POLICE are investigating a drive-by shooting at a house in Perth's northern suburbs believed to be related to outlaw motorcycle gxxg hostility.
About five shots were fired into a house and car in Matlock Heights, Darch, one of Perth's newer northern suburbs around midnight (WST).
The windows of the house and a car parked in the driveway were damaged in a hail of bullets.
Residents reported hearing a series of loud gunshots and yelling from people in the house as the dramatic shooting unfolded.
Police Inspector Mal Anderson said police are searching for a red Toyota Hilux utility which was seen driving away from the Matlock Heights house with it's lights off after the shooting.
“Witnesses reported hearing loud voices followed by four or five gun shots,” he said. “When police arrived, they found a car in a driveway and a front window of a house had bullet holes in them.
“A number of spent cartridges were located outside the house which will be subject to forensic examination.”