First Amendment. Click Image For Larger View
Caroline Kennedy Knows Obama is a Liar!
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On March 8, 2012 America’s Number One Enemy, Barack Hussein Obama, Secretly & Illegally Signed Into Law “The Federal Restricted Buildings And Grounds Improvement Act of 2011″
This Underhanded Secretly Enacted Attack on The Free Speech of All Americans By The Muslim Shit Bag Obama in The White House Further Underscores The Dangerousness of this Islamic Shit Bag Hell Bent on Destroying America!
The Colored Boy Obama Has Absolutely NO Respect For America, Our Way of Life, Our Constitution Or Our Founding Fathers.
He Has Proven Time And Time Again He Has NO Respect For Our Troops And Has Recently Begun Sending American F-16s, Tanks, Ammunition and war gear/Arms To His Scumbag Allies In The Muslim Brotherhood–A Documented Enemy of America And All Christians Worldwide.
As an American It Is Your OBLIGATION To Resist This Arrogant Colored Boy AND His Bosses in The Muslim Brotherhood!
This is America, Not Islam Central.
Or Is It?
See American Judge Andrew Napolitano Discussing This Attack on Freedom of Speech Here.