Before you assume the worst, however, be aware of several factors that can prevent credit score damage:

  • Length of time. If you only recently received that warning letter, you still have some time before damage occurs. Experts say it usually takes a while before unpaid debts get turned over to collection agencies. "In addition to the initial issuing of the ticket, there are typically at least one or two attempts to contact the person directly, often at 30-day intervals, before the debt is sent to a collection agency," says Rod Griffin, the director of public education for credit bureau Experian. Those months could buy you time to come up with the cash needed to pay the citation.
  • Being proactive. If you already have the money, making that payment now will prevent headaches later. Drivers "always have the right to contest citations, but most just pay because they do not go on your driving record," Sherry said in an email. "There is no downside (such as increased auto insurance rates) to getting or paying (a citation like this) except the cost." In some states, you can even get a traffic citation dismissed by taking a defensive-driving course.
  • Citation amount. Low-cost tickets don't always count against FICO scores. According to the company, in the "most recent update to the FICO scoring formula, which we call FICO 8, we changed the model so that it ignores collections accounts for amounts less than $100," Watts says.
Of course, you may decide to fight a citation. If the ticket was issued unfairly -- perhaps a blurry photo mistakenly identified your car or a family member was driving at the time -- you can challenge the ticket.
"If the consumer or the consumer's designee appears in court and the matter is dismissed, then it should not be turned over to collections," Katz says. (Just be sure to pay any court costs in a timely manner.) Other experts agree. Sherry explains that, in some cases, you may not have to appear in court. Most places allow you to contest a citation by mail, she says.
You may also want to take action if a collections account is unfairly ruining your credit history. "Assuming the citation is removed from the public record, the person should be able to dispute the entry as incorrect and have it deleted from their credit report," Experian's Griffin says. "Documentation, such as a letter from the court showing the citation was invalid, will also help in removing the information from their credit report," he says.
Additionally, consider adding a note to your credit report that explains the situation. "Consumers can always place a 100-word consumer statement on their credit reports to explain special circumstances. However, this will not change any impact such an item may have on the credit score. It will simply provide some additional context for a lender/creditor/other reviewing the consumer's file in the future," Katz says in an e-mail.
However you decide to proceed, be sure to protect yourself by always driving -- and borrowing -- very responsibly.
This article was reported by Jeremy M. Simon for