Please copy & paste the event link when sharing this event so others can see & join in the discussions Thanks : https://www.facebook.com/events/537762359655761/?fref=ts
You can also join the Stop the Tyrants PAGE: here:http://www.facebook.com/StoptheTyrants
Give us your thoughts, ask questions & become informed or inform us with relevent information ...we are open to facts about this cause:
We already have 1000's registered to attend this historic event with historic speakers ... ARE YOU ONE OF THEM WHO WILL SUCCEED IN TAKING AUSTALIA BACK !!!!
This National event is for Australians .... ALL AUSTRALIANS ... this is not an event to exhibit hate towards other cultures, or creeds ....if we live in Australia ... we are AUSTRALIANS ... as per the postered event ... for any information or clarification on this event CONTACT GREG ... he will be only too happy to clarify & answer any of your questions ... his number is on the poster ! Greg is more than happy for you to PM him with questions.
All your questions will be answered on the day ...YOU can read the REFERENDUM in it's entirity... listen to the speakers ... then cast YOUR vote ....this Referendum has been produced by the people for the people.
We had both state and federal constitutions on the 6th November 1999 - Kevin Rudd without referendum suspended all constitutions under the UN's direction. However this is just apart of the problem as in 1973 G. Whitlam changed the constitution without referendum hense committing Treason and every So called Prime Minister, Premier, Cabinet and opposition has been apart of this Treason, also in 1992 Paul Keating signed us into Agenda 21 under the UN's rule without a referendum.
The people of Australia were not asked if we agreed with joining Agenda 21
They have changed our government into a foreign Corporation which is a major conflict of interest to the people and by their actions they now think they can change our laws etc (like the VLAD laws in Queensland).
If you want to find out how Australia taken over by a Corporation ..The Commonwealth of Australia FB sitehttp://j.mp/LMnOVB or We the People of Australia http://wethepeopleofaustralia.blogspot.com.au/
This is not about independence or becoming a republic, this is about regaining our constitutional rights & for Australia to sign into the Bill of Human Rights, to protect the people.
Thank you !