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Friday, June 4, 2010

Rogue's Question re. Doc/Galletti Defamation Case - Public Figure - Malice.

Thank You!

Let me clear up an issue for everyone Ron Galletti did not write anything about Doc Reichenbach or ABATE.
He is the owner and editor of the publication.
What Doc is complaining about is some of the articles that I wrote in my monthly column for Born to Ride.
I usually do a column NEWS AS ROGUE SEES IT and since ABATE of Florida was doing things in the news that affected the motorcycle rider of the State of Florida I did on occasion print opposing views and of course the big item is that I continue to ask for a accounting of how money received from the State of Florida in the form of grants is being spent.
Since Doc does not appear to want to take me to court because the exact things he is objection to would be brought up. They would then be brought up in court.
The questions I asked were fair and at no point did I not print any thing that was not true. I stand by every thing I wrote,
Since Doc does not intimidate me he has tied to bully an editor and threaten him.
Though I am not an attorney I do know quite a few and do not fell that I have violated any laws.
The magazine in my opinion did not either.
Doc has a reputation of threatening a lot of people and I feel that is what he is trying to do in this case.
I and other will continue to stand behind Ron and the right to print the news.
Any one who wishes to discuss with Ron on any of the issues can do so at or Ph: (813) 661-9402
You may have some questions that would be better by direct contact with him. Of course this can be on or off the record
He is confused about many issues and could use some friends.
Just for the record he has been very supportive to me and other motorcyclist in the State of Florida as we try to solve the many problems we face.

Sturgis Freedom Fighters
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005