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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Australia - Brother familiar with a jail cell

THE BROTHER of a serial pest who was jailed last week for assault has himself recently completed time in custody for bombing the mailbox of a local police officer.
Andrew Clarke-Davis, 20, was convicted in the Brisbane Magistrates Court of charges relating to the use of homemade chlorine bombs in March of this year.
His brother, Levi Clarke-Davis, 17, was sentenced to jail time last week for the vicious assault in company of another teenager at a party earlier this year.
Andrew Clarke-Davis was released from custody on June 30 after being convicted of the explosives offences and all up served 105 days of pre-sentence jail time.
The Brisbane Magistrates Court heard that Clarke-Davis manufactured four chlorine bombs, a number of which were used to destroy the mailbox at the residence of a senior Warwick police officer on an evening in the week beginning March 6.
He was later charged and taken into custody on March 18 – co-incidentally his birthday – after presenting himself with his legal adviser at police headquarters in Brisbane.
His matter was adjourned several times in the Brisbane Magistrates Court before his sentencing.
At the time of the mailbox incident police warned that homemade explosives carried the risk of serious injury or worse, along with property damage, and that their use was a serious offence.
Like his brother, Andrew Clarke-Davis is no stranger to the courts in Warwick, having in the past been a known associate of the local branch of the Bandidos outlaw motorcycle club.
He was once detected stashing drugs in the banks of the Condamine River after neighbours spotted him acting suspiciously in a rowboat and on a previous occasion was taken into custody after police searched his vehicle, during which time a wad of cash being the proceeds of a drug deal fell out of his underpants in front of officers.
The cash totalled nearly $8000 and was wrapped in black insulation tape.
Levi Clarke-Davis is serving a three-month jail sentence for his unprovoked attack on an acquaintance which left the youth with severe facial injuries.