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Monday, June 7, 2010

,HEAR ARE CRY,Caught not thinking before they act:

Press Release

Caught not thinking before they act:

Columbia, MO, June 4, 2010: The Nightriders, a fraternal brother and sisterhood of motorcycle enthusiast, who are concerned with preserving the values and principles bestowed upon us by our countries founding fathers in the Constitution, respond to the Mayor and City Council of Kansas City.

The Mayor and City Council of Kansas City passed a resolution earlier this week denouncing the Arizona Immigration law, in spite of the high American approval rating for this law. The next day the Mayor of Kansas City, on a radio interview admitted to the host of the show that he has passed this resolution without ever reading the law. This is the perfect example of our elected officials not representing those who elected them. It appears to be the current Administration only at the local level. It is time that our elected officials recognize that “We the People” elected them to represent us, “The People”. They are not there to do what they think is best for us or what is best for their party. It is time that our elected official listen to the people who elected them and know that when they don’t listen and do what they feel is best for themselves or their party that they are going to be called out on it by “THE PEOPLE”. We are all responsible for our actions both in our personal and professional lives, it is time that they are too. It is time that our elected officials represent us. That they read, understand, and know the impact on the people they represent before they cast any vote on a bill, resolution, etc. We are simply asking you as an elected official to think before you act and to ensure that you truly are representing the people whom elected you. These are simple and very basic principles that all elected officials must follow. Remember this w the night riders will not stand silent, we will go out into the night supporting each of our local chapters and communities, calling out every elected official who fails to up hold the duties of their office.

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