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Thursday, June 3, 2010

What Banshee Wrote To Born to Ride

Hi this is Banshee.

Rogue ask me to contact you about Doc…. I was the photographer outside at the Daytona Freedom Rally put together by Rhonda Welsh. Rogue was a speaker and I was there to do a story on his speech. RC was also a speaker and we had never met before that day. I was outside speaking to a friend who was there to meet the politicians and listen to the speeches when Doc surrounded and verbally assaulted RC. There were 4 of them.. Doc, two in orange security vests and a man later told to me was the State Sgt at Arms. I knew none of them.

I began snapping pictures and the one without a vest started walking my way, I held my ground , held up my press pass, shook my head and he walk backwards away from me. I guess he decided attacking a female press agent was not a wise choice.

I have the pictures and story posted everywhere but my site is http// . I listened to Doc yell and threaten RC over something Rogue had supposedly said in his speech the day before. I have the pictures clearly showing Doc's aggression towards RC as he just leaned against a pole and let him rant. The following day, Doc issued a statement claiming he was set up and I worked for RC. I own theLostsouls LLC and am fully license by the State of Florida and at no time have I ever worked for RC. Like I said that was the first time we had ever met face-to-face.

After I got my shots I popped back in the door and yelled for Rogue. He knows me well enough to know that is not normal behavior for me and quickly came out the door. Now Doc is yelling and having what I can a hissy fit in RC's face about something Rogue was to have said but when given the chance to talk to Rogue, Doc and his goons loaded back up in a golf cart, rode within feet of us and left. Not once did he attempt to ask Rogue about what was said or not said. They just turn tail and drove the golf cart back to the ABATE camp site.

Doc by his own account of events in email, lied at every turn. Not one word he emailed had even a ring of truth to it.

If I can be of any help please contact me… 385.566.3313 or by email at this address….

As Always – The Little Redbeck

Being a Heartless Bitch isn't about stepping on other people. Its about working hard for what you want, and knowing when to stand up for what you deserve. Its not about demoralizing others; its about self-empowerment. Its not about being arrogant; its about displaying your confidence and intellect as a badge of pride. Its not asserting any inherent superiority, but recognizing your own self-worth and value.

Ride Safe and Be Free - As Always - The Little Redneck