The National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC) prepared the
2011 National Gang Threat Assessment (NGTA) to examine emerging gang
trends and threats posed by criminal gangs to communities throughout the
United States. The 2011 NGTA enhances and builds on the gang-related
trends and criminal threats identified in the 2009 assessment. It
supports US Department of Justice strategic objectives 2.2 (to reduce
the threat, incidence, and prevalence of violent crime) and 2.4 (to
reduce the threat, trafficking, use, and related violence of illegal
drugs). The assessment is based on federal, state, local, and tribal law
enforcement and corrections agency intelligence, including information
and data provided by the National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC) and
the National Gang Center. Additionally, this assessment is supplemented
by information retrieved from open source documents and data collected
through April 2011.
In 2009, the NGIC released its second threat assessment
on gang activity in the United States. The NGIC and its law enforcement
partners documented increases in gang proliferation and migration
nationwide and emerging threats. This report attempts to expand on these
findings. Reporting and intelligence collected over the past two years
have demonstrated increases in the number of gangs and gang members as
law enforcement authorities nationwide continue to identify gang members
and share information regarding these groups. Better reporting and
collection has contributed greatly to the increased documentation and
reporting of gang members and gang trends.
Information in the 2011 National Gang Threat
Assessment-Emerging Trends was derived from law enforcement
intelligence, open source information, and data collected from the NDIC,
including the 2010 NDIC National Drug Threat Survey (NDTS). NGIC law
enforcement partners provided information and guidance regarding new
trends and intelligence through an online request for information via
the NGIC Law Enforcement Online (LEO) Special Interest Group (SIG),
which is now NGIC Online. Law enforcement agencies nationwide
continuously report new and emerging gang trends to the NGIC, as the
NGIC continues to operate as a repository and dissemination hub for gang
intelligence. This information provided by our law enforcement partners
was used to identify many of the trends and issues included in this
Reporting used to quantify the number of street and
outlaw motorcycle gangs and gang members was primarily derived from the
2010 NDIC NDTS data and some supplemental NGIC reporting from our law
enforcement partners. NDIC annually conducts the NDTS to collect data on
the threat posed by various illicit drugs in the United States. A
stratified random sample of nearly 3,500 state and local law enforcement
agencies was surveyed to generate national, regional, and state
estimates of various aspects of drug trafficking activities including
the threat posed by various drugs, the availability and production of
illicit drugs, as well as the role of street gangs and outlaw motorcycle
gangs in drug trafficking activity. Weighted national, regional, and
state-level statistical estimates derived from NDTS 2010 data was based
on responses received from 2,963 law enforcement agencies out of a
sample of 3,465 agencies. In calculating the number of street and outlaw
motorcycle gang members, respondents in each region were asked to
select from a series of ranges of numbers. The median numbers of each
range were aggregated to generate an estimate for the total number of
gang members. In calculating the number of street and outlaw motorcycle
gangs, the low end of each range was aggregated to generate an estimate
for the total number of gangs and gang members. Prison gang member
estimates were derived directly from the US Federal Bureau of Prisons
(BOP) and state correctional institutions across the country.
The NGIC was established by Congress in 2005 to support
law enforcement agencies through timely and accurate information sharing
and strategic/tactical analysis of federal, state, and local law
enforcement information focusing on the growth, migration, criminal
activity, and association of gangs that pose a significant threat to
communities throughout the United States. The NGIC is comprised of
representatives from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), US Drug
Enforcement Administration (DEA), US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), US Bureau of Prisons (BOP), United
States Marshals Service (USMS), US Immigration and Customs Enforcement
(ICE), US Department of Defense (DOD), National Drug Intelligence Center
(NDIC), and US Customs and Border Protection (CBP). This multi-agency
fusion center integrates gang intelligence assets to serve as a central
intelligence resource for gang information and analytical support.
To assist in the sharing of gang intelligence with law
enforcement, the NGIC has established NGIC Online, an information system
comprised of a set of web-based tools designed for researching
gang-related intelligence and sharing of information with federal,
state, local and tribal law enforcement partners. The system’s Request
for Information (RFI) portal encourages users to contribute new data as
well as conduct gang research through custom threat assessments and/or
liaison with NGIC’s network of national subject matter experts. NGIC
Online functions include RFI submissions and responses; Gang
Encyclopedia WIKI; General Intelligence Library; and a Signs, Symbols,
and Tattoos (SST) database with user submissions.
Street gangs are criminal organizations formed on the street operating throughout the United States.
Prison gangs are criminal organizations that originated
within the penal system and operate within correctional facilities
throughout the United States, although released members may be operating
on the street. Prison gangs are also self-perpetuating criminal
entities that can continue their criminal operations outside the
confines of the penal system.
Outlaw Motorcycle (OMGs)
OMGs are organizations whose members use their motorcycle
clubs as conduits for criminal enterprises. Although some law
enforcement agencies regard only One Percenters as OMGs, the NGIC, for
the purpose of this assessment, covers all OMG criminal organizations,
including OMG support and puppet clubs.
One Percenter
ATF defines One Percenters as any group of
motorcyclists who have voluntarily made a commitment to band together to
abide by their organization’s rules enforced by violence and who engage
in activities that bring them and their club into repeated and serious
conflict with society and the law. The group must be an ongoing
organization, association of three (3) or more persons which have a
common interest and/or activity characterized by the commission of or
involvement in a pattern of criminal or delinquent conduct. ATF
estimates there are approximately 300 One Percenter OMGs in the United
Neighborhood or Local street gangs are confined to
specific neighborhoods and jurisdictions and often imitate larger, more
powerful national gangs. The primary purpose for many neighborhood gangs
is drug distribution and sales.
Regional Breakdown:
Maps and data in this assessment are presented according to the FBI’s Safe Streets Gang Task Force regions.
North Central
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin
Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia
South Central
Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas
Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Virginia
Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming
Gangs continue to commit criminal activity, recruit new
members in urban, suburban, and rural regions across the United States,
and develop criminal associations that expand their influence over
criminal enterprises, particularly street-level drug sales. The most
notable trends for 2011 have been the overall increase in gang
membership, and the expansion of criminal street gangs’ control of
street-level drug sales and collaboration with rival gangs and other
criminal organizations.a
Gangs are expanding, evolving and posing an increasing
threat to US communities nationwide. Many gangs are sophisticated
criminal networks with members who are violent, distribute wholesale
quantities of drugs, and develop and maintain close working
relationships with members and associates of transnational criminal/drug
trafficking organizations. Gangs are becoming more violent while
engaging in less typical and lower-risk crime, such as prostitution and
white-collar crime. Gangs are more adaptable, organized, sophisticated,
and opportunistic, exploiting new and advanced technology as a means to
recruit, communicate discretely, target their rivals, and perpetuate
their criminal activity. Based on state, local, and federal law
enforcement reporting, the NGIC concludes that:
- There are approximately 1.4 million active street,
prison, and OMG gang members comprising more than 33,000 gangs in the
United States. Gang membership increased most significantly in the
Northeast and Southeast regions, although the West and Great Lakes
regions boast the highest number of gang members. Neighborhood-based
gangs, hybrid gang members, and national-level gangs such as the Sureños
are rapidly expanding in many jurisdictions. Many communities are also
experiencing an increase in ethnic-based gangs such as African, Asian,
Caribbean, and Eurasian gangs.
- Gangs are responsible for an average of 48 percent of
violent crime in most jurisdictions and up to 90 percent in several
others, according to NGIC analysis. Major cities and suburban areas
experience the most gang-related violence. Local neighborhood-based
gangs and drug crews continue to pose the most significant criminal
threat in most communities. Aggressive recruitment of juveniles and
immigrants, alliances and conflict between gangs, the release of
incarcerated gang members from prison, advancements in technology and
communication, and Mexican Drug Trafficking Organization (MDTO)
involvement in drug distribution have resulted in gang expansion and
violence in a number of jurisdictions.
- Gangs are increasingly engaging in non-traditional
gang-related crime, such as alien smuggling, human trafficking, and
prostitution. Gangs are also engaging in white collar crime such as
counterfeiting, identity theft, and mortgage fraud, primarily due to the
high profitability and much lower visibility and risk of detection and
punishment than drug and weapons trafficking.
- US-based gangs have established strong working
relationships with Central American and MDTOs to perpetrate illicit
cross-border activity, as well as with some organized crime groups in
some regions of the United States. US-based gangs and MDTOs are
establishing wide-reaching drug networks; assisting in the smuggling of
drugs, weapons, and illegal immigrants along the Southwest Border; and
serving as enforcers for MDTO interests on the US side of the border.
- Many gang members continue to engage in gang activity
while incarcerated. Family members play pivotal roles in assisting or
facilitating gang activities and recruitment during a gang members’
incarceration. Gang members in some correctional facilities are adopting
radical religious views while incarcerated.
- Gangs encourage members, associates, and relatives to
obtain law enforcement, judiciary, or legal employment in order to
gather information on rival gangs and law enforcement operations. Gang
infiltration of the military continues to pose a significant criminal
threat, as members of at least 53 gangs have been identified on both
domestic and international military installations. Gang members who
learn advanced weaponry and combat techniques in the military are at
risk of employing these skills on the street when they return to their
- Gang members are acquiring high-powered, military-style
weapons and equipment which poses a significant threat because of the
potential to engage in lethal encounters with law enforcement officers
and civilians. Typically firearms are acquired through illegal
purchases; straw purchases via surrogates or middle-men, and thefts from
individuals, vehicles, residences and commercial establishments. Gang
members also target military and law enforcement officials, facilities,
and vehicles to obtain weapons, ammunition, body armor, police gear,
badges, uniforms, and official identification.
- Gangs on Indian Reservations often emulate
national-level gangs and adopt names and identifiers from nationally
recognized urban gangs. Gang members on some Indian Reservations are
associating with gang members in the community to commit crime.
- Gangs are becoming increasingly adaptable and
sophisticated, employing new and advanced technology to facilitate
criminal activity discreetly, enhance their criminal operations, and
connect with other gang members, criminal organizations, and potential
recruits nationwide and even worldwide.
Current Gang-Related Trends and Crime
Gang membership continues to expand throughout
communities nationwide, as gangs evolve, adapt to new threats, and form
new associations. Consequently, gang-related crime and violence is
increasing as gangs employ violence and intimidation to control their
territory and illicit operations. Many gangs have advanced beyond their
traditional role as local retail drug distributors in large cities to
become more organized, adaptable, and influential in large-scale drug
trafficking. Gang members are migrating from urban areas to suburban and
rural communities to recruit new members, expand their drug
distribution territories, form new alliances, and collaborate with rival
gangs and criminal organizations for profit and influence. Local
neighborhood, hybrid and female gang membership is on the rise in many
communities. Prison gang members, who exert control over many street
gang members, often engage in crime and violence upon their return to
the community. Gang members returning to the community from prison have
an adverse and lasting impact on neighborhoods, which may experience
notable increases in crime, violence, and drug trafficking.
Gang Membership and Expansion
Approximately 1.4 million active street, OMG, and prison
gang members, comprising more than 33,000 gangs, are criminally active
within all 50 US states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico (see
Appendix A). This represents a 40 percent increase from an estimated 1
million gang members in 2009. The NGIC attributes this increase in gang
membership primarily to improved reporting, more aggressive recruitment
efforts by gangs, the formation of new gangs, new opportunities for drug
trafficking, and collaboration with rival gangs and drug trafficking
organizations (DTOs). Law enforcement in several jurisdictions also
attribute the increase in gang membership in their region to the
gangster rap culture, the facilitation of communication and recruitment
through the Internet and social media, the proliferation of generational
gang members, and a shortage of resources to combat gangs.
More than half of NGIC law enforcement partners report
an increase in gang-related criminal activity in their jurisdictions
over the past two years. Neighborhood-based gangs continue to pose the
greatest threat in most jurisdictions nationwide.
- NGIC and NDIC data indicates that, since 2009, gang
membership increased most significantly in the Northeast and Southeast
regions, although the West and North Central regions—particularly
Arizona, California, and Illinois—boast the highest number of gang
2011 Estimated Gang Membership
*Based on 2010 and 2011 NGIC and NDIC data
**Based on reporting from 32 states
2011 Estimated Street and OMG Membership by Region
North Central
South Central
*Based on 2010 and 2011 NGIC and NDIC data
- Sureño gangs, including Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), 18th
Street, and Florencia 13, are expanding faster than other national-level
gangs, both in membership and geographically. Twenty states and the
District of Columbia report an increase of Sureño migration into their
region over the past three years. California has experienced a
substantial migration of Sureño gangs into northern California and
neighboring states, such as Arizona, Nevada, and Oregon.
- Law enforcement reporting indicates a significant
increase in OMGs in a number of jurisdictions, with 44,108 members
nationwide comprising approximately 2,965 gangs.b
Jurisdictions in Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware,
Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Missouri, Montana, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South
Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, and Virginia are experiencing the most
significant increase in OMGs, increasing the potential for gang-related
turf wars with other local OMGs. The Wheels of Soul (WOS), Mongols,
Outlaws, Pagans and Vagos have expanded in several states.
Table 1. Recent Expansion of Major OMGs:
Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Illinois, Kentucky, Montana, Nevada, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Washington
Arkansas, Montana, Maryland, North Carolina, New York
Delaware, New Jersey, Ohio
California, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, New York,
Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota
Wheels of Soul
Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Illinois, Kentucky, New York
Source: ATF
Figure 1. Nationwide Gang Presence

Source: NGIC and NDIC 2010 National Drug Survey Data
Chart 1. Threat Posed by Gangs, According to Law Enforcement.
The NGIC collected intelligence from law enforcement
officials nationwide in an attempt to capture the threat posed by
national-level street, prison, outlaw motorcycle, and neighborhood-based
gangs in their communities.
Source: 2011 NGIC National data
Gang-Related Violent Crime
Gang-related crime and violence continues to rise. NGIC
analysis indicates that gang members are responsible for an average of
48 percent of violent crime in most jurisdictions and much higher in
others. Some jurisdictions in Arizona, California, Colorado, Illinois,
Massachusetts, Oklahoma, and Texas report that gangs are responsible for
at least 90 percent of crime. A comparison of FBI Uniform Crime
Reporting (UCR) 2009 violent crime data and 2010 NGIC gang data
illustrates that regions experiencing the most violent crime—including
southern California, Texas, and Florida—also have a substantial gang
presence (see Figure 1 and Map 7). Street gangs are involved in a host
of violent criminal activities, including assault, drug trafficking,
extortion, firearms offenses, home invasion robberies, homicide,
intimidation, shootings, and weapons trafficking. NDIC reporting
indicates that gang control over drug distribution and disputes over
drug territory has increased, which may be responsible for the increase
in violence in many areas. Conflict between gangs, gang migration into
rival gang territory, and the release of incarcerated gang members back
into the community has also resulted in an increase in gang-related
crime and violence in many jurisdictions, according to NGIC reporting.
Table 2. Percentage of Violent Crime Committed by Gangs as reported by NGIC Law Enforcement Partners
% of violent crime committed by gangs
% of LE Officials
Chart 2. Threat Posed by Gangs, as Reported by Law Enforcement.
The NGIC collected intelligence from its law enforcement
partners nationwide in an effort to capture the criminal threat posed by
national-level street, prison, outlaw motorcycle, and
neighborhood-based gangs in their communities. The following chart
represents the percentage of gang involvement in crime.

Source: 2011 NGIC data
According to National Youth Gang Survey reporting, larger
cities and suburban counties accounted for the majority of gang-related
violence and more than 96 percent of all gang homicides in 2009.1
As previous studies have indicated, neighborhood-based gangs and drug
crews continue to pose the most significant criminal threat in these
- Law enforcement officials in the Washington, DC
metropolitan region are concerned about a spate of gang-related violence
in their area. In February 2011, ICE officials indicted 11 MS-13
members for a two-year spree of murders, stabbings, assaults, robberies,
and drug distribution. Likewise, gangs such as MS-13 and Bloods in
Prince George’s County, Maryland, are suspected to be involved in up to
16 homicides since January 2011.2
- USMS reported 5,705 gang-affiliated felony fugitives in
2010, a 14 percent increase from the number of gang fugitives in 2009.
California and Texas report the highest number of gang fugitives, with
1,284 and 542 respectively.
Gang-Related Drug Distribution and Trafficking
Gang involvement and control of the retail drug trade
poses a serious threat to public safety and stability in most major
cities and in many mid-size cities because such distribution activities
are routinely associated with lethal violence. Violent disputes over
control of drug territory and enforcement of drug debts frequently occur
among gangs in both urban and suburban areas, as gangs expand their
control of drug distribution in many jurisdictions, according to NDIC
and NGIC reporting. In 2010, law enforcement agencies in 51 major US
cities reported moderate to significant levels of gang-related drug
NDIC survey data indicates that 69 percent of US law enforcement agencies report gang involvement in drug distribution.
- In June 2010, a joint federal-state law enforcement
operation led to the arrest of eight people linked to a San Gabriel
Valley street gang involved in violent crimes and methamphetamine
trafficking in support of the California Mexican Mafia (La Eme).3
NDIC reporting suggests that gangs are advancing beyond
their traditional role as local retail drug distributors in large cities
and becoming more influential in large-scale drug trafficking,
resulting in an increase in violent crime in several regions of the
- Law enforcement reporting indicates that gang-related
drug distribution and trafficking has resulted in an increase of
kidnappings, assaults, robberies and homicides along the US Southwest
border region.
Gang involvement in drug trafficking has also resulted in
the expansion and migration of some gangs into new US communities,
according to NDIC reporting.
- Gang members from the Midwest are migrating to southern states to expand their drug trafficking operations.
Figure 3. Major Cities Reporting Gang-Related Drug Activity in 2010

Source: NDIC 2010 National Drug Threat Survey
Juvenile Gangs
Many jurisdictions are experiencing an increase in juvenile gangs and violencec,
which is often attributed, in part, to the increased incarceration
rates of older members and the aggressive recruitment of juveniles in
schools. Gangs have traditionally targeted youths because of their
vulnerability and susceptibility to recruitment tactics, as well as
their likelihood of avoiding harsh criminal sentencing and willingness
to engage in violence.
NGIC reporting indicates that juvenile gangs are
responsible for a majority of crime in various jurisdictions in Arizona,
California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland,
Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, New Hampshire, South Carolina,
Texas, Virginia, and Washington.
- Juvenile gang members in some communities are hosting
parties and organizing special events which develop into opportunities
for recruiting, drugs, sexual exploitation, and criminal activity.
- Gangster Rap gangs, often comprised of juveniles, are
forming and are being used to launder drug money through seemingly
legitimate businesses, according to NGIC reporting.
Gang Alliances and Collaboration
Collaboration between rival gangs and criminal
organizations and increased improvement in communications,
transportation, and technology have enabled national-level gangs to
expand and secure their criminal networks throughout the United States
and in other countries.
- According to NGIC reporting, gang members in California
are collaborating with members of rival gangs to further criminal
activities such as drug distribution, prostitution of minors, and money
- Gangs in the correctional system are committing crimes for other gangs in an effort to confuse and evade law enforcement.
Gang Sophistication
Gang members are becoming more sophisticated in their
structure and operations and are modifying their activity to minimize
law enforcement scrutiny and circumvent gang enhancement laws. Gangs in
several jurisdictions have modified or ceased traditional or
stereotypical gang indicia and no longer display their colors, tattoos,
or hand signs. Others are forming hybrid gangs to avoid police attention
and make to it more difficult for law enforcement to identify and
monitor them, according to NGIC reporting. Many gangs are engaging in
more sophisticated criminal schemes, including white collar and cyber
crime, targeting and infiltrating sensitive systems to gain access to
sensitive areas or information, and targeting and monitoring law
Expansion of Ethnic-Based and Non-Traditional Gangs
Law enforcement officials in jurisdictions nationwide
report an expansion of African, Asian, Eurasian, Caribbean, and Middle
Eastern gangs, according to NGIC reporting. Many communities are also
experiencing increases in hybrid and non-traditional gangs.
Asian Gangs
Asian gangs, historically limited to regions with large
Asian populations, are expanding throughout communities nationwide.
Although often considered street gangs, Asian gangs operate similar to
Asian Criminal Enterprises with a more structured organization and
hierarchy. They are not turf-oriented like most African-American and
Hispanic street gangs and typically maintain a low profile to avoid law
enforcement scrutiny. Asian gang members are known to prey on their own
race and often develop a relationship with their victims before
victimizing them.5 Law enforcement officials have limited knowledge of
Asian gangs and often have difficulty penetrating these gangs because of
language barriers and gang distrust of non-Asians.6
Law enforcement officials in California, Georgia,
Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
Virginia, and Wisconsin report a significant increase in Asian gangs in
their jurisdictions.
Asian gangs are involved in a host of criminal activities
to include violent crime, drug and human trafficking, and white collar
- Asian gang members in New England and California
maintain marijuana cultivation houses specifically for the manufacturing
and distribution of high potency marijuana and pay members of the Asian
community to reside in them, according to 2010 NDIC and open source
Some law enforcement agencies attribute the recent
increase in Asian gang membership in their jurisdictions to the
recruitment of non-Asian members into the gang in order to compete more
effectively with other street gangs for territory and dominance of
illicit markets.
East African Gangs
Somali Gangs
Somali gang presence has increased in several cities
throughout the United States. Somali gangs are most prevalent in the
Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota; San Diego, California; and Seattle,
Washington areas, primarily as a result of proximity to the Mexican and
Canadian borders, according to ICE, NGIC, and law enforcement reporting.
Somali gang activity has also been reported in other cities throughout
the United States such as Nashville, Tennessee; Clarkston, Georgia;
Columbus, Ohio; East Brunswick, New Jersey; and Tucson, Arizona. Unlike
most traditional street gangs, Somali gangs tend to align and adopt gang
names based on clan or tribe, although a few have joined national gangs
such as the Crips and Bloods.
NGIC reporting indicates that East African gangs are
present in at least 30 jurisdictions, including those in California,
Georgia, Minnesota, Ohio, Texas, Virginia, and Washington.
Somalian gangs are involved in drug and weapons
trafficking, human trafficking, credit card fraud, prostitution, and
violent crime. Homicides involving Somali victims are often the result
of clan feuds between gang members. Sex trafficking of females across
jurisdictional and state borders for the purpose of prostitution is also
a growing trend among Somalian gangs.
Figure 4. Somali Outlaws set in Minneapolis, MN

Source: Minneapolis Police Department
- In November 2010, 29 suspected Somalian gang members
were indicted for a prostitution trafficking operation, according to
open source reporting. Over a 10 year period, Somalian gang members
transported underage females from Minnesota to Ohio and Tennessee for
- In February 2009, five Somali gang members were arrested
for murdering drug dealers in Dexter and Athens, Ohio, during home
invasion robberies, according to law enforcement reporting.9
Although some Somali gangs adopt Bloods or Crips gang
monikers, they typically do not associate with other African-American
gangs. Somali nationals—mostly refugees displaced by the war(s) in
Somalia and surrounding countries—tend to migrate to specific low-income
communities, which are often heavily controlled by local Bloods and
Crips street gangs. The Somali youth may emulate the local gangs, which
frequently leads to friction with other gangs, such as Bloods and Crips,
as well as with Ethiopian gangs.
Sudanese Gangs
Sudanese gangs in the United States have been expanding
since 2003 and have been reported in Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North
Dakota, South Dakota, and Tennessee. Some Sudanese gang members have
weapons and tactical knowledge from their involvement in conflicts in
their native country.
- The African Pride (AP) gang is one of the most
aggressive and dangerous of the Sudanese street gangs in Iowa,
Minnesota, Nebraska, and North and South Dakota.
Caribbean Gangs
Although largely confined to the East Coast, Caribbean
gangs, such as Dominican, Haitian, and Jamaican gangs, are expanding in a
number of communities throughout the United States.
Dominican Gangs
The Trinitarios, the most rapidly-expanding Caribbean
gang and the largest Dominican gang, are a violent prison gang with
members operating on the street. The Trinitarios are involved in
homicide, violent assaults, robbery, theft, home invasions, and
street-level drug distribution. Although predominate in New York and New
Jersey, the Trinitarios have expanded to communities throughout the
eastern United States, including Georgia, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania,
and Rhode Island. Dominicans Don’t Play (DDP), the second largest
Dominican gang based in Bronx, New York, are known for their violent
machete attacks and drug trafficking activities in Florida, Michigan,
New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.
An increase in the Dominican population in several
eastern US jurisdictions has resulted in the expansion and migration of
Dominican gangs such as the Trinitarios. This has led to an increase in
drug trafficking, robberies, violent assaults in the Tri-state area.
Figure 5. Trinitarios Insignia

Source: ATF
Haitian Gangs
Haitian gangs, such as the Florida-based Zoe Pound, have
proliferated in many states primarily along the East Coast in recent
years according to NGIC reporting. According to NGIC reporting, Haitian
gangs are present in Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Maryland,
Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, and
- The Zoe Pound gang, a street gang founded in Miami,
Florida by Haitian immigrants in the United States, is involved in drug
trafficking, robbery, and related violent crime. In February 2010, 22
suspected Zoe Pound members in Chicago, Illinois, were charged with
possession of and conspiracy to traffic powder and crack cocaine from
Illinois to Florida, according to FBI reporting.10
- The Haitian Boys Posse and Custer Street Gang are
involved in a myriad of criminal activities including drug and weapons
trafficking, robberies, shootings and homicides along the East Coast.
Trinitario members arrested for drug and firearms violations
In August 2010, the FBI
arrested three Rhode Island Trinitario members for conspiracy to
distribute MDMA and firearms violations. Seventeen other Trinitario
members also allegedly collected money to buy weapons, hire lawyers, and
aid members (brothers) in prison.
Source: DOJ: District of Rhode Island, August 26, 2010 |
Jamaican Gangs
Traditional Jamaican gangs operating in the United States
are generally unsophisticated and lack a significant hierarchical
structure, unlike gangs in Jamaica. Many active Jamaican gangs operating
in the United States maintain ties to larger criminal organizations and
gangs in Jamaica, such as the Shower Posse or the Spangler Posse.
Jamaican gang members in the United States engage in drug and weapons
NGIC reporting indicates that Jamaican gangs are most active in California, Maryland, Missouri, and New Jersey.
Non-Traditional Gangs
Hybrid Gangs
The expansion of hybrid gangs—non-traditional gangs with
multiple affiliations—is a continued phenomenon in many jurisdictions
nationwide. Because of their multiple affiliations, ethnicities,
migratory nature, and nebulous structure, hybrid gangs are difficult to
track, identify, and target as they are transient and continuously
evolving. Furthermore, these multi-ethnic, mixed-gender gangs pose a
unique challenge to law enforcement because they are adopting national
symbols and gang members often crossover from gang to gang. Hybrid gangs
are of particular concern to law enforcement because members often
escalate their criminal activity in order to gain attention and respect.
Hybrid gangs, which are present in at least 25 states,
are fluid in size and structure, yet tend to adopt similar
characteristics of larger urban gangs, including their own identifiers,
rules, and recruiting methods.11 Like most street gangs, hybrid gang members commit a multitude of street and violent crime.12
Law enforcement reporting suggests that hybrid gangs have evolved from
neighborhood crews that formed to expand drug trafficking, or from an
absence of or loyalty to nationally recognized gangs in their region.
- Law enforcement officials in many jurisdictions
nationwide report an increase in juvenile gang membership and violent
crime among hybrid and local gangs, according to 2010 NGIC reporting.
- NGIC reporting indicates that hybrid gangs are
dominating nationally recognized gangs in some jurisdictions and merging
with other gangs to expand their membership.
The Juggalos, a loosely-organized hybrid gang, are
rapidly expanding into many US communities. Although recognized as a
gang in only four states, many Juggalos subsets exhibit gang-like
behavior and engage in criminal activity and violence. Law enforcement
officials in at least 21 states have identified criminal Juggalo
sub-sets, according to NGIC reporting.d
Hybrid and Almighty Latin King Nation (ALKN) Gang Members Arrested on Drug Charges
In November 2010, hybrid gang
members in Pontiac, Michigan, known the “New World Order,” were charged
along with members of the ALKN for numerous drug offenses. Several guns,
drugs, dozens of cell phones and $10,000 in cash were
seized by FBI, DEA and local police departments. Many of the gang members arrested were juveniles and young adults.
Source: Online article “7 Members of 2 Gangs n Pontiac Face Drug charges”; November 14, 2010 |
- NGIC reporting indicates that Juggalo gangs are
expanding in New Mexico primarily because they are attracted to the
tribal and cultural traditions of the Native Americans residing nearby.
Most crimes committed by Juggalos are sporadic,
disorganized, individualistic, and often involve simple assault,
personal drug use and possession, petty theft, and vandalism. However,
open source reporting suggests that a small number of Juggalos are
forming more organized subsets and engaging in more gang-like criminal
activity, such as felony assaults, thefts, robberies, and drug sales.
Social networking websites are a popular conveyance for Juggalo
sub-culture to communicate and expand.
- In January 2011, a suspected Juggalo member shot and
wounded a couple in King County, Washington, according to open source
Juggalos’ disorganization and lack of structure within
their groups, coupled with their transient nature, makes it difficult to
classify them and identify their members and migration patterns. Many
criminal Juggalo sub-sets are comprised of transient or homeless
individuals, according to law enforcement reporting. Most Juggalo
criminal groups are not motivated to migrate based upon traditional
needs of a gang. However, law enforcement reporting suggests that
Juggalo criminal activity has increased over the past several years and
has expanded to several other states. Transient, criminal Juggalo groups
pose a threat to communities due to the potential for violence, drug
use/sales, and their general destructive and violent nature.
Although law enforcement
officials in Arizona, California, Pennsylvania, Utah, and Washington
report the most Juggalo gang-related criminal activity, Juggalos are
present in Colorado, Delaware,
Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Mexico,
New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia, according to NGIC reporting. |
- In January 2010, two suspected Juggalo associates were charged with beating and robbing an elderly homeless man.14
Figure 6. Juggalo member

Source: ATF
Gangs and Alien Smuggling, Human Trafficking, and Prostitution
Gang involvement in alien smuggling, human trafficking,
and prostitution is increasing primarily due to their higher
profitability and lower risks of detection and punishment than that of
drug and weapons trafficking. Over the past year, federal, state, and
local law enforcement officials in at least 35 states and US territories
have reported that gangs in their jurisdictions are involved in alien
smuggling, human trafficking, or prostitution.e
Alien Smuggling
Many street gangs are becoming involved in alien
smuggling as a source of revenue. According to US law enforcement
officials, tremendous incentive exists for gangs to diversify their
criminal enterprises to include alien smuggling, which can be more
lucrative and less risky than the illicit drug trade. Over the past two
years numerous federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies
nationwide have reported gang involvement in incidents of alien
smuggling. In some instances, gang members were among those being
smuggled across the border into the United States following deportation.
In other cases, gang members facilitated the movement of migrants
across the US-Mexico border.f
Increasing Coordination between Mexican Drug Cartels, Alien Smuggling Networks, and US-Based Gangs
Federal, state, and local law enforcement officials are
observing a growing nexus between the Mexican drug cartels, illegal
alien smuggling rings, and US-based gangs. The alien smuggling networks
that operate along the Southwest border are unable to move human cargo
through drug cartel controlled corridors without paying a fee. The
typical Mexican illegal alien now pays approximately $1,200 to $2,500
for entry into the United States. The fee is considerably higher for
aliens smuggled from countries other than Mexico, which may even be more
alluring for the cartels. It is estimated that criminals earn billions
of dollars each year by smuggling aliens through Mexico into the United
Source: House Committee on Homeland Security, US Congress |
Figure 7. An immigrant is smuggled in a vehicle

Source: FBI
Human Trafficking Global Statistics
- 18,000 to 20,000 individuals are trafficked into the United States each year.
- 12.3 million worldwide victims of forced labor, bonded labor, and prostitution.
- 1.2 million worldwide victims are children; 1.4 million
are victims of commercial sexual exploitation, of which 98% are women
and girls.
- 32% of the victims are used for forced
economic exploitation, of which 56% are women and girls
Sources: US Dept. of State TIP Report 2010; UN GIFT Global Report on TIP Feb. 2010 |
The Barrio Azteca, Mexican Mafia, MS-13, 18th Street
Gang, and Somali gangs have all reportedly been involved in alien
smuggling, according to NGIC and law enforcement reporting.
- In October 2009, ICE agents in Los Angeles, California,
arrested suspects linked to a drug trafficking and alien smuggling ring
with close ties to the Drew Street clique of the Avenues (Sureño) street
gang in Los Angeles. The ring allegedly smuggled more than 200 illegal
aliens per year into the United States from Mexico, concealing them in
trucks and hidden compartments of vehicles and then hiding them in a
store house in Los Angeles (See Figure 8).15
Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is another source of revenue for some
gangs. Victims—typically women and children—are often forced, coerced,
or led with fraudulent pretense into prostitution and forced labor.16
The Bloods, MS-13, Sureños, and Somali gangs have been reportedly
involved in human trafficking, according to multiple law enforcement and
NGIC reporting.
- Some gangs in the New England area are combining human
trafficking and drug trafficking operations, where females are used to
courier drugs and participate in prostitution.
- In November 2010, federal law enforcement officials
indicted 29 members of a Somalian gang in Minneapolis for operating an
interstate sex trafficking ring that sold and transported underage
African-American and Somalian females from Minneapolis, Minnesota, to
Columbus, Ohio, and Nashville, Tennessee, for prostitution, according to
FBI and ICE reporting.17
Prostitution is also a major source of income for many
gangs. Gang members often operate as pimps, luring or forcing at-risk,
young females into prostitution and controlling them through violence
and psychological abuse.g
Asian gangs, Bloods, Crips, Gangster Disciples, MS-13, Sureños, Vice
Lords, and members of OMGs are involved in prostitution operations,
according to FBI, NGIC, and multiple law enforcement reporting.
NGIC law enforcement partners report that gangs in
their jurisdiction are involved in prostitution, some of which involves
child prostitution.
- Prostitution is reportedly the second largest source of
income for San Diego, California, gangs. According to November 2010 open
source reporting, African-American street gangs in San Diego are
pimping young females to solicit males.18
Gangs and Criminal Organizations
Gangs & Drug Trafficking Organizations
Many US-based gangs have established strong working
relationships with Central America and Mexico-based DTOs to perpetuate
the smuggling of drugs across the US-Mexico and US-Canada borders. MDTOs
control most of the cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and marijuana
trafficked into the United States from Mexico and regularly employ
lethal force to protect their drug shipments in Mexico and while
crossing the US-Mexico border, according to NGIC and NDIC reporting.h
Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations
MDTOs are among the most prominent DTOs largely because
of their control over the production of most drugs consumed in the
United States. They are known to regularly collaborate with US-based
street and prison gang members and occasionally work with select OMG and
White Supremacist groups, purely for financial gain (see Appendix B).
The prospect of financial gain is resulting in the suspension of
traditional racial and ideological division among US prison gangs,
providing MDTOs the means to further expand their influence over drug
trafficking in the United States.19
NDIC reporting indicates that Hispanic and African American street
gangs are expanding their influence over drug distribution in rural and
suburban areas and acquire drugs directly from MDTOs in Mexico or along
the Southwest border.20
Many Los Angeles-based Sinaloa cartel members use local
gang members to assist in or commit kidnappings, acquire or sell drugs,
and collect drug proceeds.
Source: DHS September 2010; DEA November 2010 |
NGIC law enforcement partners report that gangs in
their jurisdiction have ties to Mexican criminal organizations, such as
- Well-established US prison gangs such as the Hermanos de
Pistoleros Latinos (HPL), La Eme, the Texas Syndicate, Barrio Azteca
and the Tango Blast are reportedly aligned with or connected to MDTOs.
- NDIC reporting indicates that street gangs such as the
Latin Kings, MS-13, Sureños, and Norteños maintain working relationships
with MDTOs.21 Sureños in
California and South Carolina maintain an association with the Los Zetas
Cartel in Mexico, according to 2010 NGIC reporting.
- According to 2010 California Department of Corrections
and Rehabilitation (CDCR) and open source reporting, some Aryan
Brotherhood and La Eme prison gang members—bitter rivals inside
prison—work together with MDTOs to smuggle drugs into California and
prisons, steal vehicles, smuggle illegal weapons into Mexico, and
intimidate rivals of the Mexican cartels.22
US-Based Gangs with Ties to MDTOs |
Arizona New Mexican
Aryan Brotherhood
Barrio Azteca
Barrio Westside
Black Guerilla Family
California Mexican
Mafia (Eme)
Hardtimes 13
Happytown Pomona
Hells Angels
Hermanos de
Pistoleros Latinos
La Nuestra Familia
Latin Kings
Lennox 13 |
Mara Salvatrucha
Mexican Mafia
Satins Disciples
Tango Blast
Texas Mexican Mafia
Texas Syndicate
Tri-City Bombers
Vatos Locos
Westside Nogalitas
Wetback Power
Wonder Boys
18th Street Gang |
Figure 8. Mexican Drug Cartels

Source: Stratfor Global Intelligence
MDTOs contract with street and prison gangs along the
Southwest border to enforce and secure smuggling operations in Mexico
and the United States, particularly in California and Texas border
communities.23 Gang
members who are US citizens are valuable to MDTOs, as they can generally
cross the US-Mexico border with less law enforcement scrutiny and are
therefore less likely to have illicit drug loads interdicted.24
MDTOs use street and prison gang members in Mexico, Texas, and
California to protect smuggling routes, collect debts, transport illicit
goods, including drugs and weapons, and execute rival traffickers.25
Many of these crimes are committed in exchange for money and drugs, and
as a result, street and prison gangs in the United States have gained
greater control over drug distribution in rural and suburban areas. Gang
members, including Barrio Azteca, MS-13 and Sureños have been
intercepted driving with weapons and currency toward Mexico from such
states as California, Colorado, Georgia, and Texas according to open
source reporting.
Major Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations |
Arellano Felix
Beltran Leyva
Vicente Carrillo-
Gulf Cartel |
Los Zetas
La Familia
Michoacana |
Gangs’ increased collaboration with MDTOs has altered the
dynamics of the drug trade at the wholesale level. US gangs, which
traditionally served as the primary organized retail or mid-level
distributor of drugs in most major US cities, are now purchasing drugs
directly from the cartels, thereby eliminating the mid-level wholesale
dealer. Furthermore, advanced technology, such as wireless Internet and
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) capabilities, has made the
recruitment, collaboration, and coordination of criminal activity more
efficient and lucrative, and allows direct contact between the gangs and
DTOs.26 To increase their
control over drug trafficking in smaller markets, street gangs have
acquired large wholesale quantities of drugs at lower prices directly
from DTOs in Mexico and along the US Southwest border.27
- Recent intelligence indicates that the MDTO La Familia
Michoacana has established US-based command-and-control groups which
report to leaders in Mexico who manage street-level distribution in US
Gangs and Organized Criminal Groups
January 2010 FBI reporting indicates that some OMGs and
street gangs are closely collaborating with African, Asian, Eurasian,
and Italian organized criminal groups to facilitate street-level crimes
such as extortion, enforcement, debt collection, and money laundering.
- In May 2010, New Jersey authorities indicted 34 members
of the Lucchese crime family on racketeering, weapons offenses, bribery,
money laundering, and conspiracy charges. The investigation revealed
that members of the Lucchese family in New Jersey were working with the
Nine Trey Gangster Bloods to smuggle drugs and cell phones into the East
Jersey State Prison for fellow inmates, according to open source
NGIC reporting indicates that some gangs are suspected of
associating with African, Asian, and Eurasian criminal groups in
California and Washington.i
- Law enforcement officials in Washington suspect that
some Asian gangs, including the Oriental Boyz and the Tiny Rascal
Gangsters, are involved with Asian organized crime and marijuana
cultivating groups.
- In February 2011, authorities in southern California
charged 99 Armenian Power gang members with kidnapping, extortion, bank
fraud, and drug trafficking. Armenian Power members reportedly have ties
to high-level crime figures in Armenia, Russia, and Georgia.30
Chart 3. Gang Associations with Criminal Organizations.
The NGIC collected intelligence from law enforcement
officials nationwide in an effort to identify associations between gangs
and criminal organizations. The following figures represent the
percentage of law enforcement who report that gangs in their
jurisdiction have ties to various criminal organizations.
Gangs and Corrections Issues
Prison gang-related crime and violence in the nation’s
corrections system poses a significant threat to facility employees and a
growing threat in many communities. Once incarcerated, most street gang
members join an established prison gang to ensure their protection.
Based on data provided by federal and state correctional agencies, the
NGIC estimates that there are approximately 231,136 gang members
incarcerated in federal and state prisons nationwide. Their large
numbers and dominant presence allows prison gangs to employ bribery,
intimidation, and violence to exert influence and control over many
correctional facilities. Violent disputes over control of drug territory
and enforcement of drug debts frequently occur among incarcerated gang
Figure 9. A US prison yard
Prison/Street Gang Connections
Many incarcerated gang members continue to engage in gang
activities following incarceration and use their connections inside
prison to commit crime in the community. Prison gang members influence
and control gang activity on the street, and exploit street gangs for
money and other resources.
Figure 10. Incarcerated MS-13 Members
Law enforcement officials report associations between street gang members and incarcerated gang members in their area.
- MS-13 members send funds not only to gang members on the
street and in prison, but also to gang members in El Salvador,
according to NGIC reporting.
Prison/Family Connection
A gang member’s incarceration often prompts his or her
family to move closer to the correctional facility where the gang member
is being housed. In some cases, family members assist or facilitate
gang criminal activity and recruiting.
Family members of gangs operate as outside facilitators,
serving as messengers, drug couriers, or in any capacity benefiting the
gang. Outside facilitators are provided instructions by the incarcerated
gang member, often during a social or legal visit, and in turn pass
this information to gang members on the streets. Family members have
also been used to assist prison escapes and smuggle contraband into
correctional facilities, allowing incarcerated gang members to continue
their operations inside prison.
Gangs in Contact with Incarcerated
Gang Members |
18th Street
415 Kumi
Arizona New Mexican
Aryan Brotherhood
Aryan Brotherhood of
Aryan Circle
Barrio Azteca
Black Guerilla Family
Black Gangster
Black P-Stone Nation
California Mexican
Colorado Aryan
Dead Man Inc.
Dirty White Boys
Gangster Disciples
Grupo 25 (G-25)
Grupo 27 (G-27)
Hells Angels (MC)
Hermanos de
Pistoleros Latinos
(HPL) |
La Nuestra Familia
Latin Kings
Los Carnales
Nazi Low Riders
Northern Riders
Northern Structure
Raza Unida
Simon City Royals
Syndicato De Nuevo
Texas Chicano
Texas Mexican Mafia
Texas Syndicate
United Blood Nation
Valluco Tango Blast
Vice Lords
West Texas Tangos |
Incarcerated gang members often rely on family, friends,
corrupt lawyers and corrections personnel to transmit their messages to
gang members on the street. Incarcerated gang members exploit
attorney-client privileges, which include unmonitored visiting and legal
mail, to pass coded or concealed communications.j
Contraband Cell Phones
Smuggled cell phones are a continuing problem for prison
administrators in correctional facilities throughout the country.
Smuggled cell phones and Smart Phones afford incarcerated gang members
more influence and control over street gangs through unrestricted access
and unmonitored conversations via voice calling, Internet access, text
messaging, email, and social networking websites. Instances of violence
directed by inmates using mobile devices are also a growing concern for
corrections officials. Incarcerated gang members communicate covertly
with illegal cell phones to plan or direct criminal activities such as
drug distribution, assault, and murder.
Cell phones smuggled into correctional facilities pose
the greatest threat to institution safety, according to NGIC and BOP
- In 2010 a New Jersey inmate was prosecuted for using a
contraband cell phone to order the murder of his former girlfriend in
retaliation for her cooperation with police regarding an investigation
involving the inmate.31
Illegal Cell Phones in California Prisons
The majority of illegal cell phones in California prisons
are smuggled in by visitors or correctional staff. Many cell phones
have also been discovered
in legal mail and quarterly packages. In
2010, more than 10,000 illegal cell phones were confiscated from
prisoners in California.
Historically, correctional staff who have been caught
smuggling phones have been successfully prosecuted only when the phone
was connected to a more serious charge such as drug distribution,
and district attorney offices rarely prosecute unless a more serious
offense is involved. In March 2011, legislation was approved in the
California State Senate to criminalize the use of cell phones in prison,
including penalties for both smugglers and inmates.
Sources: US Bureau of Prisons and CDCR; California State Senate Press Release, 22 March 2011 |
- In March 2010, an off-duty captain in the South Carolina
Department of Corrections was shot in his home by an armed intruder.
Although the captain survived, the assault had been ordered by a South
Carolina inmate using a smuggled cell phone.32
Gang members who have been incarcerated are often more
respected on the streets by younger gang members, which makes it easier
to establish or re-establish themselves in leadership positions and
order younger gang members to commit crimes.k
These gang leaders also use connections made in prison to establish
contacts and criminal networks in the community, which allows them to
more successfully control gang operations. Also, in the wake of
leadership disorganization at the street level due to indictments and
arrests, a released gang member may find it easy to use his influence
and status as an ‘original gangster’ (OG) or Veterano to assume control
of the gang.
Law enforcement officials report that released prison
gang members in some jurisdictions are establishing or re-establishing
leadership roles or active roles in local gangs.
Prison Radicalization
Gang members’ vulnerability to radicalization and
recruitment for involvement in international or domestic terrorism
organizations is a growing concern to law enforcement. Gang members’
perceptions of disenfranchisement from or rejection of mainstream
society and resentment towards authority makes them more susceptible to
joining such groups and can be attractive and easy targets for
radicalization by extremist groups.
NGIC reporting indicates that incarcerated gang members in some jurisdictions are adopting radical religious views in prison.
Prison gangs that tend to be dedicated to political or
social issues are often more susceptible to influence by extremist
ideologies. In some instances, prison gang members may even emulate
various terrorist movements by embracing their symbolism and ideology to
enhance the gang’s own militant image within the prison setting.
Prison and street gang members are also susceptible on an
individual basis to radicalization. Various correctional agencies have
reported individual members of the Black Peace Stones, Crips, Latin
Kings, and Insane Latin Disciples embracing radical ideologies.
Gang Infiltration of Corrections, Law Enforcement, and Government
Gang infiltration of law enforcement, government, and
correctional agencies poses a significant security threat due to the
access criminals have to sensitive information pertaining to
investigations or protected persons. Gang members serving in law
enforcement agencies and correctional facilities may compromise security
and criminal investigations and operations, while acquiring knowledge
and training in police tactics and weapons. Corrupt law enforcement
officers and correctional staff have assisted gang members in committing
crimes and have impeded investigations.
NGIC reporting indicates that gang members in at least
57 jurisdictions, including California, Florida, Tennessee, and
Virginia, have applied for or gained employment within judicial, police,
or correctional agencies.
- A Crip gang member applied for a law enforcement position in Oklahoma.
- OMGs engage in routine and systematic exploitation and
infiltration of law enforcement and government infrastructures to
protect and perpetrate their criminal activities. OMGs regularly solicit
information of intelligence value from government or law enforcement
NGIC reporting indicates that gang members in at least
72 jurisdictions have compromised or corrupted judicial, law
enforcement, or correctional staff within the past three years.
- In November 2010, a parole worker in New York was
suspended for relaying confidential information to a Bloods gang member
in Albany, according to open source reporting.33
- In July 2010, a Riverside County, California detention
center sheriff deputy was convicted of assisting her incarcerated Eme
boyfriend with murdering two witnesses in her boyfriend’s case.34
- In April 2010, a former Berwyn, Illinois police officer
pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy to commit racketeering and to
obstruct justice for his part in assisting an OMG member in targeting
and burglarizing rival businesses.35
Native American gang presence has increased on Indian
Reservations and in federal and state prison systems throughout the
United States over the past few years, according to Bureau of Justice
Statistics reporting.36,l
Native American gang members, operating on numerous reservations
throughout the United States, are emulating Hispanic gangs such as the
Barrio Aztecas, Norteños, and Sureños; African American gangs such as
the Bloods and Crips; and predominately Caucasian gangs such as the
Juggalos. Some gangs, such as the Native Mob and Native Pride—which
primarily operates in North Dakota, Minnesota, South Dakota, and
Wisconsin—formed in the prison system and then expanded to reservations,
according to NGIC reporting. Although most gangs in Indian Country are
disorganized, lack significant structure and ties to national-level
gangs, and are incapable of attaining control over large geographic
areas or populations, some are involved in serious crimes and violent
activities and utilize Indian Reservations to facilitate and expand
their drug operations..