Lane Splitting: Educational Guidelines Legislation (California AB51) Update...7/28/16
The California Legislative session reconvenes on August 1st after the July summer break
AB 51 is back on the Senate Floor Session schedule on 8/1/16 as the 134th bill on the agenda for its third reading.
Note: With over 200 bills on the agenda, it is possible that AB51 may not be heard on 8/1, but should continue to maintain its position with the remaining unheard bills over the course of the week(s) until the Senate finally gets to it.
Third Reading:
Each bill introduced must be read three times before final passage. Third reading is the stage at which bills are eligible for Floor debate and final vote.
In the event it does pass a vote on the Senate Floor upon its third reading, AB 51 will then go back for approval by the House of Origin because of the changes made to the bill while it was in the Second House. This is called Concurrence…
… Approval by the House of origin to changes made to a bill while it was in the second House (e.g.., Assembly approval of Senate amendments to an Assembly bill).
If concurrence is denied, the bill is eligible to be sent to a two-house conference committee - A joint Assembly and Senate committee composed of six legislators, three from each House. The conference committee meets in public session to reconcile differences between the Assembly and Senate versions of a measure. Three Assembly conferees are chosen by the Speaker; three Senate conferees are chosen by the Senate Rules Committee.
If concurrence is approved, the bill will be forwarded to the Governor for his signature. If the Governor signs the bill, it will go into effect in January, 2017.