 11, 2011

IOWA - FIGHTING BACK: Bikers Protect Abused Children

Chances are you've seen them rumbling down the streets of the metro. They go by names like Hoss, wWolfman and Psycho. But this is no ordinary biker gang. This is BACA---bikers against child abuse-- and they are the keepers of the children. "These children have been through something that they didn't deserve. That they didn't have coming." says BACA Central Iowa Chapter President "A-Train, "We want them to know that they are loved and they are cared about...just because"
Social service agencies refer abused children to BACA. The bikers adopt the children. Embrace them. And protect them. "We give them a vest that looks kinda like ours. Has patches on it like ours.", A-Train explains, They have their own road name on there. And we adopt them into our family. Put that vest on them and tell them that they don't have to be afraid anymore. They're part of our family."
Froggy is a BACA child. Like many children--she shut down after she was abused. "You're scared that they're right behind you. Or you're walking to the store and you're just like looking around like every second. Watching behind you." Froggy says.
"She was really closed up<" Froggy's father adds, "She didn't talk alot. Shy definately. She tried to..used to be pretty outgoing then like it just shut off. And she just wasn't the same kid."
Then BACA rode up and into froggy's life...
"I felt loved," she says, "I felt like I belonged to something really important. And it was really exciting. After they got involved I just, I could be myself again."
"We'll chase them around. We'll play football. We'll be goofy and let them paint our faces. Pretty much whatever it takes--we don't care what anyone else thinks--if it makes that kid laugh," says BACA member "Sassy", "If it makes them happy and they're having a good time that's all that matters."
BACA members regularly visit their kids--get to know them--and grow love them. But it isn't just fun and games. If a BACA child feels scared, the bikers will stand guard in front of their house--day or night. If the abuse continues -- BACA is there. They don't advocate violence.. "However if circumstances arise that we are the only obstacle preventing that child from further abuse we stand ready to be that obstacle," A-train stresses.
When the child has to testify against the abuser--BACA is right there in the courtroom. "It took away all of his power and he doesn't have any control over me now," Froggy says with a smile, "And I know that and he knows it especially after he saw all the bikers that were sitting around me."
"I've seen it," A-Train says, "I've been there. I've seen kids sitting on a witness stand with a BACA coin in their hand and I have the other coin in my hand and I'm holding that coin up and they can see it. We have a connection that way. She can look at me and I can look at her and I'm the only person she has to talk to in that room."
All BACA members have to undergo a federal criminal background check and bvetting process before they are allowed to interact with the children.
For these kids, baca is family...
"You'll see bikers riding around and they always ride together and they look out for each other" A-train says, "That's the same way we do it for BACA. we take care of our own."
And family is forever. "That's my thoughts," Froggy says, "Forever. I'll never lose them which is nice to know that they'll always be there for me."
To learn more about BACA, log on to their website:,0,222659.story