Stop Motorcycle Only Checkpoints in Georgia..............
The NHTSA recently announced a grant program to supposedly address Motorcycle Safety issues. The recipient of the money for the demo project was the Georgia Department of Public Safety. The Georgia State Patrol is conducting a series of roadside
motorcycle safety checks in accordance with what was outlined in the Request for Applications. The amount of NHTSA funding is $70,000.00. The motorcycle check
points do not address nor decrease motorcycle accidents and instead “profiles” motorcyclists and discriminates against citizens based on their mode on transportation and clothing.
Motorcycle Safety is an important and growing issue in Georgia. Over the past several months Georgia has lost several motorcyclists to inattentive and distracted drivers. The Motorcycle Only Check Points do not address the issues that are killing our motorcyclists. A strong research based motorcycle safety awareness program is needed to
ensure our safety and reduce crashes not police check points that target the victims of crashes.
Members of the US Congress recently urged US Transportation Secretary LaHood to suspend the grant program and to concentrate on crash causation and education programs.
We are asking for your help in suspending the demo program in Georgia.
Click the link above for a printable letter to the Governor. MC Safety and Enforcement Training Instructor Manual 2010 Motorcycle Only Checkpoint procedures are listed on pg 83-86