Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Motorcycles Riders Group
DELAWARE - DUI check location invalid
Delaware Superior Court Judge ruled that prosecutors did not prove that
statistics justified setting up a DUI checkpoint. He ruled that "the
constitutionality of sobriety checkpoints requires that they be
established according to some overall plan that limits the authority of
police and thereby protects the Fourth Amendment right of drivers to be
free from unreasonable search and seizure."
WILMINGTON — A Superior Court judge has gutted the
case against an alleged drunken driver who was stopped at a sobriety
checkpoint in the city because of questions about the legality of the
checkpoint’s location.Superior Court
Judge Eric M. Davis, in a 13-page opinion made public this week, ruled
prosecutors did not prove that statistics justified setting up a DUI
checkpoint at Fourth and Church streets on Aug. 17, 2012, when Willie A.
Terry was pulled over there. So the judge barred prosecutors from using
any evidence collected against Terry at the checkpoint, effectively
ending the prosecution.
Widener Law professor Len Sosnov said it is a very narrow ruling about the admissibility of evidence in Terry’s case, but it does raise a larger question about other DUI checkpoints in the state and whether they have the same legal flaw, which could force state officials to make changes.
The ruling also raises the possibility of challenges by others who have been arrested at DUI checkpoints in Delaware.
Deputy Attorney General Sean Lugg, however, dismissed the larger question, arguing that Terry’s case turned more on how prosecutors presented evidence, not how the sobriety checkpoints are operated.
Lugg said prosecutors are reviewing the Terry decision but remain confident that the sobriety checkpoints in Delaware are being operated correctly under both state and federal law. But as a result of the ruling, Lugg said, the state “will look to make sure that evidence is properly presented” in future cases so that a judge is satisfied the checkpoints are being set up correctly.
Lugg said prosecutors have not yet decided if they will appeal the Terry case to the Delaware Supreme Court.
Terry’s attorney, Thomas Foley, said Friday that he couldn’t comment because he is currently arguing a nearly identical case before a different judge.
According to Davis’ opinion, Foley requested prosecutors produce traffic data on DUI incidents at the intersection of Fourth and Church streets, and the state at first ignored the request. Prosecutors then produced information that did not show a clear statistical trend at that location, according to the ruling.
Widener Law professor Len Sosnov said it is a very narrow ruling about the admissibility of evidence in Terry’s case, but it does raise a larger question about other DUI checkpoints in the state and whether they have the same legal flaw, which could force state officials to make changes.
The ruling also raises the possibility of challenges by others who have been arrested at DUI checkpoints in Delaware.
Deputy Attorney General Sean Lugg, however, dismissed the larger question, arguing that Terry’s case turned more on how prosecutors presented evidence, not how the sobriety checkpoints are operated.
Lugg said prosecutors are reviewing the Terry decision but remain confident that the sobriety checkpoints in Delaware are being operated correctly under both state and federal law. But as a result of the ruling, Lugg said, the state “will look to make sure that evidence is properly presented” in future cases so that a judge is satisfied the checkpoints are being set up correctly.
Lugg said prosecutors have not yet decided if they will appeal the Terry case to the Delaware Supreme Court.
Terry’s attorney, Thomas Foley, said Friday that he couldn’t comment because he is currently arguing a nearly identical case before a different judge.
According to Davis’ opinion, Foley requested prosecutors produce traffic data on DUI incidents at the intersection of Fourth and Church streets, and the state at first ignored the request. Prosecutors then produced information that did not show a clear statistical trend at that location, according to the ruling.
According to Davis, the constitutionality of sobriety checkpoints
requires that they be established according to some overall plan that
limits the authority of police and thereby protects the Fourth Amendment
right of drivers to be free from unreasonable search and seizure.In
Delaware, the limits on police authority are Delaware State Police
guidelines that call for checkpoints to be set up in areas with a
“comparatively high rate of drunken driving arrests,” according to
Davis. And prosecutors did not provide the statistical information on
Fourth and Church to show a “demonstrated problem” with DUI there, he
Sosnov said while there is a reference to constitutional rights in the case, the real issue appears to lie in the state guidelines. This means prosecutors could fix the problem either by having sufficient statistical data to back up the location of checkpoints or officials could simply change the state police guidelines on how to select areas for sobriety checkpoints.
“As long as you have guidelines set up by a government agency and [the checkpoints] are not dependent on an officer’s discretion,” Sosnov said, they are legal.
Lugg said prosecutors do have the statistical data to back up sobriety checkpoint locations.
Sosnov said while there is a reference to constitutional rights in the case, the real issue appears to lie in the state guidelines. This means prosecutors could fix the problem either by having sufficient statistical data to back up the location of checkpoints or officials could simply change the state police guidelines on how to select areas for sobriety checkpoints.
“As long as you have guidelines set up by a government agency and [the checkpoints] are not dependent on an officer’s discretion,” Sosnov said, they are legal.
Lugg said prosecutors do have the statistical data to back up sobriety checkpoint locations.
Contact Sean O’Sullivan at 324-2777, sosullivan@delawareonline.com or on Twitter @SeanGOSullivan.
USA - 13NR25 - MRF News Release - Motorcycle Only Checkpoint 1 July, 2013
| |
Only Checkpoint H.R. 1861 – Needs your SUPPORT now!
Congressman James
Sensenbrenner (Wisconsin) introduced a bill to prohibit the federal funding of
motorcycle only roadside checkpoints. Sensenbrenner has always been an MRF
Champion and he needs your support now on this bill.
As we approach July 4th, our Nations Independence Day this is a perfect opportunity for you to use the system that our founding fathers set in place to make a change for the better. The bill, H.R. 1861, has nine original co-sponsors however, we need many more to pass this landmark legislation. Call your congressman and ask them to support H.R. 1861. Sensenbrenner had this to say in a 'Dear Colleague letter' that is circulating in the House of Representatives; 'In the 112th Congress, I introduced H.R. 904, a bill to prohibit the Department of Transportation (DOT) from providing funds to state and local authorities for the purpose of creating motorcycle only checkpoints. Section one of the Stop Motorcycle Checkpoint Funding Act contains the same language as H.R. 904. However, this bill also contains language to force the DOT to focus motorcycle safety efforts on crash prevention programs, not national helmet mandates.' It's important to contact your sitting member of the House of Representatives and ask them to be a co-sponsor of this important legislation. Ask them to contact Congressman James Sensenbrenner and lend their support as co-sponsor of H.R. 1861. You can contact the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 You can contact the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 |
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
AUSTRALIA - Police put bikies on notice
IT has taken more than four years, but Gold Coast police have finally moved to tackle the city's outlaw bikie gangs, promising "zero tolerance".
Police have put Gold Coast bikie gangs on notice after the newly formed Taskforce Vanguard raided the Rebels' Lawrence Drive clubhouse at Nerang on Friday.
More than 40 people had been invited to a party at the clubhouse, including 10 patched members.
Police performed random breath tests outside before raiding the event.
A 57-year-old man has been charged with selling liquor without a licence and will face Southport Magistrates Court on August 12.
Detective Inspector Scott Knowles said police would target even the most minor offences by gang members -- and that could expose other crimes.
"We'll enforce any offences we do identify," he warned.
Insp Knowles said Taskforce Vanguard, established earlier this month, was an open-ended operation.
He said the homes and businesses of gang members were also in its sights.
"Anywhere we can identify any criminal activity involving outlaw motorcycle gangs, we will respond," he said.
"Taskforce Vanguard will continue to target OMCG activity here on the Gold Coast and across the southeast region."
Insp Knowles said the operation sent a clear message to outlaw gang members.
IT has taken more than four years, but Gold Coast police have finally moved to tackle the city's outlaw bikie gangs, promising "zero tolerance".
Police have put Gold Coast bikie gangs on notice after the newly formed Taskforce Vanguard raided the Rebels' Lawrence Drive clubhouse at Nerang on Friday.
More than 40 people had been invited to a party at the clubhouse, including 10 patched members.
Police performed random breath tests outside before raiding the event.
A 57-year-old man has been charged with selling liquor without a licence and will face Southport Magistrates Court on August 12.
Detective Inspector Scott Knowles said police would target even the most minor offences by gang members -- and that could expose other crimes.
"We'll enforce any offences we do identify," he warned.
Insp Knowles said Taskforce Vanguard, established earlier this month, was an open-ended operation.
He said the homes and businesses of gang members were also in its sights.
"Anywhere we can identify any criminal activity involving outlaw motorcycle gangs, we will respond," he said.
"Taskforce Vanguard will continue to target OMCG activity here on the Gold Coast and across the southeast region."
Insp Knowles said the operation sent a clear message to outlaw gang members.
How Gov & Marijuana Industry Lobbies Fight Against Legalization
Susanne Posel
Occupy Corporatism
One way to clamp down on medicinal marijuana dispensaries is through exorbitant controls on financial requirements for a business license.
In Massachusetts, applicants will need to show documented evidence of at least $500,000 in liquid capital as an assurance for operation costs during the registration process.
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) is pushing for applicants to pay $31,500 in fees for the license whether a dispensary or growing outfit.
Robert Carp, president of the Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Dispensers Association (MMMDA) points out that these new requirements will exclude many entrepreneurs from being able to open a dispensary. This will also have an impact on non-profit groups that advocate for veterans and the use of marijuana as medicine.
Carp is also concerned about how the MDPH would consider the “past experience in medical marijuana services when issuing certifications to new dispensaries” as part of the licensing process, and possibly as a defining factor.
The MDPH claims that these new regulation will inspire competition in licensing for medical marijuana dispensaries which is designed to provide all the funding necessary to pay for state regulatory oversight.
The medical marijuana industry is worth billions of dollars with the advent of legalization in 18 states which causes concern among the dispensaries, trade associations and advocacy groups who represent those dollars.
While advocacy groups push for legalization in all 50 states by 2016, industry owners would lose their monopoly on distribution within respective states.
The Medical Marijuana Caregivers (MMC) joined a group of anti-legalization enforcement organizations to push against a bill that would legalize possession of marijuana in small quantities within state borders.
The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana (NORML) states that groups like the MMC are concerned about financial competition.
Erik Altieri, director of communications at NORM explains: “There are people who are benefiting financially and would prefer to see nothing change that. NORML believes the only way to truly ensure access for those patients who need cannabis for medical purposes is to legalize its use for all adults. This will provide every adult safe and convenient access to quality cannabis, regardless of whether or not their state legislators think their specific condition ‘qualifies’.”
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) states that marijuana is a Schedule 1 controlled substance “with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.”
The American Medical Association (AMA) will not “ endorse marijuana or cannabis programs but believes more clinical studies are needed on the use of marijuana in medicine, and supports review of marijuana’s controlled substance status in order to facilitate that research.”
However, researchers at Harvard Medical School have found that in laboratory tests, THC activates naturally produced receptors that aid in fighting off lung cancer.
In Canada, a man produced a documentary on how he cured skin cancer in himself and others using oil derived from cannabis.
The International Medical Verities Association (IMVM) has placed cannabis oil on their schedule for cancer treatments as part of a prioritized collection of combatants including:
• Magnesium chloride
• Iodine
• Selenium
• Alpha Lipoic Acid
• Sodium bicarbonate
A directive issued by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has enabled clinics and hospitals to prescribe medical marijuana to patients in 14 states.
Although those doctors are not admonished to prescribe marijuana to veterans who are denied pain medication, it sets a precedent.
In addition, it federalizes the use of medical marijuana while at the same time conflicting with federal laws prohibiting the use and sale of marijuana.
Robert Petzel, undersecretary for health at the VA stated that these new guidelines will be sent to all 900 care facilities across the nation; while making a concise warning that doctors retain the right of refusal to patients based on a professional opinion of treatment options.
Petzel said: “If a veteran obtains and uses medical marijuana in a manner consistent with state law, testing positive for marijuana would not preclude the veteran from receiving opioids for pain management. The discretion to prescribe, or not prescribe, opioids in conjunction with medical marijuana, should be determined on clinical grounds.”
The Obama administration’s stance on the legalization of marijuana is that since the National Institutes of Health (NIH) states that “marijuana use is associated with addiction, respiratory disease, and cognitive impairment. We know from an array of treatment admission information and Federal data that marijuana use is a significant source for voluntary drug treatment admissions and visits to emergency rooms” this is not a “benign drug”.
Clearly, the financial gain to the federal government in drug related law enforcement was $9 billion as of 2012 which shows a decisive move toward keep it illegal within federal jurisdiction.
With a multi-billion dollar business being conducted because of its illegal status, it would be a big loss to the federal government if marijuana were legalized across all 50 states.
RFID Chip Now Being Issued In Hanna, Wyoming As Part Of New “Obamacare” Plan
By Jane M. Agni
<NationalReport>The “Obamacare” RFID chips are currently being given a test run on the proud and patriotic citizens of Hanna, Wyoming.
Over the last two weeks a special piece of legislation has been passed making it mandatory for anyone who receives welfare, or any other form of government assistance to be implanted with these new identification chips. Even select government employees and officials have been ordered to receive the new sub-dermal device, which is typically implanted in the fatty tissue of the individual’s buttock. Police officers, military, even garbage men will all be required to have the RFID chip by the end of next month or face termination from their jobs.
During the beta testing stage of this amazing new technological development, many news outlets have remained silent waiting to see how the trial pans out before reporting on the subject. National Report, always on the cutting edge, sent me on location to Hanna, Wyoming to speak with some of the towns folk and gather their opinions and experiences regarding their newly acquired RFID chips.
Tammy Josephine Laurence, a single mother of three who is currently accepting housing assistance got her chip implanted just hours before we had a chance to sit down and speak with her. She had the following to say:
RFID Chip Sketch
Over the last two weeks a special piece of legislation has been passed making it mandatory for anyone who receives welfare, or any other form of government assistance to be implanted with these new identification chips. Even select government employees and officials have been ordered to receive the new sub-dermal device, which is typically implanted in the fatty tissue of the individual’s buttock. Police officers, military, even garbage men will all be required to have the RFID chip by the end of next month or face termination from their jobs.
During the beta testing stage of this amazing new technological development, many news outlets have remained silent waiting to see how the trial pans out before reporting on the subject. National Report, always on the cutting edge, sent me on location to Hanna, Wyoming to speak with some of the towns folk and gather their opinions and experiences regarding their newly acquired RFID chips.
Tammy Josephine Laurence, a single mother of three who is currently accepting housing assistance got her chip implanted just hours before we had a chance to sit down and speak with her. She had the following to say:
RFID Chip Sketch
Preliminary Sketches Of What Later Came To Be Known As The RFID Chip
“Well, they said I better do this, or they was gonna cut the welfare. I’m a full time single mother. I got three young kids that need me at all hours and ain’t no man to help. I didn’t have no choice…”
When asked if the procedure was invasive she informed us that it was “a little like giving blood” and that she felt “tired after getting the implant” which apparently is a common but benign side effect.
I also spoke with Hanna, Wyoming’s Mayor Ted Howell, whose full support of the RFID chip made it mandatory for the citizens of his small community. Leading by example he was the first recipient of the RFID chip , having it implanted publicly at a recent town hall meeting. “This is change for a better, safer America” he said while undergoing the ten minute procedure. “With this scientific advancement, the terrorists do not stand a chance… USA will prevail…”
The ordinance has had some opposition, however, as several of the local churches have spoke out against the chips with protests. These fringe apocalyptic churches believe Obama to be the anti-Christ and claim the RFID chip is the Mark Of The Beast written about in their Book Of Revelations. They site the RFID chip’s supposed serial number of 131618 as corresponding with Revelations 13:16-18. Of course, rural superstitions ultimately have no sway when it comes to the progressive new America and their scripture laden outcries have largely been ignored.
This journalist embraces the new change, and even got her very own RFID chip before heading back to the National Report’s home offices. The surgery was quick, simple and more or less painless. I can barely tell I’ve been implanted at all. A sacrifice I’ve gladly made for my country’s national security and hope you will too.
- See more at: http://nationalreport.net/rfid-chip-now-being-issued-in-hanna-wyoming-as-part-of-new-obamacare-plan/#sthash.O94hhxXm.dpuf
By Jane M. Agni
<NationalReport>The “Obamacare” RFID chips are currently being given a test run on the proud and patriotic citizens of Hanna, Wyoming.
Over the last two weeks a special piece of legislation has been passed making it mandatory for anyone who receives welfare, or any other form of government assistance to be implanted with these new identification chips. Even select government employees and officials have been ordered to receive the new sub-dermal device, which is typically implanted in the fatty tissue of the individual’s buttock. Police officers, military, even garbage men will all be required to have the RFID chip by the end of next month or face termination from their jobs.
During the beta testing stage of this amazing new technological development, many news outlets have remained silent waiting to see how the trial pans out before reporting on the subject. National Report, always on the cutting edge, sent me on location to Hanna, Wyoming to speak with some of the towns folk and gather their opinions and experiences regarding their newly acquired RFID chips.
Tammy Josephine Laurence, a single mother of three who is currently accepting housing assistance got her chip implanted just hours before we had a chance to sit down and speak with her. She had the following to say:
“Well, they said I better do this, or they was gonna cut the welfare. I’m a full time single mother. I got three young kids that need me at all hours and ain’t no man to help. I didn’t have no choice…”
When asked if the procedure was invasive she informed us that it was “a little like giving blood” and that she felt “tired after getting the implant” which apparently is a common but benign side effect.
I also spoke with Hanna, Wyoming’s Mayor Ted Howell, whose full support of the RFID chip made it mandatory for the citizens of his small community. Leading by example he was the first recipient of the RFID chip , having it implanted publicly at a recent town hall meeting. “This is change for a better, safer America” he said while undergoing the ten minute procedure. “With this scientific advancement, the terrorists do not stand a chance… USA will prevail…”
The ordinance has had some opposition, however, as several of the local churches have spoke out against the chips with protests. These fringe apocalyptic churches believe Obama to be the anti-Christ and claim the RFID chip is the Mark Of The Beast written about in their Book Of Revelations. They site the RFID chip’s supposed serial number of 131618 as corresponding with Revelations 13:16-18. Of course, rural superstitions ultimately have no sway when it comes to the progressive new America and their scripture laden outcries have largely been ignored.
This journalist embraces the new change, and even got her very own RFID chip before heading back to the National Report’s home offices. The surgery was quick, simple and more or less painless. I can barely tell I’ve been implanted at all. A sacrifice I’ve gladly made for my country’s national security and hope you will too.
- See more at: http://nationalreport.net/rfid-chip-now-being-issued-in-hanna-wyoming-as-part-of-new-obamacare-plan/#sthash.O94hhxXm.dpuf
<NationalReport>The “Obamacare” RFID chips are currently being given a test run on the proud and patriotic citizens of Hanna, Wyoming.
Over the last two weeks a special piece of legislation has been passed making it mandatory for anyone who receives welfare, or any other form of government assistance to be implanted with these new identification chips. Even select government employees and officials have been ordered to receive the new sub-dermal device, which is typically implanted in the fatty tissue of the individual’s buttock. Police officers, military, even garbage men will all be required to have the RFID chip by the end of next month or face termination from their jobs.
During the beta testing stage of this amazing new technological development, many news outlets have remained silent waiting to see how the trial pans out before reporting on the subject. National Report, always on the cutting edge, sent me on location to Hanna, Wyoming to speak with some of the towns folk and gather their opinions and experiences regarding their newly acquired RFID chips.
Tammy Josephine Laurence, a single mother of three who is currently accepting housing assistance got her chip implanted just hours before we had a chance to sit down and speak with her. She had the following to say:
“Well, they said I better do this, or they was gonna cut the welfare. I’m a full time single mother. I got three young kids that need me at all hours and ain’t no man to help. I didn’t have no choice…”
When asked if the procedure was invasive she informed us that it was “a little like giving blood” and that she felt “tired after getting the implant” which apparently is a common but benign side effect.
I also spoke with Hanna, Wyoming’s Mayor Ted Howell, whose full support of the RFID chip made it mandatory for the citizens of his small community. Leading by example he was the first recipient of the RFID chip , having it implanted publicly at a recent town hall meeting. “This is change for a better, safer America” he said while undergoing the ten minute procedure. “With this scientific advancement, the terrorists do not stand a chance… USA will prevail…”
The ordinance has had some opposition, however, as several of the local churches have spoke out against the chips with protests. These fringe apocalyptic churches believe Obama to be the anti-Christ and claim the RFID chip is the Mark Of The Beast written about in their Book Of Revelations. They site the RFID chip’s supposed serial number of 131618 as corresponding with Revelations 13:16-18. Of course, rural superstitions ultimately have no sway when it comes to the progressive new America and their scripture laden outcries have largely been ignored.
This journalist embraces the new change, and even got her very own RFID chip before heading back to the National Report’s home offices. The surgery was quick, simple and more or less painless. I can barely tell I’ve been implanted at all. A sacrifice I’ve gladly made for my country’s national security and hope you will too.
- See more at: http://nationalreport.net/rfid-chip-now-being-issued-in-hanna-wyoming-as-part-of-new-obamacare-plan/#sthash.O94hhxXm.dpuf
By Jane M. Agni
<NationalReport>The “Obamacare” RFID chips are currently being given a test run on the proud and patriotic citizens of Hanna, Wyoming.
Over the last two weeks a special piece of legislation has been passed making it mandatory for anyone who receives welfare, or any other form of government assistance to be implanted with these new identification chips. Even select government employees and officials have been ordered to receive the new sub-dermal device, which is typically implanted in the fatty tissue of the individual’s buttock. Police officers, military, even garbage men will all be required to have the RFID chip by the end of next month or face termination from their jobs.
During the beta testing stage of this amazing new technological development, many news outlets have remained silent waiting to see how the trial pans out before reporting on the subject. National Report, always on the cutting edge, sent me on location to Hanna, Wyoming to speak with some of the towns folk and gather their opinions and experiences regarding their newly acquired RFID chips.
Tammy Josephine Laurence, a single mother of three who is currently accepting housing assistance got her chip implanted just hours before we had a chance to sit down and speak with her. She had the following to say:
“Well, they said I better do this, or they was gonna cut the welfare. I’m a full time single mother. I got three young kids that need me at all hours and ain’t no man to help. I didn’t have no choice…”
When asked if the procedure was invasive she informed us that it was “a little like giving blood” and that she felt “tired after getting the implant” which apparently is a common but benign side effect.
I also spoke with Hanna, Wyoming’s Mayor Ted Howell, whose full support of the RFID chip made it mandatory for the citizens of his small community. Leading by example he was the first recipient of the RFID chip , having it implanted publicly at a recent town hall meeting. “This is change for a better, safer America” he said while undergoing the ten minute procedure. “With this scientific advancement, the terrorists do not stand a chance… USA will prevail…”
The ordinance has had some opposition, however, as several of the local churches have spoke out against the chips with protests. These fringe apocalyptic churches believe Obama to be the anti-Christ and claim the RFID chip is the Mark Of The Beast written about in their Book Of Revelations. They site the RFID chip’s supposed serial number of 131618 as corresponding with Revelations 13:16-18. Of course, rural superstitions ultimately have no sway when it comes to the progressive new America and their scripture laden outcries have largely been ignored.
This journalist embraces the new change, and even got her very own RFID chip before heading back to the National Report’s home offices. The surgery was quick, simple and more or less painless. I can barely tell I’ve been implanted at all. A sacrifice I’ve gladly made for my country’s national security and hope you will too.
- See more at: http://nationalreport.net/rfid-chip-now-being-issued-in-hanna-wyoming-as-part-of-new-obamacare-plan/#sthash.O94hhxXm.dpuf
<NationalReport>The “Obamacare” RFID chips are currently being given a test run on the proud and patriotic citizens of Hanna, Wyoming.
Over the last two weeks a special piece of legislation has been passed making it mandatory for anyone who receives welfare, or any other form of government assistance to be implanted with these new identification chips. Even select government employees and officials have been ordered to receive the new sub-dermal device, which is typically implanted in the fatty tissue of the individual’s buttock. Police officers, military, even garbage men will all be required to have the RFID chip by the end of next month or face termination from their jobs.
During the beta testing stage of this amazing new technological development, many news outlets have remained silent waiting to see how the trial pans out before reporting on the subject. National Report, always on the cutting edge, sent me on location to Hanna, Wyoming to speak with some of the towns folk and gather their opinions and experiences regarding their newly acquired RFID chips.
Tammy Josephine Laurence, a single mother of three who is currently accepting housing assistance got her chip implanted just hours before we had a chance to sit down and speak with her. She had the following to say:
“Well, they said I better do this, or they was gonna cut the welfare. I’m a full time single mother. I got three young kids that need me at all hours and ain’t no man to help. I didn’t have no choice…”
When asked if the procedure was invasive she informed us that it was “a little like giving blood” and that she felt “tired after getting the implant” which apparently is a common but benign side effect.
I also spoke with Hanna, Wyoming’s Mayor Ted Howell, whose full support of the RFID chip made it mandatory for the citizens of his small community. Leading by example he was the first recipient of the RFID chip , having it implanted publicly at a recent town hall meeting. “This is change for a better, safer America” he said while undergoing the ten minute procedure. “With this scientific advancement, the terrorists do not stand a chance… USA will prevail…”
The ordinance has had some opposition, however, as several of the local churches have spoke out against the chips with protests. These fringe apocalyptic churches believe Obama to be the anti-Christ and claim the RFID chip is the Mark Of The Beast written about in their Book Of Revelations. They site the RFID chip’s supposed serial number of 131618 as corresponding with Revelations 13:16-18. Of course, rural superstitions ultimately have no sway when it comes to the progressive new America and their scripture laden outcries have largely been ignored.
This journalist embraces the new change, and even got her very own RFID chip before heading back to the National Report’s home offices. The surgery was quick, simple and more or less painless. I can barely tell I’ve been implanted at all. A sacrifice I’ve gladly made for my country’s national security and hope you will too.
- See more at: http://nationalreport.net/rfid-chip-now-being-issued-in-hanna-wyoming-as-part-of-new-obamacare-plan/#sthash.O94hhxXm.dpuf
By Jane M. Agni
<NationalReport>The “Obamacare” RFID chips are currently being given a test run on the proud and patriotic citizens of Hanna, Wyoming.
Over the last two weeks a special piece of legislation has been passed making it mandatory for anyone who receives welfare, or any other form of government assistance to be implanted with these new identification chips. Even select government employees and officials have been ordered to receive the new sub-dermal device, which is typically implanted in the fatty tissue of the individual’s buttock. Police officers, military, even garbage men will all be required to have the RFID chip by the end of next month or face termination from their jobs.
During the beta testing stage of this amazing new technological development, many news outlets have remained silent waiting to see how the trial pans out before reporting on the subject. National Report, always on the cutting edge, sent me on location to Hanna, Wyoming to speak with some of the towns folk and gather their opinions and experiences regarding their newly acquired RFID chips.
Tammy Josephine Laurence, a single mother of three who is currently accepting housing assistance got her chip implanted just hours before we had a chance to sit down and speak with her. She had the following to say:
“Well, they said I better do this, or they was gonna cut the welfare. I’m a full time single mother. I got three young kids that need me at all hours and ain’t no man to help. I didn’t have no choice…”
When asked if the procedure was invasive she informed us that it was “a little like giving blood” and that she felt “tired after getting the implant” which apparently is a common but benign side effect.
I also spoke with Hanna, Wyoming’s Mayor Ted Howell, whose full support of the RFID chip made it mandatory for the citizens of his small community. Leading by example he was the first recipient of the RFID chip , having it implanted publicly at a recent town hall meeting. “This is change for a better, safer America” he said while undergoing the ten minute procedure. “With this scientific advancement, the terrorists do not stand a chance… USA will prevail…”
The ordinance has had some opposition, however, as several of the local churches have spoke out against the chips with protests. These fringe apocalyptic churches believe Obama to be the anti-Christ and claim the RFID chip is the Mark Of The Beast written about in their Book Of Revelations. They site the RFID chip’s supposed serial number of 131618 as corresponding with Revelations 13:16-18. Of course, rural superstitions ultimately have no sway when it comes to the progressive new America and their scripture laden outcries have largely been ignored.
This journalist embraces the new change, and even got her very own RFID chip before heading back to the National Report’s home offices. The surgery was quick, simple and more or less painless. I can barely tell I’ve been implanted at all. A sacrifice I’ve gladly made for my country’s national security and hope you will too.
- See more at: http://nationalreport.net/rfid-chip-now-being-issued-in-hanna-wyoming-as-part-of-new-obamacare-plan/#sthash.O94hhxXm.dpuf
<NationalReport>The “Obamacare” RFID chips are currently being given a test run on the proud and patriotic citizens of Hanna, Wyoming.
Over the last two weeks a special piece of legislation has been passed making it mandatory for anyone who receives welfare, or any other form of government assistance to be implanted with these new identification chips. Even select government employees and officials have been ordered to receive the new sub-dermal device, which is typically implanted in the fatty tissue of the individual’s buttock. Police officers, military, even garbage men will all be required to have the RFID chip by the end of next month or face termination from their jobs.
During the beta testing stage of this amazing new technological development, many news outlets have remained silent waiting to see how the trial pans out before reporting on the subject. National Report, always on the cutting edge, sent me on location to Hanna, Wyoming to speak with some of the towns folk and gather their opinions and experiences regarding their newly acquired RFID chips.
Tammy Josephine Laurence, a single mother of three who is currently accepting housing assistance got her chip implanted just hours before we had a chance to sit down and speak with her. She had the following to say:
“Well, they said I better do this, or they was gonna cut the welfare. I’m a full time single mother. I got three young kids that need me at all hours and ain’t no man to help. I didn’t have no choice…”
When asked if the procedure was invasive she informed us that it was “a little like giving blood” and that she felt “tired after getting the implant” which apparently is a common but benign side effect.
I also spoke with Hanna, Wyoming’s Mayor Ted Howell, whose full support of the RFID chip made it mandatory for the citizens of his small community. Leading by example he was the first recipient of the RFID chip , having it implanted publicly at a recent town hall meeting. “This is change for a better, safer America” he said while undergoing the ten minute procedure. “With this scientific advancement, the terrorists do not stand a chance… USA will prevail…”
The ordinance has had some opposition, however, as several of the local churches have spoke out against the chips with protests. These fringe apocalyptic churches believe Obama to be the anti-Christ and claim the RFID chip is the Mark Of The Beast written about in their Book Of Revelations. They site the RFID chip’s supposed serial number of 131618 as corresponding with Revelations 13:16-18. Of course, rural superstitions ultimately have no sway when it comes to the progressive new America and their scripture laden outcries have largely been ignored.
This journalist embraces the new change, and even got her very own RFID chip before heading back to the National Report’s home offices. The surgery was quick, simple and more or less painless. I can barely tell I’ve been implanted at all. A sacrifice I’ve gladly made for my country’s national security and hope you will too.
- See more at: http://nationalreport.net/rfid-chip-now-being-issued-in-hanna-wyoming-as-part-of-new-obamacare-plan/#sthash.O94hhxXm.dpuf
USA - Harley-Davidson drops the Road Glide, analyst says another touring bike coming in 2014
By Rick Barrett of the Journal Sentinel
Less than a month before the annual summer dealership meeting, Harley-Davidson Inc. has announced it's ending production of the Road Glide, at least for now.
Harley says it wants to take some time and refresh that bike, which has been around for about 15 years, and it very well could be returned to the lineup. The company says the two Road Glide models have been strong sellers but represent a relatively small portion of touring bike sales.
Will you miss the Road Glide? What would you like to see in a new version?
Industry analyst Tim Conder, with Wells Fargo Securities, told Powersports Business he expects Harley to introduce a new touring bike at the dealership meeting, bigger engines for the Dyna family, and a new bike to replace the Buell Blast that was used in the Rider's Edge program.
What changes would you like to see in Harley-Davidson's 2014 motorcycles?
By Rick Barrett of the Journal Sentinel
Less than a month before the annual summer dealership meeting, Harley-Davidson Inc. has announced it's ending production of the Road Glide, at least for now.
Harley says it wants to take some time and refresh that bike, which has been around for about 15 years, and it very well could be returned to the lineup. The company says the two Road Glide models have been strong sellers but represent a relatively small portion of touring bike sales.
Will you miss the Road Glide? What would you like to see in a new version?
Industry analyst Tim Conder, with Wells Fargo Securities, told Powersports Business he expects Harley to introduce a new touring bike at the dealership meeting, bigger engines for the Dyna family, and a new bike to replace the Buell Blast that was used in the Rider's Edge program.
What changes would you like to see in Harley-Davidson's 2014 motorcycles?
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