We as Americans have to get our heads wrapped around the fact that we have an obligation to do something about the stripping of our gun rights before the government starts kicking in doors. We constantly hear gun rights advocates talking about “giving the police our weapons bullets first”, but how many of us would actually martyr ourselves in defense of our guns? The truth is that these rights are much more easily defended while they still exist. I know this seems like a no brainer, but there are those of us who think that the time to start fighting is when they start actively taking away our arms. It must be now or it will be never.
Many people have written about the importance of the 2nd Amendment as a safeguard for the rest of our personal liberties, but I don’t think that it can be stressed enough. There is a fundamental misunderstanding about what the 2nd Amendment means and without a universal appreciation regarding the reasoning and rationale for its inclusion in the Bill of Rights, we are doomed. Anyone who understands the 2nd amendment understands that the founding fathers implemented it as a safeguard against tyranny. It is not about self defense and it is not about hunting. Anyone who understands history understands that despotic governments who wish to remain in power must separate the civilian population from their arms. I am not saying anything that most of you haven’t heard 1000 times before, but what I do wish to stress is the fact that after the removal of the right to keep and bear arms is not the time to start fighting.
We all like to consider ourselves to be courageous, but very few of us, if any of us would be willing to point our weapons at a group of armed police. We would like to think ourselves capable of laying our lives down for our beliefs and our liberties, but the truth is doing so in the face of certain death is damn near impossible. The whole tactic of no knock raids is meant to disorient and to frighten. Having been on the offensive side of these raids I can assure you that almost no one resists. Even die hard Jihadis most often surrender without a shot fired or even token resistance if they are caught off guard. I am NOT trying to discourage all of you, only to drive home the fact that we must do something about the gun grabbers before further anti-gun legislation is passed.
There is a large percentage of those on the Right that have become complacent in regards to gun legislation. They believe that the NRA will continue to protect us against these types of legislation, but we are a massacre away from Barb Feinstein’s dream of a gun free America. And if you think that these people aren’t capable of committing a false flag atrocity to get this agenda past you are gravely mistaken. These people wish to see the 2nd amendment disbanded pure and simple because it is the only way they can have total control over us. Do you honestly believe that the people who are willing to ignore the founding documents of this nation would have any compulsion against killing innocent people “for the greater good?”
An argument for the abolishing of the 2nd Amendment