It is amazing that some of these people know how to spell and sign their own names. Mark Dice's latest video may be the most disturbing yet.
He gathers signatures to support the "Orwellian" police state. He makes it very clear that this police state is to be modeled after Nazi Germany. Even if these people don't know the story of the Holocaust… even if they have no idea what "Orwellian" means… you would think they know that "Nazis" are bad. Where does Dice find these people?
Oh yeah… He finds them in California.
At least we had the two really smart people who talked about the need to find the money and how the City Council was a failure. As long as we can pay for it and work around the City Council then we should by all means start installing gas chambers and using them. This is what Californians want.
I think it boils down to a lack of education. Just last week the subject of the Holocaust was brought to college campuses in Pennsylvania by Rhonda Fink-Whitman who is the author of 94 Maidens. The answers she received were even more frightening than those from California. Those people in California have varying levels of education.
These Pennsylvania college students don't have any excuse for lack of education. But what are these kids being taught? That is the real question.
Wow. I don't know if you caught it but Rhonda Fink-Whitman listed the states that already require Holocaust education. One of those states was California. So we can throw that excuse out the window for many of the people Dice found. Some of them were not taught but others simply chose not to learn. I'm not sure what we can do about that.
If you don't believe in the "dumbing down" of America then you are probably for a Nazi-style police state as well.
These people are everywhere. They are not just in California or Pennsylvania.
They live next door to you and if stuff hits the fan, these are some of the same people you may have to rely on in order to survive.
I am near speechless.
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