As many of you know, the State of Georgia received $70,000.00 from the NSTB for Motorcycle ONLY Safety Check Points. It is our understanding they will stop all motorcycles at these Check Points. We were informed by unnamed sources that the Check Points would start in early March to coincide with The Daytona Bike Week Event. Most points of entry to Florida will be involved.
We are anticipating the Check Points to start March 3rd in order to take advantage of the additional flow of Motorcycle traffic through our state. We have been told that the officers conducting the safety check points have been trained in what to check for; so make sure you, your paper work and your bike are in order.
We understand that this is just a way to increase revenues so do all you can to avoid adding to the state funds. There are many who trailer into Georgia and ride into Florida from here. You may wish to change your plans and trailer on through to Florida
Dan Forrest
State Director A.B.A.T.E. Georgia