ABATE of Fl Freedom rally 2011, the net tightens on the lobbyist/President Reichenbach
The ABATE of Florida "Legislative Warriors' once again made their annual pilgrimage to the Florida Capital in Tallahassee. We have long since given up trying to figure out why, since so many members do not bother entering the capital to advocate for their rights/safety. Maybe by now they are aware that Monday is a travel day for many legislators and coffee in the capital is high priced.
This year however there were a couple of twists that made attending very interesting for this writer.
We feel fairly certain that most readers by now have arrived at the conclusion that we are not very big fans of the ABATE Lobbyist/President, NCOM BOD member James D. Reichenbach. So we were quite surprised when he professed his love for this writer (video end of post).
We probably need to add a little background at this point lest regular readers think they are having flashbacks from the 60's.
Seems a reporter, Gregg Fox from channel 2 out of central Florida showed with cameraman in tow and a list of pertinent questions re: "FUNDs" similar to ones some of us have repeatedly asked with little success. But then we don't have the same "cred" as Fox does. Check him out here.
So we ain't gonna try and jump the gun on him, preferring instead to wait for his story. Were thinking it will be better than anything we have written in the last few years and are already salivating at the potential read .
However we must comment on how amusing it looked as Doc was trying to get away from Mr. Fox and his camera and then after referring Mr. Cox to ABATE 's legal counsel (sorry, we are still trying to determine if that might not be an oxymoron, but then we ain't to bright maybe it's just moron), The Legal Counsel didn't seem to want to slow down long enough to answer questions either.
We must have really looked bad because we couldn't keep up enough to catch audio.
So anyway, here's the gig. Approx. 187 bikes showed. We added 10 in case we under counted so your still below 200 which is one of their poorest turnouts to date.
As usual when Doc started to talk I turned my back to him wondering if he has that figured out yet. I did however find myself, as I was trying to decipher the rhetoric, thinking that this was very much like cult language or right wing supremacist (hmmm did we see any black bikers?) rhetoric railing against unseen and unnamed enemies out to get them. Mass paranoia maybe?
This writer finds it increasingly difficult to find a reason why Senator Evers would want to spend political capital on this group. But then hey, there's a reason for everything right. We do hear capital shoe shines are going up in price.
When the show was over it was time to go into the capital and lobby, as we said, few did. But then that's relative, since there were so few there.
We found ourselves listening to Doc being filmed railing about Airboat noise versus motorcycle noise wherein I had to search my burnt brain to remember the last time an air boat came down my street at 2:00am. He also railed about handicap parking stickers hanging from rearview mirrors as they may possibly block the view of a motorcycle coming up the rear (we have and will post the video when we get our good puter back). It was then that it hit me. Damn all them ABATE of Florida air fresheners they gave out, to be hung from rear view mirrors, must have been transparent!
How lucky can any one organization be to have a leader with such foresight (airboats?) .
So whilst Im standing there, by myself pondering such genius, all of sudden I see Doc running, well o.k. for Doc it was running o.k., he has sort legs. But we won't discriminate. So yeah he's running over to me with some of his do boys, why does he always bring do boys, ands say, "rc, I hate your mother fucking guts and wanna kick your ass."
Well ya see Doc, ya keep saying that, but ya just don't ever do nothing cept turn your head the other way if you see me walking down the hallway and your without your "crew".
So, stupid me I ain't got my camera on, so I grab it, turn on the video, and record the following:
This may shed some light on the whole thing.