Rock Machine bikie Brent James Reker told a 21-year old man he would be killed if he went to police about the gang's extortion demands, a Perth Jury has been told.
Andrew Clark, 21, has told the District Court he "didn't have a clue," who the Rock Machine were or that they were bikies when he and his friend Luke Santich were summoned to the gangs Spearwood tattoo parlour in August last year and told to either beat up a friend of theirs or pay the gang $2000.
Mr Reker and Kyle Adam Barry are fighting two counts of demanding property by using oral threats for allegedly giving Mr Clark and Mr Santich the bash-or-cash ultimatum after the two young men supposedly boasted about their association with the gang.
Today Mr Clark said he began to receive phone calls via Mr Santich's phone from Mr Barry, who he did not know, demanding money.
Mr Santich knew Mr Barry because he trained at the bikie gang's gym and frequented their tattoo parlour.
Mr Barry was allegedly making demands on behalf of another man, a friend of Mr Clark's, who claimed he damaged his car when he tapped on the front window with his hand some time earlier, and wanted him to pay for the damage.
Mr Clark said today he was sure he did not damage the car, but paid $400 for the matter to go away. He was then summoned along with Mr Santich to the Lost City tattoo parlour in Spearwood, where he says they were met by four heavily tattooed men, including Mr Reker and Mr Barry.
"Brent asked what happened, said... that we used their name," Mr Clark said. "I was scared s---less, I said I did not know who they were."
Mr Clark said the men gave them an ultimatum - either beat up their friend Adrian Seclier who they accused of putting a chair through a Rock Machine member's grandmother's window, or pay the gang $2000.
Mr Clark said Mr Reker demanded photos of the beating of Mr Seclier to prove it had happened.
He then said if the young men went to police about the demands they would be killed.
The trial before Judge Simon Stone continues.