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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

AMA News & Notes - May 2011

May 2011

AMA News & Notes is a monthly publication compiled and edited by the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) Government Relations Department. Designed to inform motorcyclists of rights-related issues and events around the world, AMA News & Notes welcomes your input. Suggestions and editorial contributions can be sent to AMA Western States Representative, Nick Haris, by email at
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Washington, D.C.: The AMA is hosting a video contest called “Kids Just Want to Ride!” The video contest empowers those most impacted by the ban on youth-model motorcycles and ATVs -- kids and their families – to tell Congress just how important motorcycling is to them. The grand prize winner will receive a trip for three to Washington, D.C., to be the guest of honor at the AMA Family Capitol Hill Climb on May 26. To view contest details, prizes and rules, click here.

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Washington, D.C.: The AMA invites all youth riders and their families to attend the AMA Family Capitol Hill Climb on Thursday, May 26, at the nation’s Capitol. The day will begin with a welcome briefing followed by a press event and conclude with attendees meeting their member of congress to urge support for the Kids Just Want to Ride Act - legislation that, if approved by Congress, would exempt youth-model motorcycles and ATVs from the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) of 2008. Unless the CPSIA is repealed or modified, it will effectively ban the sale of youth-model motorcycles and ATVs at the end of 2011 due to concerns about the lead content of some parts.

If you plan to attend the AMA Family Capitol Hill Climb, please complete the registration form by Thursday, May 12. For event details, trip planning assistance, and help arranging a meeting with your member of Congress contact the AMA’s Grassroots Team by phone (202) 742-4310 or e-mail
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Washington D.C.: Legislation to be introduced in Congress that supports greater access to public lands. Representative and Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) along with Representative Rob Bishop (R-UT), Chairman of the House Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands and Representative Steve Pearce (R-NM), Chairman of the Congressional Western Caucus plan to introduce the Wilderness and Roadless Area Release Act of 2011 shortly. This bill would remove restrictions to motorized access on more than 40 million acres of public land nationwide.

According to a "Dear Colleague" letter circulated by McCarthy, Bishop and Pearce, the bill "...would release all Wilderness Study Areas (WSAs) and Inventoried Roadless Areas (IRAs), which have been recommended or evaluted as not suitable for wilderness by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) or the U.S. Forest Service (USFS)..."

Moreover, this legislation would terminate the U.S. Department of the Interior Secretarial Order 3310 as it relates to these lands. On Dec. 22, 2010, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar signed Secretarial Order 3310 creating a new land-use designation called Wild Lands that essentially allows officials in the BLM to manage public land as if it had received a "Wilderness" land-use designation from Congress, but without requiring congressional approval.

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Montgomery, Ala.: Senate Joint Resolution 17, sponsored by Sen. Dick Brewbaker (R-Montgomery) and signed by Governor Robert Bentley, urges the Alabama Department of Transportation to direct all available roadside traffic advisory signage to display the legend “Watch for Motorcycles” throughout the month of May 2011 when more urgent messages are not displayed.

Sacramento, Calif.: Assembly Bill 628, sponsored by Asm. Connie Conway (R-Visalia) would authorize, until January 1, 2017, the County of Inyo to establish a pilot project to designate combined use highways in the unincorporated area in the county. The bill links together existing roads in the unincorporated portion of the county to existing trails and trailheads on federal lands, and would provide a unified linkage of trail systems for off-highway motor vehicles.

AB-628 would require the County of Inyo, in consultation with the Department of the California Highway Patrol, the Department of Transportation, and the Department of Parks and Recreation to prepare and submit a report, to the Legislature no later than January 1, 2016 that evaluates the effectiveness of the pilot project, and contains specified information.

Johnson Valley, Calif.: Riders are encouraged to attend a series of public meetings on the proposed Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center base expansion. The proposal could restrict access to the Johnson Valley Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation Area. The meetings will focus on the recently released Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), and will be hosted by the United States Marine Corps (USMC) and the BLM. The DEIS analyzes potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed base expansion. Representatives from the USMC and the BLM will be on site to answer questions about the DEIS and address comments in an open house town hall format.

For further information, please contact the BLM Barstow Field Office, (760) 252-6000, or the Proposed 29 Palms Training Land and Airspace Acquisition Project, (760) 830-3764.


Boston, Mass.: House Bill 2179, sponsored by Rep. Anne Gobi (D-Spencer), would increase the penalties for vehicle operators who violate the right-of-way of another roadway user, resulting in serious bodily injury or death. Violators pleading or found guilty of a covered offense would be financially responsible to that injured person or persons, or their estate, for out of pocket medical or funeral expenses and actual lost wages in excess of what might otherwise be covered by the injured person’s liability insurance. They would also be responsible to the injured person’s insurers who may be obligated to pay such medical expenses.

Also House Bill 895, sponsored by Rep. Demetrius Atsalis (D-Barnstable), would prohibit a city or town from adopting an ordinance, by-law or rule or regulation banning the use of motorcycles on any public way.

Lansing, Mich.: Senate Bill 291, sponsored by Sen. Phillip J. Pavlov (R-St. Clair), would permit adult motorcycle operators and passengers who have held a motorcycle endorsement for at least two years or who have completed a motorcycle safety course approved by the state to make their own decision regarding motorcycle helmet use.
Proctor, Minn.: The 20th Ride to Work Day is scheduled for June 20, 2011. This annual event is intended to highlight how riding makes parking easier and increases traffic flow.

As every rider knows, motorcycles and scooters consume fewer resources per mile than automobiles and they take up less space in parking areas and on the roads. Riders are asked to pursue employer support for this form of transportation, and increased government and public awareness about riding's many benefits.

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Trenton, N.J.: Assembly Bill 1094, sponsored by Assembly Member Denise Coyle (R-Somerville) and Senate Bill 357, sponsored by Sen. Mike Doherty (R-Washington), would remove authority from the Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) to increase certain fees by regulation and rescinds previous fee increases for motorcycle registrations, among others. Registration fees for motorcycles were recently increased from $10 to $65 by the MVC. Future registration fees would be set by statute, not MVC regulation.
Albany, N.Y.: Senate Bill 798, sponsored by Sen. Catharine Young (R-Olean), would provide an exemption from the state’s registration requirement for certain ATVs and off-highway motorcycles. The exemption would only apply if the vehicle is used only on lands owned by the vehicle owner or where the vehicle owner has certain “contractual” rights to the land.
Raleigh, N.C.: House Bill 381, sponsored by Rep. John Torbett (R-Stanley), would prevent law enforcement agencies from establishing patterns for vehicle stops at checking stations based on a particular type of vehicle.

Pickerington, Ohio: The AMA has a supply of "Kids Just Want to Ride" and "Stop the Land Grab" decals. These decals are a great way to visibly show your stance against the law that could stop kids from riding forever and your opposition to unwarranted efforts by anti-access groups to restrict access to public lands. To request a decal, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to the address below and specify which decal(s) you would like on the attention line. If you are an AMA member, please include your membership number.
American Motorcyclist Association
Attn: Kids Ride (and/or) STLG
13515 Yarmouth Drive
Pickerington, OH 43147-8214

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Providence, R.I.: Senate Bill 307, sponsored by Sen. John J. Tassoni (D-Smithfield), would require public buildings to provide designated parking spaces for motorcycles at the rate of one space per total of 30 spaces. Unauthorized use of the designated space would result in a fine of $85.00. Signs designating parking spaces for motorcycle parking would be provided by the respective entity.

Columbia, S.C.: The House of Representatives has approved legislation that would make it illegal for anyone less than 9 years of age to operate an ATV. Gov. Nikki Haley (R) has indicated that she will sign the measure into law if it reaches her desk.

The All-Terrain Vehicle Safety Act, also known as "Chandler's Law", would not only make it illegal for anyone under the age of 9 to operate an ATV, it would also place limits on the use of ATVs by anyone under the age of 16. In lieu of an age-based ban, the AMA has asked state lawmakers to consider adopting a "size-fit" criterion for young riders and to focus on expanding youth safety training opportunities.

The House approved version of the bill, (H3562) was sent to the Senate on April 5..Its companion bill (S448) still resides in the Senate Committee on Fish, Game and Forestry.


Olympia, Wash.: SB 5800, which would allow the use of modified off-road motorcycles on public roads, has been passed out of the legislature and is awaiting the governor’s signature. The bill would require the Department of Licensing to create a declaration to be submitted by the motorcycle owner when applying for on-road registration of an off-road motorcycle.

The declaration must include the following: documentation of a safety inspection conducted by a licensed dealership or repair shop; documentation that the licensed dealership or repair shop did not charge more than $100 for the inspection, all of which goes to the dealership or repair shop; verification of the vehicle identification number; and a release signed by the owner that releases the state from liability.

AMA Government Relations News & Notes is a monthly service compiled and edited by the AMA Government Relations Staff to keep motorcyclists informed of happenings around the world. We welcome your news & views. Please submit all material to Nick Haris, AMA Western States Representative, 101 Constitution Ave., NW Suite 800W, Washington, DC 20001; fax (202) 742-4304 or e-mail to