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Monday, June 7, 2010

Hear our Cry, Problems in the Gulf…”words, Just words”:

NightriderUSA put out the following press releases today about several elected official not listening to the American people who elected them and NightriderUSA response

Press Release

Problems in the Gulf…”words, Just words”:

Columbia, MO, June 4, 2010: The Nightriders, a fraternal brother and sisterhood of motorcycle enthusiast, who are concerned with preserving the values and principles bestowed upon us by our countries founding fathers in the Constitution, announced their view on the problems in Gulf.

This is our great Administration showing their lack of leadership. The Governor of Louisiana applied for twenty-four permits to put sand berms and other tools and techniques into action to protect the Louisiana wetland and shoreline. It took three weeks for the federal government to respond by only approving six of the permits. How is that staying on top of the situation? A true leader would have his people on the ground, in the hot zone so they are informed about every move and if red tape got into the way they could take immediate action upon request. Now Mr. Barrack Hussein Obama, how is that”being on it since day one.” Yeah you certainly can talk the talk, but you have no clue how to walk the walk. “WORDS…JUST WORDS!”

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