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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What a great story! Motorcycle Fan Gets 'Dream' Ride

Motorcycle Fan Gets 'Dream' Ride At 101 Don White Bought First Motorcycle In 1920s POSTED: 2:27 pm CDT May 29, 2010 UPDATED: 10:02 am CDT May 31, 2010 Email Print Comments (14) OMAHA, Neb. -- An Omaha man who spent a lifetime loving motorcycles got a special ride around the block to help celebrate his upcoming 102nd birthday.
Don White said he bought his first motorcycle in the 1920s.
"Being a kid, why, I took the pipes off and made as much noise as I could," he said. "I'd strap my shotgun on the back end and take off at five o'clock in the morning."
He said the feeling of riding a motorcycle never gets old.
"It gives you a freedom that you don't have in everyday normal life," he said. "It's a great freedom."
He said his birthday wish was to take another ride, and he knew he was up for it. The Gold Wing Riders made the trip possible.
"I've drank a lot of milk since back in the 20s and I think that's kept my bone structure up," he said. "Constant activity has made a difference in my life."
Don White enjoys his motorcycle ride in advance of his 102nd birthday.
White said that love has made a difference, too. His 101-year-old wife, Lillian, is too ill to watch his ride.
"God bless her," he said. "I'd take my wife if I could, but she's in a nurse's care."
He said he'll ride on, passing along some advice that he's learned.
"I don't look to future days," he said. "Just live life as you see it."
White will turn 102 in October. He and his wife also celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary this year.