There are people in the world who don't care about love, and who feel
no remorse, empathy or emotional attachment to others. They don't even
know what these feeling are. These people are called sociopaths. Most
people think of a sociopath as a deranged serial killer, but, with 4% of
the population having the character traits of a sociopath, most
sociopaths never physically harm anyone. Sociopaths do however ruin
lives, empty bank accounts, and cause untold emotional trauma, using
simply the fact that they don't care.
The Absence of Feelings:
Sociopaths may seem to laugh or cry but they present no depth of
emotion. While easily provoked to frustration or rage, their display of
feeling is little more than a momentary, isolated temper tantrum. To the
sociopath, other people are tools to get them what they want: money,
sex, a job or other possessions. They live in their own amoral world
where nothing they do has any consequences and where they owe no one
anything. They have no empathy. Thus, they elude all responsibility for
their actions, and can easily turn the tables, blaming their partner
without guilt or shame. The Relentlessness of Deception: Sociopaths
lie all the time. As they don't view their spouse as a thinking, feeling
person, they do not see this behavior as wrong. Their only quest is to
serve themselves and, if this entails lying, cheating or even murder,
they will do so. If one catches them in lies, they are brilliant at
changing the subject, placing the onus on the other person, denying
their involvement or trying to make their spouse seem crazy. They are
even good at deceiving the police and the court system; sociopaths
rarely end up in prison for their actions. The Impulsiveness of
Action: Sociopathic individuals rarely plan ahead. They undertake
actions on the basis of momentary whims, often devious ones. Every act
seems isolated in its own amoral universe. Thus, they cannot keep
promises or repair the damage they've caused to others. When they lie,
cheat or steal, the act exists solely for them; they believe it should
have no repercussions or real world effects. They often appear to have
"forgotten" they did something shortly after it happened. Their need for
excitement encourages them to get involved in one night stands, shady
deals and ill advised engagements. Sociopaths have no sense of
commitment to their spouses, any children they may have together or the
HOW TO SPOT A SOCIOPATH Sociopaths have impressive
social skills, thereby making them extremely hard to spot. They are
charming, funny and exciting. This is why we need to be aware. If your
new romantic interest exhibits all or most of the following behaviors,
be careful. He or she might be a sociopath.
1) Charisma and
charm: They're smooth talkers, always have an answer, never miss a beat.
They seem to be very exciting. Their manners are impeccable; they are
well groomed; they fulfill the codes of romance and courtship to a tee.
They are likely to be eloquent talkers who lace their speech with
impressive sounding facts and figures. They may be fun, laugh a lot,
sweep their partner off their feet with their sweetness. 2) Enormous
ego: They act like the smartest, richest or most successful people
around. They may actually come out and tell you that. 3) Overly
attentive: They call, text and e-mail constantly. They want to be with
you every moment. They resent time you spend with your family and
friends. 4) Jekyll and Hyde personality: One minute they love you;
the next minute they hate you. Their personality changes like flipping a
switch. 5) Blame others: Nothing is ever their fault. They always have an excuse. Someone else causes their problems.
6) Lies and gaps in the story: You ask questions, and the answers are
vague. They tell stupid lies. They tell outrageous lies. They lie when
they'd make out better telling the truth. If you probe deeper, you'll
find that their stories never stack up. 7) Intense eye contact: Call it the predatory stare. If you get a chill down your spine when they look at you, pay attention.
8) Move fast: They quickly proclaim that you're their true love and
soul mate. They want to move in together or get married quickly. 9)
Pity play: They appeal to your sympathy. They want you to feel sorry for
their abusive childhood, psychotic ex, incurable disease or financial
setbacks. 10) Sexual magnetism: If you feel intense attraction, if
your physical relationship is unbelievable, it may be their excess
Some doctors call them sociopaths, others refer to
them as psychopaths. Either way, the terms are used to describe
individuals who have a range of personality disorders. These people are
NOT certifiably mentally ill; they are biological carriers of socially
and personally problematic traits. Such traits may have been manifested
from childhood in acts of cruelty to animals, property or people. These
characteristics can disrupt relationships, create financial and
emotional crises, and, at their worst, lead the person to callously
undertake acts of vandalism, theft, rape or murder. Being aware what
constitutes a sociopath can help one resist their charm and the errors
inherent in establishing a life with them.
Sociopaths know
exactly what they are doing, and most of them never kill anyone. But
they are social predators who exploit just about everyone they meet.
They have no heart, no conscience and no remorse.
You can't
"cure' a sociopath or help them to see the error of their ways. They
don't see the world as we do, so the only thing you can do, is save
yourself and walk away.
The left-wing war on the private ownership of firearms has turned a page and intensified. We’re used to the usual proposals. You know what they are. Limit this size of magazines. Make guns that look military like AR-15’s illegal. Increase restrictions on those who wish to own guns. Require registration of every firearm owned. Limit the number of firearms a person can own. Make concealed-carry illegal.
Now things have moved to a new level. Jurisdictions are proposing the outright confiscation of certain firearms. Resistance will be a crime punishable by law. Another proposal is to confiscate all firearms from those with a record of mental illness. While no one wants the criminally insane to have guns, this is an easy way for the left to massively expand those who would be barred from owning guns. The definition of mental illnesses is subjective and subject to debate. Suffered a battle with depression or take a particular medication at one time? No guns for you.
Page two brings this matter and these onerous proposals into much sharper focus by examining specific proposals on the table right now.
If we are to defend the protections guaranteed under the Second Amendment, exchanging a few tweets or huffing and puffing on Facebook is not going to do it. A full court press by supporters of the right to keep and bear arms is needed. Any form of violence or threats of violence must be absent from our efforts. But getting out and making some noise is essential. Politicians supporting the anti-gun vigilantes must be targeted for electoral defeat. Those who are on the fence need to feel the heat in a big way.
All that said, it is helpful to see what we are up against. We’ve already covered what’s happening in California. We begin here with another haven of left-wing ideology, Seattle.
The city’s police department became the first law enforcement agency in the state to force the surrender of a firearm under a new law known as an “extreme risk protection order.”
The incident involves a man who lives in Belltown, who neighbors said had been intimidating people for the past year – even staring-down customers through store-front windows with a gun holstered at his side.
Mental illness is suspected, but that new law allowed police to legally disarm him.
In this case, the man refused to comply. Because of the new law, police were then able to return with a warrant and force the man to surrender the firearm.
What seems prudent might not be. And it can be expanded dramatically. This is the standard liberal technique. Find an incident that might appear to be hard to defend from a pro-gun perspective, and use it to expand powers well beyond the initial event. Don’t doubt for a minute that the definition of “suspected mental illness” will be vastly expanded.
This is another perspective on the above act of gun confiscation.
A man in Seattle has had his gun confiscated by police after breaking no laws. The police took his gun without a warrant and without pressing any charges. Tyranny has officially taken hold on American soil.
This sets a precedent that government can now forcefully take guns away from an individual without a crime being committed or an arrest being made and without a warrant. In the name of fear and political exploitation of anti-gun rhetoric, a citizen’s Second Amendment rights have been ripped away from him by the government.
The new “red flag” law, which has taken hold in other states already, allows the courts and law enforcement to take away guns from individuals they deem are dangerous and they’ve just begun the confiscation. A man living in the Belltown neighborhood of Seattle, Washington became the first individual in the state to have his firearm confiscated without any formal arrest or charges. The man was not identified by authorities.
This is the danger we face. A bunch of liberals decide on their own that someone is dangerous, and on the basis of those allegations alone, a citizen loses his Second Amendment protections as the police forcibly confiscate his firearms.
This man lost his Second Amendment rights simply because he made his neighbors uncomfortable!
The left-wing agenda took a big step forward in Seattle when the
city’s police department became the first law enforcement agency in the
state to force the surrender of a firearm under a new law known as an
“extreme risk protection order.”
Neighbors had been complaining about a man intimidating people over
the past year by “staring-down customers” through store-front windows
with a gun holstered at his side.
Mental illness has been suspected, but a new law allowed police to legally disarm him only on the suspicion.
“He was roaming the hallways with a .25 caliber
automatic,” said Tony Montana, a man who lives in the same apartment
complex as the gun owner and a person without any reasonable gun
knowledge. Handguns are semi-automatic.
SHTF sums up the danger very well.
These lousy complaints from neighbors allowed police to
use the newly passed state law to confiscate the man’s firearm because
the man apparently stared at others. Maybe there’s a ban on staring at
others in Washington we are unaware of. Under the extreme risk
protection orders — also referred to as “erpos” or “red flag laws” —
police (government officials) are now allowed to violate a person’s
Second and Fourth Amendment rights (which are basic fundamental human
rights) and take their legally acquired personal property if they are
tattled on by offended liberals.
This is nothing less than the imposition of tyranny on the American
people, sponsored by leftist politicians and the police they employ.
Wake up now and make our voices heard forcibly, or live in tyranny. That’s the unfortunate choice that has been forced upon us.
Left obsesses over gun confiscation, even if they have to do it one
person at a time. They have hit upon a new tactic of using “Gun
Confiscation Orders” (GCOs) to seize someone’s property without due
process or even their knowledge of what is to take place.
Rep. Marcia Morey, D-Durham plans on introducing a bill establishing these “Gun Confiscation Orders”.
NC Rep. Marcia Morey, Durham
In something reminiscent of the Old Soviet Union clamping down on dissent through the mental health system, these would be secret procedures where someone alleges that someone is “Dangerous” and that their firearms should be taken from them by force.Read more: https://www.ammoland.com/2018/05/north-carolina-rep-will-introduce-a-gun-confiscation-bill/#ixzz5FgkV1M6QUnder Creative Commons License: AttributionFollow us: @Ammoland on Twitter | Ammoland on Facebook So, who gets to decide if someone is “Dangerous”? The gun grabbers have already said that we are ‘Terrorists’ so it’s not too much of a stretch for them to claim every gun owner is “dangerous” for just having them.Read more: https://www.ammoland.com/2018/05/north-carolina-rep-will-introduce-a-gun-confiscation-bill/#ixzz5FgkZzcwzUnder Creative Commons License: AttributionFollow us: @Ammoland on Twitter | Ammoland on Facebook These “Gun Confiscation Orders” (sometimes referred to as ‘Red Flag' laws). are a proceeding by which your guns can be seized without due process or even your knowledge – until the ominous knock on your door. The purpose of the Constitutional principle of due process is to protect the individual from the full force of the government. These laws flip the Constitutional principle of innocent until proven guilty on its head. Now with these laws, you can be deprived of your liberty on someone’s word in a one-sided hearing without your knowledge. Leftists seem to be in competition to see how many natural and constitutional rights they can violate in one fell swoop. These are people who have no use for Liberty who still pretend to be Liberal. These laws infringe on the 2nd abd two parts of the 5th and 4th amendments. And given that some have been persecuted for talking about the wrong subjects in public, the 1st could be easily on the list. The proposed law would allow ‘colleagues’ or ‘friends’ to petition to a judge to have your guns seized and all they would have to do would be to “prove by a sworn affidavit, that you know and have direct knowledge that a person is in direct possession of guns.” No Pretense, Just Straight-up Confiscation GCOs are not a foot in the confiscatory door. There is no pretense here. GCOs blatantly and aggressively kick that door down, and once GCOs are in place, the valid reasons for establishing an GCO against an individual will surely loosen. At first, perhaps close family members and a few others very close to a person may be able to point a finger and “report” him. That’s bad enough, but be sure, the already Orwellian rules surrounding GCOs will expand. It’s likely that, eventually, virtually anyone in a person’s sphere will be able to accuse a person and begin the unconstitutional process of having the accused’s legally owned firearms forcibly confiscated. Does this sound like a free country to you, a free state? Will Republicans Protect the Citizenry? As of now, we don’t know how the Republican majority in Raleigh will react when asked to establish a gun confiscation mechanism. We do know that there is always danger that politicians will stick a finger in the air and just “go with the flow,” as the anti-gun crowd aggressively pushes to not “let a crisis go to waste.” There is real danger here. We need to inform our representatives that we will not allow them to rescind our Constitutional due process rights. Free, law-abiding citizens are to remain free, and we will not tolerate being punished for the crimes of another. Below, see how you can contact your representatives to let them know you won’t tolerate the establishment of extra-Constitutional laws in our state. IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED! EMAIL REPUBLICANS IN THE NC HOUSE: Click here, then here, and then here. Check your default email program after clicking each link. Each time, an email should have been automatically generated for you. Simply add your name to the bottom and hit “send.” If the email(s) were not generated, or were not generated properly, simply use the copy/paste email lists provided below, and the copy/paste text provided under ‘Deliver This Message.’PHONE YOUR NC REPRESENTATIVE: Use this link to find your representative. Tell him or her that you expect them to actively and vocally stand against any legislation that would establish extra-Constitutional “Firearms Restraining Orders,” kangaroo courts setup to strip citizens of gun rights without due process. CONTACT INFO Republican NC House copy/paste email *list(s) Jay.Adams@ncleg.net; Dean.Arp@ncleg.net; John.Bell@ncleg.net; Hugh.Blackwell@ncleg.net; John.Blust@ncleg.net; Jamie.Boles@ncleg.net; Beverly.Boswell@ncleg.net; John.Bradford@ncleg.net; Bill.Brawley@ncleg.net; William.Brisson@ncleg.net; Mark.Brody@ncleg.net; Dana.Bumgardner@ncleg.net; Justin.Burr@ncleg.net; Mike.Clampitt@ncleg.net; George.Cleveland@ncleg.net; Jeff.Collins@ncleg.net; Debra.Conrad@ncleg.net; Kevin.Corbin@ncleg.net; Ted.Davis@ncleg.net; Jimmy.Dixon@ncleg.net; Josh.Dobson@ncleg.net; Nelson.Dollar@ncleg.net; Andy.Dulin@ncleg.net; Jeffrey.Elmore@ncleg.net; John.Faircloth@ncleg.net; Carl.Ford@ncleg.net; John.Fraley@ncleg.net; Holly.Grange@ncleg.net; Destin.Hall@ncleg.net; Kyle.Hall@ncleg.net; Jon.Hardister@ncleg.net; Kelly.Hastings@ncleg.net; Cody.Henson@ncleg.net; Craig.Horn@ncleg.net; Julia.Howard@ncleg.net; Pat.Hurley@ncleg.net; Frank.Iler@ncleg.net; Linda.Johnson2@ncleg.net; Bert.Jones@ncleg.net; Brenden.Jones@ncleg.net; Jonathan.Jordan@ncleg.net;Donny.Lambeth@ncleg.net; David.Lewis@ncleg.net; Chris.Malone@ncleg.net; Susan.Martin@ncleg.net; Pat.McElraft@ncleg.net; Chuck.McGrady@ncleg.net; Allen.McNeill@ncleg.net; Tim.Moore@ncleg.net; Bob.Muller@ncleg.net; Gregory.Murphy@ncleg.net; Larry.Pittman@ncleg.net; Larry.Potts@ncleg.net; Michele.Presnell@ncleg.net; Dennis.Riddell@ncleg.net; David.Rogers@ncleg.net; Stephen.Ross@ncleg.net; Jason.Saine@ncleg.net; John.Sauls@ncleg.net; Mitchell.Setzer@ncleg.net; Phil.Shepard@ncleg.net; Michael.Speciale@ncleg.net; Bob.Steinburg@ncleg.net; Sarah.Stevens@ncleg.net; Scott.Stone@ncleg.net; Larry.Strickland@ncleg.net; John.Szoka@ncleg.net; John.Torbett@ncleg.net; Rena.Turner@ncleg.net; Harry.Warren@ncleg.net; Sam.Watford@ncleg.net; Donna.White@ncleg.net; Linda.Williams@ncleg.net; Larry.Yarborough@ncleg.net; Lee.Zachary@ncleg.net *Spam filters or email program limitations may cause the need to send more than one email, to cover the entire list of representatives. If required in your case, the list above is split into three pieces, for your convenience. DELIVER THIS MESSAGE Suggested Subject: “Protect Due Process, No to Gun Confiscation Orders [Red Flag laws] Dear Representative: I am writing because I’ve just been informed of the horrifying proposal that Rep. Morey is preparing to introduce. I understand Rep. Morey would like to establish “Gun Confiscation Oders” (GCOs) in our state. GCOs are simply mechanisms for bypassing constitutional due process protections in order to confiscate firearms, at whim, from accused persons who have not been convicted of any crime. Not only can one’s firearms be confiscated based on accusation alone, GCO hearings can also be held without the presence of the accused. To say this is unacceptable is an understatement. I am incensed that any representative in an ostensibly free state would even suggest such an ominous mechanism be established within our legal system. I assure you, citizens like me will not stand for the suspension of our Constitutional rights. I insist that you act now to put a stop to any legislation that would establish these extra-constitutional judicial bodies, which are designed to strip people of their rights based on accusations alone. Also, I must insist that you explain to me where you stand on this issue. I must be sure that my representatives are on the side of liberty—protecting my rights—and are not willing to oppress Constitutional guarantees simply due to the current direction of political winds. I need a response from you, and I will also be monitoring your actions on this matter through alerts from Grass Roots North Carolina. Respectfully, Grass Roots North Carolina About:Grass Roots North Carolina/Forum for Firearms Education is a non-profit, all volunteer organization devoted to educating the public about trends which abridge the freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, and engaging in grass roots activism to preserve those freedoms. Formed in 1994 to conduct a highly successful rally for the Second Amendment, GRNC has gone on to conduct projects like “Remember in November: A Gun Owner's Guide to Voting,” bringing concealed carry to North Carolina. Visit:www.grnc.org
Criminals who text each other could be "consorting" and committing an
offence under the Palaszczuk Government's reforms to organised crime
A public briefing was held on Monday afternoon as the Legal
Affairs and Community Safety Committee considers the Serious and
Organised Crime Legislation Amendment Bill 2016.
Police Commissioner Ian Stewart said the new legislation meant officers
did not have to head to pubs and racecourses to enforce the consorting
"So if A is meeting with B and C because they're texting them, that's a meeting," Mr Stewart said.
"As long as it fits within the legislation, that can form the trigger to perform the first warning."
anti-association laws under which Queensland presently operates ban
designated gang members and their associates from gathering in groups of
three or more, regardless of whether they are facing charges, have
convictions, or are wearing their gang insignia or colours.
the proposed bill it would be an offence to habitually consort with at
least two recognised offenders, whether together or separately, and with
at least one occasion happening after receiving an official warning.
Habitually consorting would include meeting with a recognised offender at least twice, but would not apply to a child.
Stewart said if person A met person B and C - and if B and C had
criminal records relevant to the legislation - an officer could
officially warn the group.
"So if A again meets with B and C, that's when the actual offence can occur," he said.
does not need to have any criminal history. He simply consorts with two
people who do have the appropriate levels of criminal history."
could also be "pre-emptive" consorting warnings. And Carolyn McAnally,
from the Department of Justice and Attorney-General, said there could be
retrospective consorting warnings, based on police viewing CCTV.
LNP member for Coomera Michael Crandon questioned whether person A could meet with B and C, and then B and D and E.
could keep on meeting all day every day with B but as long as one of
the others - C, D, E or F... doesn't come for a second occasion, there's
no offences?"
Ms McAnally said: "A can meet with B, A can meet
with C, D and E. A is required to meet one further time with B, C or D,
but not with them all together."
Mr Stewart described the amendments as taking inspiration from some of the best legislation around Australia.
think it provides the appropriate balance that will protect the
community from organised criminals (and) it will help protect our
officers in their work," he said.
The reforms would ban
Queensland bikies from wearing their club colours anywhere in public,
not just in pubs and clubs, as under the existing Vicious Lawless
Association Disestablishment (VLAD) Act introduced by the former Newman
LNP member for Currumbin questioned whether innocent motorbike riders could be pulled over under the new laws.
Mr Stewart said there had not been any complaints in the past two years
from innocent bike riders, and commended the professional conduct of
police officers.
"I would take you back a couple of years when that was a concern of many of the recreational motorcyclists," he said.
"I have not seen one complaint in the last two years, an official complaint.
SONORA (CBS13) – The Sonora Police Department is firing back after allegations of profiling against bikers.
In a video published on May 10 to YouTube, Sonora police officers can
be seen checking out a group of bikes parked in the city. One officer
appears to be taking photos of the bikes’ license plates. A person
behind the camera can be heard saying “We get this kind of hassle from
Sonora PD all the time.”
The riders claim the officer was saying and treating them like they were all in a motorcycle gang.
The video has since racked up more than 11,000 views.
SONORA (CBS13) – The Sonora Police Department is firing back after allegations of profiling against bikers.
In a video published on May 10 to YouTube, Sonora police officers can
be seen checking out a group of bikes parked in the city. One officer
appears to be taking photos of the bikes’ license plates. A person
behind the camera can be heard saying “We get this kind of hassle from
Sonora PD all the time.”
The riders claim the officer was saying and treating them like they were all in a motorcycle gang.
Tuesday, the Sonora Police Department released a statement addressing the situation.
“The Police Sergeant in the video was simply engaging in intelligence
gathering on a public street. These actions do not fall under the
category of profiling as it is defined in California and there were no
detentions made during this contact,” Sonora PD writes.
Callers from around the nation have apparently been flooding Sonora
police’s call center in reaction to the video. Negative comments have
also been appearing on the department’s social media pages.
The police department says they will not be dissuaded, however.
“We want to remind everyone that just because a video has gone viral
and/or has received a large number of views, does not necessarily mean
there is any substance to the allegations behind it,” Sonora PD writes.
Watch the video in question here (Warning: foul lang
OFF THE WIRE By Dion Lefler
A new Kansas law makes it a crime for police to have sex with people they pull over for traffic violations or detain in criminal investigations.
The new law bans sexual relations "during the course of a traffic stop, a custodial interrogation, an interview in connection with an investigation, or while the law enforcement officer has such person detained."
Now, you may be asking, wasn't that illegal already?
Actually, it wasn't.
Read more here: http://www.kansas.com/news/politics-government/article210902319.html#storylink=cpy
One state has found that relying on a
significant percentage of its budget to be derived from traffic fees and
fines leads to a massive shortage when drivers fail to break the law.
The state of California is finding that the business model of relying
on drivers to break the law in order to fund the state budget, fails
miserably when drivers fail to break the law and cannot be slapped with
exorbitant fees and fines.
California’s state budget currently relies on more than $450 million
from penalties and fees collected from drivers who have been charged
with both criminal and traffic violations. However, while trusting
drivers to break the law at a rate that would sustain the state’s
massive budget worked for a while, the strategy is now causing the state
to go bankrupt.
A summary from the California State Auditor, as reported by Courthouse News, revealed that the revenue collected from citations “has decreased from 39 percent to 25 percent over the last three years as the number of criminal citations filed has decreased.”
The audit claimed that California is now facing a “significant financial burden,” which stems from a disconnected system that “lacks a systematic strategy.”
In addition to drivers receiving fewer citations from police officers,
the report found that a number of drivers who are cited never pay their
fines, even when they accumulate substantial late fees.
As an Op-Ed from the Sacramento Bee noted
in January, California is known to have some of the highest traffic
fines and fees in the United States, and the drivers who are given
citations often face a financial burden that can send them spiraling
into debt:
“California has among the highest traffic fines and
fees in the country—and the steepest consequences for traffic violations
are reserved for those who can’t afford the fines and fees. This
results in crippling debt for the least fortunate Californians, from
whom traffic courts have difficulty collecting any fees at all. According to the Federal Reserve, nearly half of American
households cannot afford $400 in unexpected costs. Yet in California, if
a family misses a payment on a traffic fine, they can be slapped with a
$300 late fee, raising the cost to as much as $500 for a ticket. That
can be followed by a suspended driver’s license or jail time, even for
non-safety related violations, such as late registration. Of course,
this makes it less likely they can pay the fines.”
Courthouse News reported that traffic cases represented the overwhelming majority, “approximately 82 percent on average, of all criminal case filings in the state from 2014 to 2016,” and that the audit report recommends “eliminating the use of penalty and fee revenue as funding sources for state and county programs,” based on the fact that the revenue collected through citations is often “unrelated to the needs of the state and county services.” “The Legislature should reconsider the entire penalty and fee
structure (criminal and traffic), decide whether to adjust or eliminate
penalty and fee amounts, and whether to distribute the resulting revenue
differently,” the report concluded.
If a business was facing the same problems the state government in
California is facing right now, it would likely look for ways to cut its
budget, in order to reduce the deficit from the decrease in revenue.
However, because this is a state government—and a large, liberal state
government, at that—California will likely look to increase the revenue
it receives through taxes, in order to keep the same budget.
As a result, the residents of California who have followed the law
and have not received any traffic citations will find themselves funding
the state’s massive budget anyway, through increased taxes that are
imposed upon them against their will.
The high taxes from the states, combined with recent changes to the
federal tax law—such as putting a $10,000 cap on the deduction for state
and local taxes—are likely to force some high-income residents in
California and New York to seek refuge in states like Texas, Arizona,
and Nevada.
An Op-Ed from the Wall Street Journal noted
that California and New York have lost a total of 2.2 million residents
since 2007, and that number is expected to grow by as many as 800,000
people within the next three years:
“In places like California, where the top income-tax
rate exceeds 13 percent, that tax could be deducted on a federal return.
Now that deduction for state and local taxes will be capped at $10,000
per family. Consider what this means if you’re a high-income earner in
Silicon Valley or Hollywood. The top tax rate that you actually pay just
jumped from about 8.5 percent to 13 percent. Similar figures hold if
you live in Manhattan, once New York City’s income tax is factored in.
If you earn $10 million or more, your taxes might increase a whopping 50
While many Republicans celebrated the new tax bill and the mainstream media referred to it as “the most extensive rewrite of the tax code in a generation” when it was signed into law in December 2017, former Texas Congressman Ron Paul called out the government for celebrating tax cuts, without actually cutting taxes. “Once again, under the guise of ‘tax cuts,’ everyday Americans
will be hammered with even HIGHER taxes. Sleight-of-hand and slick
marketing are about the only things that governments do very well,” Paul wrote on Facebook.
The current status of the state government in California serves as a
reminder that the government’s ultimate goal is to extract revenue from
you in order to fund its interests. When that cannot be accomplished by
making you pay a large fine for running a red light, exceeding the speed
limit, or possessing an “illegal” plant, the government will then turn
to raising the taxes you are forced to pay on the goods, services, and
housing that are necessities in your life, in order to achieve its
original goal.
up and seen this article circulating all over the mainstream news
organizations websites and at first, I figured it would probably be
another media hack job on motorcycle clubs, but then after digging
deeper into the article, it wasn't turning out the way. As I read
further into the article all I could do is shake my head. Here we go
with another incident that will give a blemish on the 1%er community. [
1,424 more word ] http://harleyliberty.com/…/reason-why-1er-clubs-are-loosin…/
As a defender of 1%er clubs, their rights, their freedoms, I’ve been
finding myself more and more on the defensive end of things lately. A
couple of shootings the last few weeks, now something like this comes
out and adds fuel to the fire on how bad things are seemingly becoming
with clubs. So is it time to start asking the tough questions? From
someone who has always been adamant in writing for clubs rights, I have
to be the first one to stand up and say “Yes, maybe it is time to ask
those tough questions”.
The motorcycle community is starting to undergo a drastic change.
Right now a lot of the motorcycle manufacturers are having a hell of a
time getting people riding a bike, the younger generation has no
interest in this lifestyle at all. The main demographic who buys a
motorcycle is starting to age out and with that being the case, the main
recruiting source for clubs is becoming slim pickings and even slimmer
pickings for 1%er clubs.
Now let’s be for real, 1%er clubs are not choir boys. But for an
incident like this to go down, a murder for hire puts all of the 1%er
community at risk and sadly to say, you’re bringing the shit onto
yourself. Yea I know the line “Motorcycle Club not Motorcycle Gang”.
Well for those who never grew up on the streets or knew the game, that
line might work, but when you have members of your club going out there
and doing this kind of shit, the latter starts to fit the narrative.
I will simply ask the question. Was it worth taking an innocent life
over some money? Is it worth sitting and rotting in a jail cell over
some bullshit doctor? More importantly, Is it worth bringing down the
Feds all over your ass? I remember when honor used to roll through the
ranks of motorcycle clubs, women and children were never to be touched.
Guess that isn’t the case anymore. Wonder how much of a man it took to
put two bullets in this lady because her coward ol man didn’t keep his
business from her? 1%er clubs want to go around and whine about the Feds
at their doorstep? You’re bringing the shit to your front door with
this crap, you invite it upon yourselves.
I think the reason why our rag is so popular is that we always
maintain a realistic view of things. What is right is right, what is
wrong is wrong, this shit here is definitely wrong. My question to all
those who will be steadfast in their support of clubs that will
participate in shit like this. How the hell do you expect me or Insane
Throttle to defend some shit like this? Let me guess, “The feds set them
up, it wasn’t their fault right?” Come on, get off the shit is what I’m
going to tell ya straight up.
Before you put up the blind devotion front for any M/C, be it a 1
%er, 99%er or even a fucking riding club, pay attention and open your
eyes. Take the time to actually think for yourselves, don’t be such a
damn sheep. It’s great to support 1%ers and all clubs for that matter.
But when they do wrong, especially in an incident like this, call them
out, be real, these clubs depend on you and me for the support to keep
Here’s what I’m hoping for. The club officers, in this case, had no
knowledge or idea that this was going down. Is it wishful thinking on my
part? Probably, but there is always hope that the officers of the club
were smart enough to know, an incident like this would bring in even
more heat than they already had. The Old Timers had it right for a
reason, women and kids, cops were always off limits, it was the
unwritten rule on the streets. Why? Because there is nothing more that
will get a bunch of cops swinging all over your dicks, then to take out a
women, child or cop.
Insane Throttle expresses it’s condolences to the victims family and
wants them to know, not every 1%er club, nor any other club is like
this. The pain that you must be feeling with your loved one being taken
in such a way must be unbearable at times. We sincerely wish your
mother, sister, daughter God Speed.
Come on out an help us celebrate Motorcycle Awareness month. Here is some of the usual subjects we will discuss:
Treasury Report
Phone Tree and E-Mail Alerts
Safety Report
Runs and Events (have an upcoming event … come tell us about it)
Political / PAC / Judicial / Legislative (More on CA Motorcycle Profiling Bill AB-2972 – see below)
Old Business
New Business
RUNS AND EVENTS. Be sure to check the Bailing Wire (copy attached) for ABATE events. Here’s the usual that are probably on your calendar:
Final Option Breakfast– May 6 – Coronado Bay HD – Believe it starts a little later now.
ABATE Local 11 Meeting – May 13 – Escondido Moose Lodge, 25721 Jesmond Dene Road, Escondido – 11 a.m. Come for the meeting and breakfast … they have seats and you can arrive early and have breakfast, too.
NCOM CONVENTION – May 10-13 – Mobile Alabama
CA MOTORCYCLING PROFILING BILL AB-2972. Another Call to Action (CTA) was sent to everyone April 28. In the message from Nick Benson. At the bottom of the email I added some important information about contacting Brian Maienschein (R-District 77). Please read these Calls to Action and do you part.
BAILING WIRE. These are paper copies this month and I’m bringing a big box of them they sent me. Hope someone can take a few to distributed. Thanks.
OTHER. For future meetings, if you have any subjects or topics you’d like discussed, please email Buddy Hampton at buddy.hampton@att.net or me at nemecek@san.rr.com and let us know what you’d like covered. We’ll do our best. Also, please remember to let us know if you change membership information--address, telephone, email, etc. Send requests to Buddy Hampton at buddy.hampton@att.net.
SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) — With marijuana set to become legal in just a few days, there is a new campaign from California law enforcement about driving under the influence of cannabis.
“You should never drive high,” said Rhonda Craft, the director of the California Office of Traffic Safety. “The message today DUI doesn’t just mean booze.”
“That is absolutely correct,” said attorney Mahal Montoya with the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. “I always say alcohol and cannabis is a lethal combination.”
The deadly effects of which allegedly led to the death of California Highway Patrol officer Andrew Camilleri.
In the wake of his death, the California Office of Traffic Safety is launching a new public awareness campaign focused on not driving under the influence of drugs like marijuana.
Montoya says the legal cannabis community should publically echo the DUI doesn’t just mean booze messages,
“Publically admit it. Share it. Educate it. Put it on the packaging. Put it on the billboard. Medicate responsibly. Consume Responsibly. Use responsibly. Don’t wait for years and years of litigation to say what we already know,” Montoya said.
“What is particularly troubling and likely due to the public’s lack of awareness is the combination of alcohol with marijuana or alcohol with other impairing medications is even more dangerous when used alone,” Craft said.
Billboards are being used to help raise public awareness about the dangers of driving after mixing marijuana with alcohol.
“They had to make alcohol companies say drink responsibly,” said Montoya. “They had to go through tremendous amount years of litigation just to get them to admit that. Why should we wait with cannabis? We already know consume responsibly.”
This is coming from a staunch legal cannabis advocate.
“I believe in my heart that cannabis is a safe drug when used responsibly,” Montoya said.
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) -- Indiana State Police troopers say almost
everyone they've pulled over in violation of the Indiana Left Lane Law
told them they didn't know it was illegal to drive slower than traffic
in the left hand lane.
The measure went into effect in 2015 and
states that drivers traveling in the left lane of a road with more than
one lane must move to the right if there's a car behind them moving
faster, even if the car in the left lane is going at or above the speed
limit. Some have called it the "Slowpoke Law," referring to the slow
drivers plugging up the passing lane.
"It's really annoying
because it slows everybody down," said Tracey Everett, a driver in
Indianapolis. "Especially when you're trying to get to work, get home
from work. Super frustrating."
"I feel like it causes the
drivers in the other lanes to speed up and it gets more dangerous as a
result," added Courtney Burks, also an Indianapolis driver.
State Police troopers aren't enforcing polite driving when they pull
over a slow left-lane driver; they say they're making roads safer.
they can't get by in the left lane, they're going to weave in and out,
over to the center lane, to the right lane, back to left lane and that
by itself creates substantial hazards for everyone else on the road,"
said Sergeant John Perrine with ISP.
A ticket for violating the
Left Lane Law will cost between $150-200, according to Perrine. He said
on average, ISP hands out 100 Left Lane Law tickets per year, and 1,500
"More importantly, we want to educate people about the
importance of staying out of that left lane. So the vast majority of the
stops we've made over the last few years have resulted in warnings,"
said Perrine.
Captain Erv Faulk with ISP says in his experience,
the law has helped him flag distracted or impaired drivers. He described
an instance on I-70 when he pulled over a slow left lane driver who was
backing up traffic.
"I stop him, find out he's impaired, he's
been drinking, he's trying to focus on the road. He doesn't want to get
in those right two lanes," said Captain Faulk. " You end up having the
traffic backed up, people getting mad."
"People just need to learn," said Dan Bookout, a driver in Indianapolis. "Stay out of the left lane unless you're passing." Share your comments on Facebook:
The measure went into effect in 2015 and states that drivers traveling in the left lane of a road with more than one...
Several weeks ago Senator Diane Feinstein announced new legislation
proposals which would not only restrict “citizen reporters” but would
disqualify them from recognition as actual reporters – whether they be
bloggers, journalists, independent reporters and so on. Her proposal is
in sync with the US Justice Dept report governing concerns for obtaining
info from reporters who are protected by a shield (see: http://www.justice.gov/ag/news-media.pdf ).
Thusfar, 40 states have a shield law protecting reporters, journalists
and bloggers. The Federal government seeks to pass a law called the FREE
). The amendment proposed by Feinstein seeks to insure that ONLY paid
reporters who are deemed professional by federal standards should be
protected by the “shield laws”. She suggests that citizen reporters and
bloggers should not have any protections under the shield laws.
Problem is that a large portion of news stories covered by big media
originated from citizen reporters and a number of important issues and
cases investigating political or government agency corruption have
derived from the work of independent bloggers, whistle-blowers and
citizens getting out the news. If they did not…YOU NEVER WOULD HAVE
Then there is the problem with government classifying what is the
requirements of a reporter… Think about that. If you do not fall into
the realm of “the govt. reporter” then you can be arrested, detained,
forced to give up your sources and so on…Quite like is occurring today
in various countries around the world!
According to the Committee To Protect Journalists report
in 2012 there was over 232 journalists unjustly imprisoned across the
world. In 2013, CPJ reported an increase for the year to 211 imprisoned
unjustly…simply because they are reporters and journalists. That does
not include the beatings, tortures, murder, rape and disappearance of
reporters and journalists across the world – FOR THE EXACT SAME REASON
NYTimes reporter Campbell Robertson, in his January 11, 2014 article “Bloggers Incarceration Raises First Amendment Question” ,
revealed a case involving a blogger, Roger Shuler, who has been
targeted and jailed INDEFINITELY by authorities in Alabama because of
his blog attacks against local and State officials for being corrupt.
BIG GOVERNMENT does not want the citizens to have a voice or the freedom
and liberty to exercise that voice – Nor have the freedom to uncover
the truth which is a protected right under the first amendment…it is a
natural process of that amendments exercise.
Reporters have released a video channel which clearly show the intent of
law enforcement against reporters and journalists here in the US (See: C64BETA
). In 2013 I worked on a special project called D.U.P.A. .(Documenting
Unjust Police Aggression) with local NY reporters Lisa Petrocelli and
Harold Bryant - a seminar to educate those in the motorcycle culture as
to how they may document and report unjust police aggression against
themselves and those journalists and citizen reporters covering biker
events and how to funnel the news to the media. This information proved
valuable and empowering to those in the culture who suffer bias and
discrimination by authorities simply because of their lifestyle and
If given the powers expressed by Feinstein to amend the federal bill
with a discrediting of citizen reporters and bloggers – those citizens
in our seminar would instantly become criminals and thereby silenced
from their First Amendment Right. Is that our future? Do you desire
government controlled media?!
Become a citizen reporter! Download The Reporters Field Guide Review the Reporters Legal Guide
which shows bloggers, journalists, writers, citizens and reporters how
to obtain news, disseminating news, FOIA, right to access and more!
The author is a member of iFOIA.Org with Reporters Committee For Freedom Of The Press and
has been an investigative reporter with various news agencies for over
15 years and a citizen reporter and rights advocate for over 35
years(since his inception of the Voices of the People newspaper while at
Junior College of Albany- Russell Sage, Albany, NY in 1976).
Rumors that cell
phone numbers are going to be released to telemarketers if their owners
don't sign up with the Do Not Call registry are false.
Cell phone users must register their numbers with the national "Do Not
Call" directory by a given deadline to prevent their cell phone numbers
from being released to telemarketers.
Despite dire warnings about the imminent release of cell phone
numbers to telemarketers that continue to be circulated via e-mail year
after year, cell phone users do not have to register their cell phone
numbers with the national Do Not Call registry before a soon-to-pass
deadline to head off an onslaught of telemarketing calls. The
panic-inducing e-mails (which circulate especially widely every January
or June, since many versions of the warning list the end of those months
as a cut-off date for registering cell phone numbers with the national
Do Not Call registry) grew out of a misunderstanding about the proposed
creation of a wireless directory assistance service:
[Collected on the Internet, 2006]
Greetings To All of My Friends and Family
In just 4 days from today all U. S. cell phone numbers will be
released to telemarketing companies and you will begin to receive sales
calls. You will be charged for these calls! Even if you do not answer,
the telemarketer will end up in your voice mail and you will be charged
for all of the minutes the incoming (usually recorded) message takes to
complete. You will then also be charged when you call your voice mail to
retrieve your messages.
To prevent this, call 888-382-1222 from your cell phone. This is the
national DO NOT CALL list; it takes only a minute to register your cell
phone number and it blocks most telemarketers calls for five years.
In case you have friends other than me, pass this on to them. [Collected on the Internet, 2005]
JUST A REMINDER… 31 days from today, cell phone numbers are being
released to telemarketing companies and you will start to receive sales
To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone:
888-382-1222. It is the national DO NOT CALL list. It will only take a
minute of your time. It blocks your number for five (5) years.
[Collected on the Internet, 2004]
A directory of cell phone numbers will soon be published for all
consumers to have access to. This will open the doors for solicitors to
call you on your cell phones, using up the precious minutes that we pay
lots of money for. The Federal Trade Commission has set up a “do not
call” list. It is called a cell phone registry. To be included on the
“do not call” list, you must call from the number you wish to register.
The number is 1-888-382-1222 or you can go to their website at www.donotcall.gov. [Collected on the Internet, 2004]
Starting Jan 1, 2005, all cell phone numbers will be made public to
telemarketing firms. So this means as of Jan 1, your cell phone may
start ringing off the hook with telemarketers, but unlike your home
phone, most plans pay for your incoming calls. These telemarketers will
eat up your free minutes and end up costing money. According to the
National Do Not Call List, you have until Dec 15, 2004 to get on the
national “Do Not Call List” for cell phones. You can either call
1-888-382-1222 from the cell phone that you wish to have put on the “do
not call list” or you can do it online at www.donotcall.gov.
Registering only takes a minute, is in effect for 5 years. All of you
will need to register before Dec 15. You may want to also do your own
personal cell phones.
Cell phone numbers have generally been excluded from printed
telephone books and directory assistance services. However, since the
use of cell phones has burgeoned in recent years (to the point that many
people no longer maintain landline phone service), several national
wireless companies (AllTel, AT&T Wireless, Cingular, Nextel, Sprint
PCS, and T-Mobile) banded together and hired Qsent, Inc.
(since purchased by TransUnion) to produce a Wireless 411 service.
Their goal was to pool their listings to create a comprehensive
directory of cell phone customer names and phone numbers that would be
made available to directory assistance providers.
Someone made the wild leap of reasoning that the proposed creation of
a cell phone directory was the equivalent of “giving cell phone numbers
to telemarketers” and began the chain of wildly inaccurate e-mails
warning cell phone users to register with the National Do Not Call List
in order to prevent this fate. This warning was overblown, for a couple
of major reasons:
The Wireless 411 service was to be strictly “opt-in” — that is, cell
phone customers would be included in the directory only if they
specifically requested to be added. The phone numbers of wireless
customers who did nothing would not be included, those who chose
to be listed could have their numbers removed from the directory if they
changed their minds, and there was no charge for requesting to be
included or choosing not to be included.
The Wireless 411 information was not to be included in
printed phone directories, distributed in other printed form, made
available via the Internet, or sold to telemarketers. It would be made
available only to operator service centers performing the 411 directory assistance service.
All of these points have been summed up in numerous media articles, such as the following from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
There is a grain of truth in the message making it
believable, but it’s wrong on two counts: Not all cell phone numbers
will be listed in the national directory planned for 2006. And
telemarketers will not have access to the directory. It is illegal for
marketers using auto-dialers and most do — to call wireless phone
Here’s the truth:
A national directory will be compiled, but numbers will be included
on an opt-in basis. If a cell phone subscriber does nothing, the number
will not be listed. When the directory is ready, it will be available
only as part of the existing 411 directory service, accessed by calling
in and asking for a specific number. It will not be published in a book
or on the Internet. And it will not be sold to telemarketers.
Cell phone subscribers can list their numbers on the do-not-call
registry if they choose, but there is no deadline to get on the list, as
the e-mail messages now circulating suggest[.]
Cellular users can choose to register their cell numbers with the
national Do Not Call registry as an additional measure of protection,
although FCC regulations already in place outlaw most types of
telemarketing calls to cell phones. (The CAN SPAM Act of 2003 prohibits
unsolicited commercial messages to wireless phones, and the Telephone
Consumer Protection Act of 1991 prohibits any calls to cell phones that
employ auto-dialers or any artificial or prerecorded voice messages.)
There is not (and never has been) a deadline to list one’s phone
number with the national Do Not Call Registry — it can be done at any
time. (Contrary to previous statements, the FTC announced in October 2007 that Do Not Call registry entries will notexpire
after five years, so those who signed up when the registry went into
effect in June 2003 will not have to register again in 2008.)
Unfortunately, customers have little recourse against telemarketers
who willfully ignore the Do Not Call Registry and violate other
restrictions against placing calls to cell phones. Violators can be
reported to the FCC, but that organization has limited resources to
investigate and take action regarding the thousands of cases reported to
them daily.
In March 2013, the FTC published “The Truth About Cell Phones and the National Do Not Call Registry,” in response to recirculating rumors about the national do not call database, cell phones, and telemarketers:
Contrary to re-circulating email:
There is no new cell phone national do not call database. There is only one National Do Not Call Registry. It is operated by the Federal Trade Commission and covers both cell and landline phone numbers.
Registering your cell or landline phone number is free. Once registered, a number stays on the Do Not Call Registry until the registration is canceled or service for the number is discontinued.
There is no deadline for registering a phone number on the Do Not Call Registry.
No numbers on the Do Not Call Registry are being released to telemarketers.