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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tennessee - Dear MRF State Reps:

Dear MRF State Reps:

Time is short for the CMT/ABATE legislative team to pull this initiative together, and we need the help of the 31 states who have Freedom of Choice regarding the wearing of a motorcycle helmet.

Tennessee State Representative John Tidwell and Senator Sutherland, in 2011, introduced legislation that would allow any motorcyclists riding a motorcycle from a Freedom of Choice state in the state of Tennessee could also exercise their Freedom of Choice regarding the wearing of a helmet in Tennessee. The same bill was also introduced two years earlier, in a previous Tennessee General Assembly. These bills were not “run” although they were put on notice to be heard.

Each time we had these bills up for committee hearings, we gained some traction on our actual helmet law modification for anyone under 21 and we laid this “Reciprocal Bill” aside to focus on that. Only to lose and go away empty handed for the session with NO helmet law changes at all.

This year, a bill either identical, or very similar to this will most likely be the primary piece of legislation pursued by CMT/ABATE.  2014 is the second session of a two year General Assembly, and our Liberty Bill was waylaid last year because of confusion with another bill that was brought by a businessman outside of organization.  We will be sure to include language, this time, that will only allow law enforcement to "check" if you are from a Freedom of Choice state if you have been stopped for another infraction of the Tennessee law (ie: speeding, improper lane usage). It is quite a unique effort, and several of our legislators are eager to support it.

Rep. John Tidwell, a very respected and long-time member of the House of Representatives, and also a motorcyclist, is raring to go on this.  In addition to Sen. Sutherland, also a motorcyclist, we are hopeful that our Premier Champion, Senator Douglas Henry will be a prime sponsor, as he is retiring after this next session. He has served the General Assembly of Tennessee for over 40 years, is a true Statesman, and was the sponsor of our first legislation back in the 80's, which resulted in the formation of the Motorcycle Rider Education Program and fund--which has stood the test of time and is functioning in an excellent manner to this day.

This bill, if it becomes law, will enable anyone from any “Free” state to ride in Tennessee, exercising their freedom of choice.

All bills in Tennessee must have a fiscal note when they are presented in committee. If there is a plus or a minus, and the bill passes out of its’ committee of origin (In this case, Safety Committee), it will go to Budget Sub committee for financial review. Bills that “make money” for the State of Tennessee will usually slide right on through. Bills that “cost money” will usually get buried “behind the budget”. Our Freedom of Choice for Tennessee motorcyclists bill usually has a fiscal note in the millions, due to finagling of figures by the healthcare industry and our department of Finance that handles our version of Medicaid, called TennCare.

The Reciprocal Bill has a “not significant” fiscal note, and will not have to go to budget committee.

This would be a “first” in the U.S. for helmet laws. The AMA will write a letter of support, and six or seven officers of freedom of choice states that I was able to talk to at Meeting of the Minds said they were almost certain that their leadership/Board of Directors would write a letter of support for our legislation.

We need a letter addressed generically to the General Assembly of Tennessee, Legislative Plaza, Nashville, TN 37243 and mailed or attached to an email on your letterhead. Please send to Carol Simpson 2226 Rocky Springs Road, Nolensville, TN, 37135 or attach to email addressed

We will distribute it to our 33 Senators and 99 Representatives. In your own words, we would like for you to offer your support for “soon to be introduced” legislation that will allow motorcyclists whose motorcycles are registered in a Freedom of Choice state regarding the wearing of helmets, to be able to ride without wearing a helmet, if they so choose, in Tennessee.

Please include specific reasons. Especially, anything that refers to increase in tourism dollars.

We are sending this letter to you now, as we do not know what process you must go through to approve the sending of the letters. Some boards are meeting within the next week or so, and we need these letters very quickly. Our Legislative session begins January 7, 2014. The bill must be drafted and ready to be introduced by that date. We would like to have a position paper and support packet ready to be laid on legislators’ desks on that date, as well.

Questions about this initiative may be addressed to the CMT/ABATE, Inc. Legislative Director, Tony M Dabbs. His email is and his phone number is 931-232-8519. This letter has been reviewed and approved by him and is being sent to you at his request. Tony is also the MRF State Rep for Tennessee.

I cannot attach the copy of the previous bill and fiscal note to a Reps blast email.
I would especially request that you send me the name of  your SMRO state director and/or legislative director. I will send attachments of the previous bill and fiscal note to them, and you, directly, along with a similar letter as soon as I receive this information.

As the development of this bill progresses, and is filed and assigned and HB and SB number, I will keep everyone who responds informed of the progress and any other assistance that might be helpful to our cause.  Hopefully, I will be building a HUGE email contact list for this.

We stand ready to advance the availability of riding free in Tennessee to those already residing in free states.

If you are from a NON-Free state, we are curious as to whether your state might run this legislation, also?

Thank you for considering this request and, in advance, for your timely response. PLEASE act quickly, must strategy must be organized prior to the opening of session.

With Respect,
Carol Simpson
MRF Assistant State Rep
PR/Communications Director
615 944 9797